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    seth plum said:
    This news story represents a step in the right direction:
    As it should be ... I think the key is as Johnson says, companies might draw conclusions about future investments "in countries where arbitrary blockades are imposed". Pharmacy are not going to want to base factories in the EU if their exports are blocked. Good to see reason on both sides. 

    Incidentally, I find it strange that Biden is taking part in the EU meeting tomorrow to discuss this issue. 

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    stonemuse said:
    seth plum said:
    This news story represents a step in the right direction:
    As it should be ... I think the key is as Johnson says, companies might draw conclusions about future investments "in countries where arbitrary blockades are imposed". Pharmacy are not going to want to base factories in the EU if their exports are blocked. Good to see reason on both sides. 

    Incidentally, I find it strange that Biden is taking part in the EU meeting tomorrow to discuss this issue. 

    You think pharmacy would leave the EU? Where do you see them going instead?
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    carly.....where can I find this photo?
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    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    The UK vaccine ‘success’ is driven by greed says the Tory prime minister.
    No shit Sherlock.
    Maybe something like cutting overseas aid to build nuclear weapons will be next...oh hang on.
    Lots of messengers to shoot, better than questioning the philosophy eh?
    Personally I think the vaccine success is driven by scientists across the world collaborating to tackle something collectively out of necessity aided by thousands of volunteers and ordinary workers.
    Those are the people to thank, not the greedy scammers who have made a fortune from this situation. Perhaps that’s what Dominic (herd immunity) Cummings meant when he said with crisis comes opportunity.
    I didn’t invent the story about what the Prime Minister said, but I feel sure I will be attacked for mentioning it and commenting on it.
    Shut up Seth, for God's sake
    It is new news related to the Vaccines and I have commented on it.
    Is that not allowed?
    If there was a competition for the world's most boring man you would win hands down.
    I'd watch.
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    stonemuse said:
    seth plum said:
    This news story represents a step in the right direction:
    As it should be ... I think the key is as Johnson says, companies might draw conclusions about future investments "in countries where arbitrary blockades are imposed". Pharmacy are not going to want to base factories in the EU if their exports are blocked. Good to see reason on both sides. 

    Incidentally, I find it strange that Biden is taking part in the EU meeting tomorrow to discuss this issue. 

    You think pharmacy would leave the EU? Where do you see them going instead?
    They are churning out plenty of University educated youngsters who are finding it increasingly difficult to get into the UK, Canada and the US.
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    French brother and sister of my acquaintance have decided their Mum is going to get the vaccine as it's not safe.  Pointless pointing out to them that not having the vaccine is even less safe.

    American of my acquaintance said he's not going to have the vaccine, and his family isn't either, because he's not going to be forced to have it by the president because that's the first step to communism.  When I asked him for his source for Biden intending to force the vaccine on all US citizens, he unsurprisingly didn't have one.
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    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    The UK vaccine ‘success’ is driven by greed says the Tory prime minister.
    No shit Sherlock.
    Maybe something like cutting overseas aid to build nuclear weapons will be next...oh hang on.
    Lots of messengers to shoot, better than questioning the philosophy eh?
    Personally I think the vaccine success is driven by scientists across the world collaborating to tackle something collectively out of necessity aided by thousands of volunteers and ordinary workers.
    Those are the people to thank, not the greedy scammers who have made a fortune from this situation. Perhaps that’s what Dominic (herd immunity) Cummings meant when he said with crisis comes opportunity.
    I didn’t invent the story about what the Prime Minister said, but I feel sure I will be attacked for mentioning it and commenting on it.
    Shut up Seth, for God's sake
    It is new news related to the Vaccines and I have commented on it.
    Is that not allowed?
    If there was a competition for the world's most boring man you would win hands down.
    I thought that was @clb74?
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    seth plum said:
    seth plum said:
    The UK vaccine ‘success’ is driven by greed says the Tory prime minister.
    No shit Sherlock.
    Maybe something like cutting overseas aid to build nuclear weapons will be next...oh hang on.
    Lots of messengers to shoot, better than questioning the philosophy eh?
    Personally I think the vaccine success is driven by scientists across the world collaborating to tackle something collectively out of necessity aided by thousands of volunteers and ordinary workers.
    Those are the people to thank, not the greedy scammers who have made a fortune from this situation. Perhaps that’s what Dominic (herd immunity) Cummings meant when he said with crisis comes opportunity.
    I didn’t invent the story about what the Prime Minister said, but I feel sure I will be attacked for mentioning it and commenting on it.
    Shut up Seth, for God's sake
    It is new news related to the Vaccines and I have commented on it.
    Is that not allowed?
    If there was a competition for the world's most boring man you would win hands down.
    I thought that was @clb74?
    Oi less of the Boring.
    I'm a miserable b@stard.
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    French brother and sister of my acquaintance have decided their Mum is going to get the vaccine as it's not safe.  Pointless pointing out to them that not having the vaccine is even less safe.

