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Alex Gilbey - Re-signed for MK Dons (p37)



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    We appear to pick up some players who have worldly moments at other clubs only for them to underperform for us. I actually put that more down to coaching and management than the players themselves. If you buy players who are good or comfortable in a position and then choose to ask them to play in a range of positions alien to them what results do we expect. There aren’t many Steve Gritt type players out there nowadays… Hope he stays and has us purring!
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    I can see the good player in there. My view it is up to the manager to get it out as much as it is Gilbey's.
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    Isn’t Purrington out of contract at the end of the month? He was mentioned as one we offered a contract but not heard anything since. 
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    There is a player in Gilbey: POTY 2 seasons running at MKD, Curbs rates him, we've seen it ourselves at times. Yet his form fell off a cliff after Christmas.

    What's happened then? Many of us are quick to criticise rightly or wrongly, but most are only looking at the symptoms (his poor form during the 2nd half of the season).
    To get the answer, we first need to know the cause.

    Also I don't understand the leaks/rumours that Gilbey has been told he can leave.
    On what basis? Watching last season's match footage? The players are not returned yet and the new manager has not even seen Gilbey in training, likely not even had the chance to sit down and chat with him. 

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    Part of the problem with our squad is the excuses that come out every summer trying to keep hold of every single player that has been awful for us. 

    Gilbey has been rubbish, move him on. 
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    We appear to pick up some players who have worldly moments at other clubs only for them to underperform for us. I actually put that more down to coaching and management than the players themselves. If you buy players who are good or comfortable in a position and then choose to ask them to play in a range of positions alien to them what results do we expect. There aren’t many Steve Gritt type players out there nowadays… Hope he stays and has us purring!
    This is the problem and has been since the January we were in the championship.  Since then the indisputable success, in the position and system we signed them for, you can probably count on 1 hand?  In the 5 windows previously you could count the failers on one hand.

    My philosophy on the squad cap would be 2 players for ever position (in both a 433 and a 352) + Aneke and Inniss.  That would mean you need at least one U21.  Every single one of them needs to either be good enough to be first choice or can do a job in 2 or 3 positions.   Gilbey (and plenty of others) doesn't.  He is one I would look to move on now. 

    I was a fan under Adkins, even this season, and under caretaker Jackson as well. 

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    The other thing they might be bearing in mind is that Gilbey has one year left on his deal and will probably be a back up player this year. Given that there's a lot of work to do on the first team they might be looking to cash in on him now for however small an amount that might be rather than letting him go for free next summer.
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    edited June 2022
    The man runs around a lot and is quite good running with the ball. Has an inconsistent first touch and can’t reliably pass a ball 5 yards sideways. 

    If we’re going to retain a high percentage of possession next season, as seems to be Garner’s preferred style, then we can’t have midfielders who give the ball away every second time they get it.

    As it stands, midfield might be the one area we have the first choice players sorted in Dobson, JFC, and  Fraser. Morgan is a more suitable backup than Gilbey in this brave new world of ours because passing is probably his best asset. 

    Gilbey’s not the worst player we’ve ever had but has he shown any real signs of being the standard we need? He wouldn’t even have made the bench at Wembley 3 years ago. Really, there’s almost none of this lot that I would be particularly bothered about leaving but obviously a key part of the decision is how good their replacements will be. 
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    edited June 2022
    Harsh on Gilbey. Had Covid last season & he admitted it took him a while to get back to full fitness.....and I think he suffers from asthma too which can't have helped.

    Fine if you want to move him on, but before you go make sure you have a BETTER replacement coming in as this has been our failings in the recent past. Replacing mediocrity with dross gets you to 13th in the League. 

    Yup... we sell a player first... Every Agent we try to approach will be telling the club / players that we're after that we suddenly have double the amount of money we truly have, and that we're trying to under value the person they represent.
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    More spare seats on the mini bus to Spain. 
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    Harsh on Gilbey. Had Covid last season & he admitted it took him a while to get back to full fitness.....and I think he suffers from asthma too which can't have helped.

    Fine if you want to move him on, but before you go make sure you have a BETTER replacement coming in as this has been our failings in the recent past. Replacing mediocrity with dross gets you to 13th in the League. 

    These are fair points, but for me his stamina and engine for want of a better term look good.  I would say his fitness and ability to keep going over 90 mins isn’t a problem, it’s pretty much everything else with his game.  Doesn’t score, doesn’t create.  The runs look good but seldom result in anything and I think we’d struggle to push on if we persevered with him.

    completely agree re: the better replacement but that’s pretty much true all over the squad at the moment.  There’s not enough quality in anyone one position 
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    There's signs of a good player in there but I don't think Jackson was the right coach to get it out of him, certainly it was not a formation that suited him.

    Whether Garner is the coach and will play the right formation remains to be seen.
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    edited June 2022
    cabbles said:
    Harsh on Gilbey. Had Covid last season & he admitted it took him a while to get back to full fitness.....and I think he suffers from asthma too which can't have helped.

    Fine if you want to move him on, but before you go make sure you have a BETTER replacement coming in as this has been our failings in the recent past. Replacing mediocrity with dross gets you to 13th in the League. 

