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    seth plum said:
    The UK vaccine ‘success’ is driven by greed says the Tory prime minister.
    No shit Sherlock.
    Maybe something like cutting overseas aid to build nuclear weapons will be next...oh hang on.
    Lots of messengers to shoot, better than questioning the philosophy eh?
    Personally I think the vaccine success is driven by scientists across the world collaborating to tackle something collectively out of necessity aided by thousands of volunteers and ordinary workers.
    Those are the people to thank, not the greedy scammers who have made a fortune from this situation. Perhaps that’s what Dominic (herd immunity) Cummings meant when he said with crisis comes opportunity.
    I didn’t invent the story about what the Prime Minister said, but I feel sure I will be attacked for mentioning it and commenting on it.
    Shut up Seth, for God's sake
    It is new news related to the Vaccines and I have commented on it.
    Is that not allowed?
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    The profit motive described as greed.
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    Dansk_Red said:
    I had my first jab on 22nd January at doctors surgery, with no date given for second jab, just had a phone call from surgery,  2nd jab  has been arranged for this Friday, exactly 9weeks after the first.  
    nice and quick - what area are you in?
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    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
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    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
    I didn’t think me calling Republic of Ireland ‘Eire’ was that contentious 😉
    I'm sure someone will be along to correct me, but isn't it Éire? 😉
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    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
    I didn’t think me calling Republic of Ireland ‘Eire’ was that contentious 😉
    I'm sure someone will be along to correct me, but isn't it Éire? 😉
    It is, but I don’t know how to put thingy over the E !!!
  • Options
    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people person managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 

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    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
    I didn’t think me calling Republic of Ireland ‘Eire’ was that contentious 😉
    I'm sure someone will be along to correct me, but isn't it Éire? 😉
    It is, but I don’t know how to put thingy over the E !!!

    Just for clarity , the name or the country is now called the Republic Of Ireland
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    Éire is still used on their stamps, as shown on these commemorative Father Ted ones!

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    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
    I didn’t think me calling Republic of Ireland ‘Eire’ was that contentious 😉
    I'm sure someone will be along to correct me, but isn't it Éire? 😉
    It is, but I don’t know how to put thingy over the E !!!

    Just for clarity , the name or the country is now called the Republic Of Ireland
    My understanding is that you can use both - happy to be corrected though @KBslittlesis ?
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    My GP practice starts second jab Covid vaccinating today. About 8 weeks before I'll be there!
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    Had my vaccine this morning at the Vantage pharmacy in Catford. I’m 47 but I’m an unpaid carer for my Dad so got it that way. Very well done and the people that work there were friendly. I was enthused at the amount of BAME people having the jab as we have heard about scepticism in some of those communities. All in all, a seamless experience. 
    Well done, my daughter had it last week and she is 32, suffers from asthma, they called her and asked her if she wanted to come along.
    That’s good and a relief for yourself 👍
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    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
    I didn’t think me calling Republic of Ireland ‘Eire’ was that contentious 😉
    I'm sure someone will be along to correct me, but isn't it Éire? 😉
    It is, but I don’t know how to put thingy over the E !!!

    Just for clarity , the name or the country is now called the Republic Of Ireland
    My understanding is that you can use both - happy to be corrected though @KBslittlesis ?
    I thought the name of the country was just Ireland in everyday talk, with the Republic of Ireland (the official name) being used in the UK to distinguish between Ireland and Northern Ireland. 

    I could well be wrong though. 
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    se9addick said:
    No doubt this thread will go the same way as the coronavirus one (albeit temporarily). Always the same people managing to get informative threads closed down and always for the same reasons. 
    I didn’t think me calling Republic of Ireland ‘Eire’ was that contentious 😉
    I'm sure someone will be along to correct me, but isn't it Éire? 😉
    It is, but I don’t know how to put thingy over the E !!!

    Just for clarity , the name or the country is now called the Republic Of Ireland
    My understanding is that you can use both - happy to be corrected though @KBslittlesis ?
    I thought the name of the country was just Ireland in everyday talk, with the Republic of Ireland (the official name) being used in the UK to distinguish between Ireland and Northern Ireland. 

    I could well be wrong though. 
    The name of the state is Ireland in English and Éire in Irish.
    Both can be used.
    Republic of Ireland is used for the southern counties now instead of Southern Ireland.
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    stonemuse said:
    Dansk_Red said:
    I had my first jab on 22nd January at doctors surgery, with no date given for second jab, just had a phone call from surgery,  2nd jab  has been arranged for this Friday, exactly 9weeks after the first.  
    nice and quick - what area are you in?

    Belvedere (Lower)
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    Kentonline reporting that Kent's mass vaccination centres to temporarily close.

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    Kentonline reporting that Kent's mass vaccination centres to temporarily close.

    The bulk of the vaccinations throughout have been done by local centres (whether GP's/pharmacies or specially set up local centres) the majority of people have wanted these rather than a mass centre and take up there has been disappointing so I wouldn't read into this too much.
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    I got my first vaccine 5 weeks ago, received a text today asking me to book my next one for week 12 but the only available slots are for the next two days.

    do i book it as it’s on offer, possibly taking someone’s first jab or wait until week 12. Or have I received a text message because the plan is to concentrate on second jabs before offering first jabs?
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    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    The UK vaccine ‘success’ is driven by greed says the Tory prime minister.
    No shit Sherlock.
    Maybe something like cutting overseas aid to build nuclear weapons will be next...oh hang on.
    Lots of messengers to shoot, better than questioning the philosophy eh?
    Personally I think the vaccine success is driven by scientists across the world collaborating to tackle something collectively out of necessity aided by thousands of volunteers and ordinary workers.
    Those are the people to thank, not the greedy scammers who have made a fortune from this situation. Perhaps that’s what Dominic (herd immunity) Cummings meant when he said with crisis comes opportunity.
    I didn’t invent the story about what the Prime Minister said, but I feel sure I will be attacked for mentioning it and commenting on it.
    Shut up Seth, for God's sake
    It is new news related to the Vaccines and I have commented on it.
    Is that not allowed?
    If there was a competition for the world's most boring man you would win hands down.
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    This news story represents a step in the right direction:
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    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    The UK vaccine ‘success’ is driven by greed says the Tory prime minister.
    No shit Sherlock.
    Maybe something like cutting overseas aid to build nuclear weapons will be next...oh hang on.
    Lots of messengers to shoot, better than questioning the philosophy eh?
    Personally I think the vaccine success is driven by scientists across the world collaborating to tackle something collectively out of necessity aided by thousands of volunteers and ordinary workers.
    Those are the people to thank, not the greedy scammers who have made a fortune from this situation. Perhaps that’s what Dominic (herd immunity) Cummings meant when he said with crisis comes opportunity.
    I didn’t invent the story about what the Prime Minister said, but I feel sure I will be attacked for mentioning it and commenting on it.
    Shut up Seth, for God's sake
    It is new news related to the Vaccines and I have commented on it.
    Is that not allowed?
    If there was a competition for the world's most boring man you would win hands down.
    That's the spirit.
  • Options
    I got my first vaccine 5 weeks ago, received a text today asking me to book my next one for week 12 but the only available slots are for the next two days.

    do i book it as it’s on offer, possibly taking someone’s first jab or wait until week 12. Or have I received a text message because the plan is to concentrate on second jabs before offering first jabs?
    Do it. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t.
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