    American of my acquaintance said he's not going to have the vaccine, and his family isn't either, because he's not going to be forced to have it by the president because that's the first step to communism.  When I asked him for his source for Biden intending to force the vaccine on all US citizens, he unsurprisingly didn't have one.
    The human race is devolving. We reached our peak some time in the eighties. Its all downhill from now
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    French brother and sister of my acquaintance have decided their Mum is going to get the vaccine as it's not safe.  Pointless pointing out to them that not having the vaccine is even less safe.

    American of my acquaintance said he's not going to have the vaccine, and his family isn't either, because he's not going to be forced to have it by the president because that's the first step to communism.  When I asked him for his source for Biden intending to force the vaccine on all US citizens, he unsurprisingly didn't have one.
    The human race is devolving. We reached our peak some time in the eighties. Its all downhill from now
    Never thought of it like that but jeez, I think you’re right. Can’t be a coincidence that was the around the time the interweb came into our lives.
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    For those who have had the jab, and have an achy arm, how long did it take for the ache to go?

    Im 6 days in, and it stills feels like being punched in the arm continuously, not trying to put people off having it, just being honest.

    Id tried putting some roll on cool freeze on it to take away the pain, which I’ve used for back pain before, but a big red rash has appeared.
  • Options
    For those who have had the jab, and have an achy arm, how long did it take for the ache to go?

    Im 6 days in, and it stills feels like being punched in the arm continuously, not trying to put people off having it, just being honest.

    Id tried putting some roll on cool freeze on it to take away the pain, which I’ve used for back pain before, but a big red rash has appeared.
    Mine lasted over a week, but gradually became less painful. Hopefully it shows your body is responding very efficiently to the vaccine. 
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    Had mine yesterday and feel absolutely shattered today.

    And a dead arm I’ve not felt since school 😂
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    For those who have had the jab, and have an achy arm, how long did it take for the ache to go?

    Im 6 days in, and it stills feels like being punched in the arm continuously, not trying to put people off having it, just being honest.

    Id tried putting some roll on cool freeze on it to take away the pain, which I’ve used for back pain before, but a big red rash has appeared.
    Mine lasted over a week, but gradually became less painful. Hopefully it shows your body is responding very efficiently to the vaccine. 
    Both for my wife and I the arm ache went after a couple of days so seems to vary.
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    People in England aged over 50 and in at-risk categories are being urged to book their Covid-19 jabs before next Monday when slots are set to dry up.

    The NHS said anyone who currently qualifies but has not had a first dose of a vaccine should arrange an appointment by 29 March.

    Officials expect a slowdown in vaccine supplies in April and medics will be focusing on providing second doses.

    Ministers say the plan to offer a first dose to all adults by July is on track.

    But NHS England said no first appointments should be booked next month for people under the age of 50 unless they fall into a higher priority group, such as those who are clinically vulnerable.

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    For those who have had the jab, and have an achy arm, how long did it take for the ache to go?

    Im 6 days in, and it stills feels like being punched in the arm continuously, not trying to put people off having it, just being honest.

    Id tried putting some roll on cool freeze on it to take away the pain, which I’ve used for back pain before, but a big red rash has appeared.
    I’m two weeks in and the bad arm went after 3/4 days but it still hurts now if any pressure is put on it
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    AstraZeneca has updated the efficacy result of its coronavirus vaccine trial in the US, after health officials insisted they wanted to include the latest information.

    The Anglo-Swedish firm has now adjusted the efficacy rate of its vaccine from 79% to 76%.

    Further data from the US trial showed efficacy among the over 65s rose from 80% to 85%.

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    clive said:

    AstraZeneca has updated the efficacy result of its coronavirus vaccine trial in the US, after health officials insisted they wanted to include the latest information.

