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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



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    Probably going to take the Judge a few mins just to bypass the advertising on that site...
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    If we are sold in the meantime then what would be the point of an appeal?

    That's what's confusing me
    They want an appeal to get yesterday's decision overturned, so they get their injunction to prevent a sale.
    if Pearce doesn't grant leave to appeal then they can appeal directly to the Court of Appeal but it will be too late to stop a sale to TS or another party. This is all about getting their 'fair' share of whatever ESI sell to TNS for.
    Correct. The danger is if Pearce does grant an appeal, which is heard before a sale can go through.
    just means if an appeal was to be heard in two weeks the sale would need to go through by then. I don't think he'll grant it but leave it to them to go to the Court of Appeal which means it will take even longer.
    Correct, but most people didn't appear to understand that there was a danger that the judge could grant an appeal which would be heard before a sale and possibly then preventing the sale.

    The court of appeal option (a different appeal) was laways going to be further down the line and less of a concern.

    Anyway the judge has declined the appeal, so we now need TS to get the sale done, as there appears to be no legal reason to prevent it.
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    Good for Football League World, their day in the sun. 
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    Mihail’s @cafcofficial quotes on yesterday now being read to court by judge.
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    Mihail's statement on Football League World's website: “I imagine many of you will have seen pictures of Thomas Sandgaard at yesterday’s game and while I am sure you will appreciate we can’t go into detail, we can say that conversations with prospective buyers are progressing positively. I’d like to thank the staff directly involved, who are working tirelessly to provide information to support these ongoing discussions. There is still work to be done but yesterday’s decision allows us to focus on moving the club forward and putting these difficult times behind us.”
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    Oh this is getting quite amusing
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    I was struggling yesterday with why damages were not considered to be adequate remedy. Both ESI 1 & 2 are clearly only in it for (Sandgaard's) money. 
    So letting ESI 1 sell to TS and the crooks fight each other for the proceeds afterwards would seem an entirely reasonable course of action.
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    meldrew66 said:
    Mihail's statement on Football League World's website: “I imagine many of you will have seen pictures of Thomas Sandgaard at yesterday’s game and while I am sure you will appreciate we can’t go into detail, we can say that conversations with prospective buyers are progressing positively. I’d like to thank the staff directly involved, who are working tirelessly to provide information to support these ongoing discussions. There is still work to be done but yesterday’s decision allows us to focus on moving the club forward and putting these difficult times behind us.”
    ……...nothing (for once) from him to trip us up, I reckon re imminent timescales
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    Pearce saying there is a difference in a short-term injunction rather than a three-month one. Which is kind of obvious.
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    edited September 2020
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    "still work to be done"
    Not close, pure speculation 
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    Judge believes he has the power to make an injunction pending an intervention by the court of appeal.
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    Trial will be a Pyrrhic victory for Lex Dominus even if they win, says Chaisty. Therefore court of appeal should consider balance of convenience.
    Be honest, how many of you had to google "Pyrrhic". I know I did.
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    Is LK not speaking?
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    Are we fucked here...??
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    Are we fucked here...??
    This is similar chat to what the Judge came out with before passing judgement last night
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    Judge Pearce tends to state the obvious before passing judgement so everyone is fully aware of what he means
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    Are we fucked here...??
    No, I don't think so. 'Pure speculation' by Chaisty that the sale to TS is 'imminent'.
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    IdleHans said:
    I was struggling yesterday with why damages were not considered to be adequate remedy. Both ESI 1 & 2 are clearly only in it for (Sandgaard's) money. 
    So letting ESI 1 sell to TS and the crooks fight each other for the proceeds afterwards would seem an entirely reasonable course of action.
    I guess they would argue (a) they have no control over the sale price (b) Panorama could just be wound up immediately after the deal
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    Judge believes he has the power to make an injunction pending an intervention by the court of appeal.
    I have absolutely no idea what that means .
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    Are we fucked here...??
    This is similar chat to what the Judge came out with before passing judgement last night
    Yeah as it goes it was wasn’t it...but this is doing untold damage to my nerves here...
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    Judge Pearce tends to state the obvious before passing judgement so everyone is fully aware of what he means
    He'd make a good football pundit
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    Who was it that mentioned VAR yesterday...😬😬😬
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    Judge believes he has the power to make an injunction pending an intervention by the court of appeal.
    I have absolutely no idea what that means .
    Short term injunction while they try to get permission to appeal from Court of Appeal
This discussion has been closed.

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