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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



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    🤞🏻Cmon the right thing please...just fuck these cretins off
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    Asking for a cheeky injunction the day after not getting an injunction. Doesn't sound like the judge is too impressed with this line of argument
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    We're so close and in typical Charlton fashion I can see it going wrong at the last moment.
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    Why didnt Chaisty take this approach yesterday?
    Because he is so arrogant that he thought it was in the bag. 
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    se9addick said:
    Has Nimer bought a club for £1, found some mugs to put hundreds of thousands in to fund  bills, about to sell it for millions and will be basically long gone by should any future judgement say that he needs to make some sort of restitution? 
    Yup and people call him thick...... 
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    We're so close and in typical Charlton fashion I can see it going wrong at the last moment.
    Of course it will . This is Charlton 
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    If Judge googles he will see TS everywhere, how will this affect anything
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    Do court cases normally involve a QC asking the judge to google something?
    Suppose its helping that the Judge is at home
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    Rob7Lee said:
    Appeal not granted.
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    So he said no injunction yesterday. He said no appeal today. And now he’s being asked for a short injunction so they can appeal. 
    HE MUST SAY NO! or look stupid. 
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    edited September 2020
    i would love it if Kreamer sticks on a Charlton top to end it. 
    There is absolutely ZERO conflict of interest in LK representing Panorama and being a recent, former board member of CAST and current and passionate Addick.
    CAFC is not a party to the proceedings and to the extent that she has an emotional interest in the asset in dispute, that is completely immaterial to the claim and the defence.
    There are however MULTIPLE conflicts of interest for Mr Farnell who lodged this complaint and has represented both parties to these proceedings - bloody rich for PE's QC to kvetch about it.
    Kvetch.  Not a word we hear enough of @PeanutsMolloy   One for @SE7toSG3

    Along with pyrrhic and draconian from their QC.
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    Do court cases normally involve a QC asking the judge to google something?
    Suppose its helping that the Judge is at home
    ah, explains why he didn't close early yesterday to slope off for a G & T ...
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    Jints said:
    My understanding (solicitor but not in this field). First a request for permission to appeal has to be made to Pearce - that's what they are doing today. Usually these get refused unless there is a clear point of law which the judge thinks important enough to go to the Court of Appeal . 

    If refused, an application for permission to appeal is made to the Court of Appeal. It is considered by a single judge on the papers. If refused, in some circumstances the appellant can ask for a short hearing about the permission. If permission is granted then the hearing goes ahead in front of three judges. 

    What I'm not sure about is timelines on injunctions. I have a case which my side won. The other side was refused permission from the original court but got permission from the Court of Appeal. That took about 6 weeks. The hearing won't take place for more than a year because the Court of Appeal is so backed up. 

    I guess they could apply for an emergency interim injunction from the CoA but I would have thought you would need a really important high profile case to get that fast tracked. 
    You can do a emergency interim application to the COA over the phone, 
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    Unlike London, Manchester could take trial in November so in order to achieve a speedy trial strong argument to hold it in Manchester. Declines transfer.
    Another embargo.....😆
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    Thought jurors are told,do not be influenced in what they see or read in the why not the Judges also...??
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    Why didnt Chaisty take this approach yesterday?
    Because he is so arrogant that he thought it was in the bag. 
    Judge should ask him why he went with the opposite line yesterday if this is the case
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    Why didnt Chaisty take this approach yesterday?
    Because yesterday's game was to spend 80 mins carrying out a character assassination on Mihail, which tbf, worked, opinions and influence can matter and sway decisions in court. 

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    Chaisty now directing to Football League World. "i'm sure there are others."

    Yeah why ignore more reliable sites...
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    Chaisty now directing to Football League World. "i'm sure there are others."

    Yeah why ignore more reliable sites...

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    Reports of Sandgaard being close is pure speculation.. Not any actual proof
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    Why didnt Chaisty take this approach yesterday?
    Because he is so arrogant that he thought it was in the bag. 
    Judge should ask him why he went with the opposite line yesterday if this is the case

    This. He is asking the judge to google but TS was in the country before yesterday. 
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    Football League World just lift off other sites - funny they have been mentioned!
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    Reports of Sandgaard being close is pure speculation.. Not any actual proof
    He actually said this yesterday. "Pure media speculation" and no actual evidence

    How he's using the media speculation as evidence
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    The judge is looking at Football League World. It's basically the quotes from Marian Mihail which initially were on the club website earlier today.

    Judge looking at webpage from Football League World - not an original source!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!