    The Anglo-Swedish firm has now adjusted the efficacy rate of its vaccine from 79% to 76%.

    Further data from the US trial showed efficacy among the over 65s rose from 80% to 85%.

    It's a pity Astrazeneca have been so cavalier with the figures they have released right from the beginning. It casts more doubt for vaccine sceptics to use.
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    For those who have had the jab, and have an achy arm, how long did it take for the ache to go?

    Im 6 days in, and it stills feels like being punched in the arm continuously, not trying to put people off having it, just being honest.

    Id tried putting some roll on cool freeze on it to take away the pain, which I’ve used for back pain before, but a big red rash has appeared.
    I had a minor ache for a few days, only slightly troublesome if I was lying on it and even then it wasn't that bad.
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    Nadou said:
    clive said:

    AstraZeneca has updated the efficacy result of its coronavirus vaccine trial in the US, after health officials insisted they wanted to include the latest information.

    The Anglo-Swedish firm has now adjusted the efficacy rate of its vaccine from 79% to 76%.

    Further data from the US trial showed efficacy among the over 65s rose from 80% to 85%.

    It's a pity Astrazeneca have been so cavalier with the figures they have released right from the beginning. It casts more doubt for vaccine sceptics to use.
    They haven't been cavalier at all. Where do you draw that conclusion from? What has been cavalier is the stupidity of journalists reporting on statistical data without understanding it correctly. 
    quite right
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    Nadou said:
    clive said:

    AstraZeneca has updated the efficacy result of its coronavirus vaccine trial in the US, after health officials insisted they wanted to include the latest information.

    The Anglo-Swedish firm has now adjusted the efficacy rate of its vaccine from 79% to 76%.

    Further data from the US trial showed efficacy among the over 65s rose from 80% to 85%.

    It's a pity Astrazeneca have been so cavalier with the figures they have released right from the beginning. It casts more doubt for vaccine sceptics to use.
    They haven't been cavalier at all. Where do you draw that conclusion from? What has been cavalier is the stupidity of journalists reporting on statistical data without understanding it correctly. 
    I don't think so. The latest balls-up was spotted by the US National Institutes of Health, not stupid journalists. And the flaw in the figures - using outdated information - had to be rectified by AZ who had to alter the figures downwards in one case and upwards in another. Nothing to do with journalists misinterpreting anything. My point - and it comes from one who has had the AZ jab and is grateful - is that AZ have, from the beginning with the nonsense about the half-doses, been less than careful with the information they have issued and that it to be regretted.
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    More data that is spotted as wrong = more ammunition for vaccine sceptics. Surely no one wants that.
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    Nadou said:
    Nadou said:
    clive said:

    AstraZeneca has updated the efficacy result of its coronavirus vaccine trial in the US, after health officials insisted they wanted to include the latest information.

    The Anglo-Swedish firm has now adjusted the efficacy rate of its vaccine from 79% to 76%.

    Further data from the US trial showed efficacy among the over 65s rose from 80% to 85%.

    It's a pity Astrazeneca have been so cavalier with the figures they have released right from the beginning. It casts more doubt for vaccine sceptics to use.
    They haven't been cavalier at all. Where do you draw that conclusion from? What has been cavalier is the stupidity of journalists reporting on statistical data without understanding it correctly. 
    I don't think so. The latest balls-up was spotted by the US National Institutes of Health, not stupid journalists. And the flaw in the figures - using outdated information - had to be rectified by AZ who had to alter the figures downwards in one case and upwards in another. Nothing to do with journalists misinterpreting anything. My point - and it comes from one who has had the AZ jab and is grateful - is that AZ have, from the beginning with the nonsense about the half-doses, been less than careful with the information they have issued and that it to be regretted.
    Completely wrong. No balls up at all. Its simply a case that as more testing of the vaccine is done and analysed for approval by different organisation the overall picture has changed with that new information and so they have updated the figure. Its gonna keep happening the more the vaccine gets used. Movement of a couple of percentage points in either direction is pretty irrelevant given they are nearly double as effective as the average flu vaccine. Information around the Efficacy of the pfizer vaccine has been updated just as many times. The same goes for the moderna one and others just as they aren't in mass use over here they haven't had the press attention.

    More testing = More information = updated headline figure = more usage = more information = updated headline figure. And repeat.
    Not completely wrong. The balls up was spotted by the US. It was reported on the news here a couple of days ago. 
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