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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



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    I think its quite likely they will go to the Court of Appeal, I see little reason for them not to.

    At worst, the sale goes through before they get the chance and their position remains the same in having to look for damages. At best, it gives a chance at injunction. 

    Does mean higher legal fees, that's the only big question mark considering they haven't yet paid the £1 Lex Dominus spent on the club. 
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    I think its quite likely they will go to the Court of Appeal, I see little reason for them not to.

    At worst, the sale goes through before they get the chance and their position remains the same in having to look for damages. At best, it gives a chance at injunction. 

    Does mean higher legal fees, that's the only big question mark considering they haven't yet paid the £1 Lex Dominus spent on the club. 
    Just hope that the Judge doesnt let them have a seven day injunction!!
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    edited September 2020
    Kashashy now on hold after that decision hahaha
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    Surely he can't give them a 7 day restraint. Please.
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    I don't normally have a lot of time for judges. 
    But I'm loving him.
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    se9addick said:
    Has Nimer bought a club for £1, found some mugs to put hundreds of thousands in to finer bills, about to sell it for millions and will be basically long gone by should any future judgement say that he needs to make some sort of restitution? 

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    Surely he can't give them a 7 day restraint. Please.
    If the judge says no, that may suggest it is very close to happening
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    Can't see him granting that, it's the same as an injunction pretty much 
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    If it goes to the Court of Appeal then Chaisty gets a few more days of billable work - an understandable motivation that I'm sure he'd deny. Meanwhile PE racks up more legal costs that he has little chance of recovering. Indeed if he persists in using Chaisty and Panorama Magic continue to have access to Lauren's time PE has every chance of forking the bill for his own and Panorama's legal costs.

    How long before we see Lex Dominus chasing IPS Law for compensation?
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    ButtleJR said:
    Kashashy now on hold after that decision hahaha
     Presumably on the blower to Elliott..
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    se9addick said:
    Has Nimer bought a club for £1, found some mugs to put hundreds of thousands in to finer bills, about to sell it for millions and will be basically long gone by should any future judgement say that he needs to make some sort of restitution? 
    The guy is teflon. Buys a club for a quid. Gets someone else to pay the wages and then walks away with 2 mil. 
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    Chaisty asking for an injunction to restrain dealing of shares for "a matter of a few days".
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    And what then after a few days
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    A big weakness in the argument for a 7 day freeze, is that in arguments yesterday, Chaisty argued there was no evidence of an imminent sale. What benefit exists therefore for a temporary freeze if nothing is imminent?
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    Chaisty concerned that even a short delay in getting leave to appeal might mean #cafc could be sold to @SandgaardThomas before that.
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    Chaisty asking for an injunction to restrain dealing of shares for "a matter of a few days".
    Which would be annoying but pretty minor compared to November...
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    A big weakness in the argument for a 7 day freeze, is that in arguments yesterday, Chaisty argued there was no evidence of an imminent sale. What benefit exists therefore for a temporary freeze if nothing is imminent?
    Yeah should be turned down seeing that Chaisty went with the argument yesterday that a takeover wasnt imminent
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    i would love it if Kreamer sticks on a Charlton top to end it. 
    There is absolutely ZERO conflict of interest in LK representing Panorama and being a recent, former board member of CAST and current and passionate Addick.
    CAFC is not a party to the proceedings and to the extent that she has an emotional interest in the asset in dispute, that is completely immaterial to the claim and the defence.
    There are however MULTIPLE conflicts of interest for Mr Farnell who lodged this complaint and has represented both parties to these proceedings - bloody rich for PE's QC to kvetch about it.
    100% agree with that view. Makes you wonder why LK stepped down from CAST if (legally) there cannot be a conflict of interest. Maybe she was just being ultra cautious ("whiter than white")
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    Chaisty concerned that even a short delay in getting leave to appeal might mean #cafc could be sold to @SandgaardThomas before that.
    I hate this guy....just piss off
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    So he's now brought up Thomas Sandgaard as an imminent owner, but why should a judge overturn his own decision (that he has made twice) to allow Elliott to go over his head to the court of appeal
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    Chaisty asking for an injunction to restrain dealing of shares for "a matter of a few days".
    Which would be annoying but pretty minor compared to November...
    Still frustrating as stops Bowyer from bringing in these five / six players that he mentioned last night
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    I've found a recent case where there was an  appeal against a refusal to grant an interim injunction (medical patent case). 

    3 June 2020 - interim injunction refused

    18 June 2020 - hearing before court of appeal (unclear when permission was granted). Appeal failed

    If Thomas does get his skates on and gets the deal through this week, we should be OK whatever
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    Last hurdle, this is it 
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    Just fuck off you pain in the arse
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    Chaisty clutching to straws now, trying to get the judge to google Charlton Athletic? 
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    Pearce saying he hasn't seen the material in the public domain. Chaisty saying easy to see reports of Sandgaard being in the country to try and do a deal. Pearce asking to be pointed to a certain website.

    Judge says he hasn’t seen material in public domain re @SandgaardThomas and wonders if he should be. Chaisty suggests that he Googles it. Judge not keen.
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    Why didnt Chaisty take this approach yesterday?
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    Chaisty getting impatient.. :) 
This discussion has been closed.

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