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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



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    I fear we are going to make the same tactical error re LB as we made re CB in last January’s window. If so, what is it with our recruitment team’s inability to deal with the glaringly obvious? Hope my concerns are unfounded and a LB is one of the 2-3 we sign today. 
    Even if we do sign a left back it's either going to be a teenager from a Premier League club or a player being forced out somewhere else who hasn't had any game time. It's hardly going to be a player you have identified, tracked & had been the player you wanted since June.
    Although unlikely, it could be that exact sort of player, with the selling club trying to line up a prem loan as a replacement before they’ll sell.
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    edited August 2021
    I fear we are going to make the same tactical error re LB as we made re CB in last January’s window. If so, what is it with our recruitment team’s inability to deal with the glaringly obvious? Hope my concerns are unfounded and a LB is one of the 2-3 we sign today. 
    Even if we do sign a left back it's either going to be a teenager from a Premier League club or a player being forced out somewhere else who hasn't had any game time. It's hardly going to be a player you have identified, tracked & had been the player you wanted since June.
    The last two Left-Backs we've signed this way werent that bad for us.

    Although I do agree in a sense, that loans will always create the risk that they wont always work out.
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    They just got 500k for Tayo Edun.
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    edited August 2021
     Trusted source involved at Dundee United tells me that Robson to Lincoln will be completed today.
    Is that trusted source by any chance Alan Nixon who confirmed it was happening about an hour ago ? 
    The deal is close to £1m total, so just think Nixon was doing his agent a favour to get the deal done..........
    Lincoln spending a million on a left back seems strange.
    They certainly need to replace Tayo Edun who has just gone to Blackburn

    I wonder if thats a deal thats dragged on for a while (If yes then might be a sign of how difficult it is for anyone to bring in a Left-Back at the moment), or whether its one thats come out of no where and Lincoln are now showing how easy it is to source a replacement.
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    Is it going to be a more Blackett-Taylor type of day, than Jayden Stockley. Time will tell!
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    Purrington isn't good enough. 
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    J BLOCK said:
    Purrington isn't good enough. 
    He’s better than bloody Gunter!
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    I have a feeling we’ll get 2, with neither being Harry Arter. 
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    edited August 2021
    Southbank said:
    If the Arter deal is off I'd say 2 in, both loans, Forward and a leftback. 

    The improved performance in both Morgan and Watson might see us leave off the CM until Jan and see if we can get a perm in on a better deal (Lowery) etc.
    A midfield of Watson and Morgan would be a disaster against any other than relegation bound teams like Crewe.

    I agree it's not ideal given Watson isn't even supposed to be in the bench, but feel if we're still juggling budget wise and getting knocked back by clubs on our offers (or failing medicals if you want to believe the internet) that maybe we'll try and make it to Jan then re-evaluate the midfield.
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    I'm going for a Striker on loan.

    And then I'm predicting either a Midfielder on loan (Arter) or a Midfielder signed (Lowery)
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    edited August 2021
    J BLOCK said:
    Purrington isn't good enough. 
    Is this the same Ben Purrington who only missed one match and played 90 minutes pretty much every other game last time we got promoted from league one? 
    Only got signed January 2019 though... But that was when we went on the stonking run
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    Crusty54 said:
    If we don’t sign a left back today questions will be asked of Jed Roddy considering his son is the only other player in that position. 
    He's not even been on the bench as a back up to Gunter. He's an under 23 player.
    Yes he has - Was on the bench against Oxford
    but not since
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    edited August 2021
    Crusty54 said:
    Crusty54 said:
    If we don’t sign a left back today questions will be asked of Jed Roddy considering his son is the only other player in that position. 
    He's not even been on the bench as a back up to Gunter. He's an under 23 player.
    Yes he has - Was on the bench against Oxford
    but not since
    Nah that was the only game, apart from his appearance in the League Cup

    Imagine he'll start tonight as well
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    J BLOCK said:
    Purrington isn't good enough. 
    Is this the same Ben Purrington who only missed one match and played 90 minutes pretty much every other game last time we got promoted from league one? 
    Only got signed January 2019 though... But that was when we went on the stonking run
    Purrington was a game changer. After losing Grant we had to become better defensively to go up, Purrington ensured we were able to do that. 
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    Cawley clearly knows more than he is allowed to say

    So a Left sided Defender... Not a Left-Back? ;)
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    J BLOCK said:
    Purrington isn't good enough. 
    Is this the same Ben Purrington who only missed one match and played 90 minutes pretty much every other game last time we got promoted from league one? 
    Only got signed January 2019 though... But that was when we went on the stonking run
    Ah, I clearly didn't look at my stats well enough when making my point ha ha.

    Either way, in my opinion he is more then a capable enough left back. I mean he even scored in what was one of our most important games in recent years.

    I don't think he will ever be championship material, but he will never let you down in this league. 
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    I hadn't realised Blackburn were signing a left-back. What's the chances of getting Pickering and reuniting the Crewe dream team down the left?
    Unfortunately played all five League games for them so more chance of Margot Robbie showing up on my doorstep in the next five minutes - Looks like Edun can also play CB and in Midfield - Still a strange deal though.
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    Cawley clearly knows more than he is allowed to say

    So a Left sided Defender... Not a Left-Back? ;)
    Perhaps the left sided defender they have in mind is versatile enough to provide cover for left back…? 
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    Cawley clearly knows more than he is allowed to say

    So a Left sided Defender... Not a Left-Back? ;)

    Left sided defensive midfielder 😯
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    We can do better than Purrington. I don't think that's a big criticism of the bloke, he is just very basic.

    We've also heard from Crewe fans that Kirk struggled with a defensive LB behind him, and Ben is absolutely that. 
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    edited August 2021
    Redrobo said:
    Hoping there’s going to be a couple of ‘big’ announcements today.
    You've already got your first... We'll be allowed to watch the Crawley game on stream tonight
    For free???
    Free for only £10. No ‘program’, just the game from one camera angle and commentary.
    Means we don't get 55 replays whilst missing action on the pitch.
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    Redhenry said:
    Vfrf said:
    Redhenry said:
    RedRobin said:
    Pretty much confirms the SLP and Cawley aren’t getting the info like they did before. 
    I guess historically they'd dismiss it or stay quiet rather than just report a rumour from Nixon.
    That said it's quite poorly structured might be an intern or something hired for deadline day.
    Info will always get out from players, agents etc. Cawley does get fed info from various sources, doesn't mean he will always be the first to hear though. 
    I don't agree that he is being fed less info from the club, they will always pass on what suits them.
    Said himself that he has been told what he can and can’t release.
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    Redhenry said:
    LB is the major one for me. Please not Purrington as our number one option, really don't rate him..

    So when Purrington was steady Eddie during the League 1 campaign which resulted in Promotion and scored the equaliser at Wembley you didn't rate him ?
    Or do you mean in the Championship where nearly every member of this squad would struggle ? 

    Ben Purrington is a decent League 1 LB,
    (but slowish) he isn't a Rhoys Wiggins.
    (When Rhoys was fit to play)

    We do need a Left footed LB and it would be great if this guy was faster and yet could not only overlap but defend as well.

    Catch 22 is why would this player want to come to League 1 unless he is a young Championship or Premiership loan. Then like Maatsen at 18 make some schoolboy errors.

    All about opinions, but all fans want players that will strengthen the team.  By midnight tonight we may have a better idea when the dust has settled and the ink has dried.
This discussion has been closed.

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