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Corey Blackett-Taylor - (p34 - signed for Derby on loan til the end of the season)



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    Chunes said:
    “In the last weeks and months he’s been outstanding. His game has really improved. He’s growing into that wing-back position now, he’s finding much better positions to receive the ball and defensively he’s putting a shift in. He’s finding ways to get on the ball much better now than when he first started playing there, so that’s credit to him and the work that he’s done with my staff to improve that side of his game."

    Is it just me or has he improved since Skiverton has been here? 
    Yes and he has said publicly that Skiverton has helped him 
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    I will be amazed if Corey Blackett-Taylor is still a League 1 player next season. A two footed player with pace who can go pass players on either side and could turn into a Michail Antonio type of player who was still playing at Tooting and Mitcham at 21.
    Corey lost his way at Tranmere but had the ambition to get a trial at Cafc and has improved as he got fitter and JJ showed belief in him.

    A far superior player to Alfie Doughty. I would make him the highest paid Charlton player with a high price on his head.
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    I will be amazed if Corey Blackett-Taylor is still a League 1 player next season. A two footed player with pace who can go pass players on either side and could turn into a Michail Antonio type of player who was still playing at Tooting and Mitcham at 21.
    Corey lost his way at Tranmere but had the ambition to get a trial at Cafc and has improved as he got fitter and JJ showed belief in him.

    A far superior player to Alfie Doughty. I would make him the highest paid Charlton player with a high price on his head.
    I have been really impressed by him over the last couple of months or so, but I am not sure he’s done enough over the season to think that there’s a big move lined up for him to just yet.

    He had lost his way in league 2 a year ago and has had a season disrupted by form, fitness and injury issues. He’s now just started to show his potential. He would be foolish in my opinion to jump now. He should be going into the summer with the intention of having a knockout league 1 season next year and I think he will. 
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    Any idea why he was pulled from the starting 11?
    Taken ill after the warm up just before the teams were to come out.
    That explains the ladies i saw with a mop and bucket in the covered end today then.
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    Chunes said:
    Chunes said:
    “In the last weeks and months he’s been outstanding. His game has really improved. He’s growing into that wing-back position now, he’s finding much better positions to receive the ball and defensively he’s putting a shift in. He’s finding ways to get on the ball much better now than when he first started playing there, so that’s credit to him and the work that he’s done with my staff to improve that side of his game."

    Is it just me or has he improved since Skiverton has been here? 
    Yes and he has said publicly that Skiverton has helped him 
    Cheers. And a big friendly wave to the 3 people who LOLed me 

    Seen people posting on here and Twitter accusing Skiverton of doing nothing since he arrived or worse sending us backwards. Shows you how unfair that kind of tripe really is, and how destructive our fanbase is at the moment. Let's hope for better vibes next season
    It's alright Skiverton has just acquired 3 fellow scape goats.  
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    edited April 2022
    RC_CAFC said:
    I will be amazed if Corey Blackett-Taylor is still a League 1 player next season. A two footed player with pace who can go pass players on either side and could turn into a Michail Antonio type of player who was still playing at Tooting and Mitcham at 21.
    Corey lost his way at Tranmere but had the ambition to get a trial at Cafc and has improved as he got fitter and JJ showed belief in him.

    A far superior player to Alfie Doughty. I would make him the highest paid Charlton player with a high price on his head.
    I have been really impressed by him over the last couple of months or so, but I am not sure he’s done enough over the season to think that there’s a big move lined up for him to just yet.

    He had lost his way in league 2 a year ago and has had a season disrupted by form, fitness and injury issues. He’s now just started to show his potential. He would be foolish in my opinion to jump now. He should be going into the summer with the intention of having a knockout league 1 season next year and I think he will. 

    I desperately want him to stay but Alfie Doughty is basically a one footed player with pace and how many games did he play for Cafc before getting a championship move to Stoke ? And he was injured at the time with a bad hamstring injury. On loan at Cardiff now and at last getting some game time. 
    Two footed players with pace and strength, are like gold dust. At least we have tried to pre-empt a Championship move for him by increasing his contract 
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    Surely the club pre-empted a higher division club coming in for him, as much as that is possible as any club can try for him at any time, when they gave him a longer contract.