    These are fair points, but for me his stamina and engine for want of a better term look good.  I would say his fitness and ability to keep going over 90 mins isn’t a problem, it’s pretty much everything else with his game.  Doesn’t score, doesn’t create.  The runs look good but seldom result in anything and I think we’d struggle to push on if we persevered with him.

    completely agree re: the better replacement but that’s pretty much true all over the squad at the moment.  There’s not enough quality in anyone one position 
    Certainly agree with this, and have sympathies with SELR’s earlier point, about we how it often feels like we are disappointed with the team as whole performance all year, but then it comes to this point and there’s a big enough section of fans who don’t seem to want individual players to leave. 

    However that being said, I just personally find it hard to judge our midfielder players on whole as think none of them were ever going to look good, or do well, in Jackson’s system at least and the style of play he demanded. 
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    Oggy Red said:
    There is a player in Gilbey: POTY 2 seasons running at MKD, Curbs rates him, we've seen it ourselves at times. Yet his form fell off a cliff after Christmas.

    What's happened then? Many of us are quick to criticise rightly or wrongly, but most are only looking at the symptoms (his poor form during the 2nd half of the season).
    To get the answer, we first need to know the cause.

    Also I don't understand the leaks/rumours that Gilbey has been told he can leave.
    On what basis? Watching last season's match footage? The players are not returned yet and the new manager has not even seen Gilbey in training, likely not even had the chance to sit down and chat with him. 

    Maybe, who knows, maybe it’s Gilbey who has asked to leave and we have agreed depending on certain conditions ie a fee of at least 100k for example. I don’t know, just surmising, but agree it’s odd if we have to,d him he is free to leave without Garner having assessed his ability first.
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    Garner immediately in my good books if this is true
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    The man runs around a lot and is quite good running with the ball. Has an inconsistent first touch and can’t reliably pass a ball 5 yards sideways. 

    If we’re going to retain a high percentage of possession next season, as high seems to be Garner’s preferred style, then we can’t have midfielders who give the ball away every second time they get it.

    As it stands, midfield might be the one area we have the first choice players sorted in Dobson, JFC, and  Fraser. Morgan is a more suitable backup than Gilbey in this brave new world of ours because. 

    Gilbey’s not the worst player we’ve ever had but has he shown any real signs of being the standard we need? He wouldn’t even have made the bench at Wembley 3 years ago. Really, there’s almost none of this lot that I would be particularly bothered about leaving but obviously a key part of the decision is how good their replacements will be. 
    I have been one of the people defending him over the season, because I can see a player there. But as the season drew to a conclusion, I increasingly grew tired of him. The bit in bold is the main reason why. 

    He gets the ball, makes an excellent 10 yard run passed his marker to open up the game, and hardly ever finds his target.

    We have not seen the best of Fraser yet, but when you watch him, every pass has the right weight and is always just infront of the man where you’d want it. 

    If the intention is to play a 3 man midfield and Dobson and Fraser are 2 of them, Gilbey is not good enough to be the third. How I wish we could convince Camara from Plymouth that he could be that person.
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    edited June 2022
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    He gets in goal scoring positions more than most midfielders. Granted, he hasn't been converting them but that fact stays in my mind and represents possibilities that we need to explore IMO.
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    I’d keep him as a backup personally, especially if we’re playing a 4-3-3. I think In a good team he’d be a much better player. 
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    Let’s not forget he was Player of the year at a very successful MKD team in season 18/19.  Could it be that his performance has deteriorated due to poor players around him at Charlton? May well be a different and much better player with an experienced coach/ manager. 

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    cabbles said:
    Harsh on Gilbey. Had Covid last season & he admitted it took him a while to get back to full fitness.....and I think he suffers from asthma too which can't have helped.

    Fine if you want to move him on, but before you go make sure you have a BETTER replacement coming in as this has been our failings in the recent past. Replacing mediocrity with dross gets you to 13th in the League. 

    These are fair points, but for me his stamina and engine for want of a better term look good.  I would say his fitness and ability to keep going over 90 mins isn’t a problem, it’s pretty much everything else with his game.  Doesn’t score, doesn’t create.  The runs look good but seldom result in anything and I think we’d struggle to push on if we persevered with him.

    completely agree re: the better replacement but that’s pretty much true all over the squad at the moment.  There’s not enough quality in anyone one position 
    Certainly agree with this, and have sympathies with SELR’s earlier point, about we how it often feels like we are disappointed with the team as whole performance all year, but then it comes to this point and there’s a big enough section of fans who don’t seem to want individual players to leave. 

    However that being said, I just personally find it hard to judge our midfielder players on whole as think none of them were ever going to look good, or do well, in Jackson’s system at least and the style of play he demanded. 
    The midfield didn't look good in Bowyers last season, didn't look good in Nigel Adkins start of last season, so I don't think it had anything to do with Jacksons system. I think our midfield has been inept for a couple of seasons. 
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    It has been said 2 players have been told they are not needed, people seem certain one is Purrington, if the 2nd is not Gilbey then who is it????
    could it be DJ or Kirk or......  ?
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    Unless he's played out of position all his career, he approx averages 1 goal per 10 games. 

    He'll be given another season as he's in contract.
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    mendonca said:
    Unless he's played out of position all his career, he approx averages 1 goal per 10 games. 

    He'll be given another season as he's in contract.
    I don’t think we can rule out some moving on despite being under contract. TS has his manager in place who has the same philosophy as him, he needs to back him by trusting his decisions. I hope we’ll see Garner improve players but some aren’t going to fit the system so it makes sense to move them on if we can.
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    I am in two minds about Gilbey. 

    For context lets remember that one of his Poty awards for Mkd was in a relegated team and the other in L2 although they were promoted. 
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