    A longer contract that some on here derided just as some derided us signing a "Tranmere reject"
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    He has been class, a real get you out of your seat player.  I expect him to be here next season, or I hope he is.
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    edited April 2022
    Surely the club pre-empted a higher division club coming in for him, as much as that is possible as any club can try for him at any time, when they gave him a longer contract.

    A longer contract that some on here derided just as some derided us signing a "Tranmere reject"

    Agree with your comments Henry, and I will edit my post. Even soapbox Sam can dive in; not as badly as Ryan Inniss though !
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    Surely the club pre-empted a higher division club coming in for him, as much as that is possible as any club can try for him at any time, when they gave him a longer contract.

    A longer contract that some on here derided just as some derided us signing a "Tranmere reject"

    Agree with your comments Henry, and I will edit my post. Even soapbox Sam can dive in; not as badly as Ryan Inniss though !
    I called him a Tranmere reject and well done to him. He has made me eat my words. what a revelation in the last 8 weeks.
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    Having been hearing Binley Mega Chippy song all week, it give me an idea for a new song :smile:

    Corey's mega nippy, Corey's mega nippy ect ect ect :)
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    Mainly in the winter?
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    edited June 2022
    I think CBT is the most important player at the club. George Dobson was rightly POTY but to have a player in League 1 who can play on either flank and go past people with his left or right foot is really unusual. 
    I known he has nerve issues at times but with the right back up team and keeping his energy for attacking then with any formation he could be our X factor player.
    I think he was our most important (and clearly best) attacking option last year, and we set up as much to exploit his strengths - which he showed in abundance. 

    However he was also part of a defensive unit which got cut through, especially in the wing back positions, quiet easily on many occasions as well. 

    As you mention I do feel like he could be a real x-factor player for us next year, and with his pace, skill, and crossing ability you can see why. Will be interesting to see how he adapts to a role where we might play a little more dynamic possession based football, where he may have to effect the play further up the pitch initially, instead of being asked to essentially run at players from deep where he has more space. 
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    Get the ball to him early enough and he will do so much damage, if that is not always possible, look to get him to run in behind and stretch the defence with his pace. Players at this level simply cannot cope with players like CBT and with the right coaching and in the right team, he really could be one of the best players in this league with the attributes he has. 
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    Sage said:
    Get the ball to him early enough and he will do so much damage, if that is not always possible, look to get him to run in behind and stretch the defence with his pace. Players at this level simply cannot cope with players like CBT and with the right coaching and in the right team, he really could be one of the best players in this league with the attributes he has. 
    Think it was the Gillingham game when Harris put two players on him to double mark him. Left Fraser with loads of space inside. Was hoping to see more of it but Fraser got injured for remainder of the season 
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    Sage said:
    Get the ball to him early enough and he will do so much damage, if that is not always possible, look to get him to run in behind and stretch the defence with his pace. Players at this level simply cannot cope with players like CBT and with the right coaching and in the right team, he really could be one of the best players in this league with the attributes he has. 
    Think it was the Gillingham game when Harris put two players on him to double mark him. Left Fraser with loads of space inside. Was hoping to see more of it but Fraser got injured for remainder of the season 
    He was injured during that period as well. Having players like those two in the team make it promising going forward as teams simply won’t be able to double up on both or do a man for man job on both because CBT has the pace to get away and it will also create space for others on the pitch. 
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    Sage said:
    Sage said:
    Get the ball to him early enough and he will do so much damage, if that is not always possible, look to get him to run in behind and stretch the defence with his pace. Players at this level simply cannot cope with players like CBT and with the right coaching and in the right team, he really could be one of the best players in this league with the attributes he has. 
    Think it was the Gillingham game when Harris put two players on him to double mark him. Left Fraser with loads of space inside. Was hoping to see more of it but Fraser got injured for remainder of the season 
    He was injured during that period as well. Having players like those two in the team make it promising going forward as teams simply won’t be able to double up on both or do a man for man job on both because CBT has the pace to get away and it will also create space for others on the pitch. 
    I am really excited by the prospect of CBT having the shackles of being  wing back removed.

    Hopefully this coming season we can have a consistent midfield 3 that is better than the sum of its parts.
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    edited June 2022
    CBT in the front three of a 343 would be interesting.

    Did DJ play under any of the current Swindon coaches who MIGHT be coming over to us?

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    edited June 2022
    CBT in the front three of a 343 would be interesting.

    Did DJ play under any of the current Swindon coaches who MIGHT be coming over to us?

    Believe he predated Marshall & Lindsey there.
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    CBT and Kirk....couldn't be any more different players in the same position.
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    CBT in the front three of a 343 would be interesting.

    Did DJ play under any of the current Swindon coaches who MIGHT be coming over to us?

    Believe he predated Marshall & Lindsey there.
    Isn't Swindon nearer enough Reading to have the same temporal disruption?
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    Has a target for goals, has to be double figures for the position he’s now playing. Our wide players and midfielders need to keep getting in the positions CBT and Fraser have.
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    Some of the posts from the first few pages of this thread have aged well 
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    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas Edison. 

    Edison wasn’t thinking about goalscoring midfielders when he said this but it applies.

    If we’re going to play the kind of football we think, and we certainly seemed to yesterday, we can expect lots of balls being played across goal between the 6 yard box and penalty spot. The wide men and the advanced midfielders just need to keep making runs into the box and they will get goals. It’s not rocket science, just get in there over and over again and eventually a chance like CBT’s yesterday or Fraser’s last week will fall to them.

    The ball won’t find them more often than it does, but when it does they’ll be the kind of chances that are hard to miss. The more often you get in the box, the more likely it is the ball will find them. 

    It’s the simple secret to the success of someone like Frank Lampard or our own Johnnie Jackson and Lee Bowyer. And it’s not a difficult thing to do so no reason that our attacking mids/wingers can’t all improve their goal tallies significantly this season. 
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Good luck Corey. Hopefully the short term deal bucks his attitude up and he becomes a useful option for us off the bench.

    I pray to god he doesn’t read some of the shit on here.
    Give over... I'd like to think of myself as an optimist for all things Charlton.  We've just signed a player who played 11 games for tranmere in league 2 last season on a 4 month permanent deal. I hope this comment gets quoted and I get ripped the shit out of in January, but in my eyes that is wank
    It’s not January but can I still quote you?
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Good luck Corey. Hopefully the short term deal bucks his attitude up and he becomes a useful option for us off the bench.

    I pray to god he doesn’t read some of the shit on here.
    Give over... I'd like to think of myself as an optimist for all things Charlton.  We've just signed a player who played 11 games for tranmere in league 2 last season on a 4 month permanent deal. I hope this comment gets quoted and I get ripped the shit out of in January, but in my eyes that is wank
    Its almost like we have never signed plenty of players we thought we would be good but turned out being rubbish, and players we thought were going to be awful but turned out good.

    At some point you think fans will learn not to judge players, especially young ones, on how they have performed in the past until they've least played a few games for us. 
    Sage advice from this chap here. I’d give him a promote. 
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    If this was instead of the players we desperately need, and we all know what they are, I would be fuming.

    It's not it's cover, from a kid with a very high upside and very low down side, if we can get 90% of his potential out of him we will have a player.  If we get less he will leave in January.

    It's not a signing to get angry nor excited about.  Not every signing has to be either. 
    Christ 29 likes for that, that's a very balanced view......
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    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas Edison. 

    Edison wasn’t thinking about goalscoring midfielders when he said this but it applies.

    If we’re going to play the kind of football we think, and we certainly seemed to yesterday, we can expect lots of balls being played across goal between the 6 yard box and penalty spot. The wide men and the advanced midfielders just need to keep making runs into the box and they will get goals. It’s not rocket science, just get in there over and over again and eventually a chance like CBT’s yesterday or Fraser’s last week will fall to them.

    The ball won’t find them more often than it does, but when it does they’ll be the kind of chances that are hard to miss. The more often you get in the box, the more likely it is the ball will find them. 

    It’s the simple secret to the success of someone like Frank Lampard or our own Johnnie Jackson and Lee Bowyer. And it’s not a difficult thing to do so no reason that our attacking mids/wingers can’t all improve their goal tallies significantly this season. 
    I wish I could like this more than once. There's so much focus on signing proven goalscorers in midfield and out wide, but I'm pretty sure at least one or two are going to improve and get double figures or close to it.

    The formation requires it - Jackson's 3-5-2 was set up to get goals from the front two. I wouldn't be surprised if our top scorer this season isn't the main striker. As long as it means we score more overall that's a positive.
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