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Insulate Britain Protests (Blackwall Tunnel p22)



  • edited September 2021
    Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
    Tbh, the fact his house doesn't comply, but he's still protesting isn't the main thing that bothers me personally. For me it keeps coming back to what they're doing being the wrong course of action for the results they "demand".

    Saying that, you'd think he'd have his own house in order (literally) before inconveniencing other people who've probably already got more towards the very thing you're protesting for. 
  • Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
    It couldn't be less like that.

    If all you could buy was single glazing, gas fired central heating and insulation wasn't available in the UK, then yes, it would be exactly like that  :D
  • Bloke seems like a twat to me but not insulating his own home isn't necessarily hypocrisy. They aren't protesting on the basis that people shoudl insulate their homes they are protesting that the Govt should insulate everyone's home.
  • Jints said:
    Bloke seems like a twat to me but not insulating his own home isn't necessarily hypocrisy. They aren't protesting on the basis that people shoudl insulate their homes they are protesting that the Govt should insulate everyone's home.
    Exactly, which is why I keep banging on about using the wrong tactics for the desired outcome.
  • Huskaris said:
    Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
    It couldn't be less like that.

    If all you could buy was single glazing, gas fired central heating and insulation wasn't available in the UK, then yes, it would be exactly like that  :D
    Does he own it? 
  • Rothko said:
    Huskaris said:
    Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
    It couldn't be less like that.

    If all you could buy was single glazing, gas fired central heating and insulation wasn't available in the UK, then yes, it would be exactly like that  :D
    Does he own it? 
    No, it's owned by a Housing Association. Not sure if tenants allowed to insulate their homes or change their central heating systems. 
  • Gribbo said:
    Jints said:
    Bloke seems like a twat to me but not insulating his own home isn't necessarily hypocrisy. They aren't protesting on the basis that people shoudl insulate their homes they are protesting that the Govt should insulate everyone's home.
    Exactly, which is why I keep banging on about using the wrong tactics for the desired outcome.
    What tactics do you suggest?  Apologies if you’ve already said and I’ve missed it.
  • .Jints said:
    Rothko said:
    Huskaris said:
    Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
    It couldn't be less like that.

    If all you could buy was single glazing, gas fired central heating and insulation wasn't available in the UK, then yes, it would be exactly like that  :D
    Does he own it? 
    No, it's owned by a Housing Association. Not sure if tenants allowed to insulate their homes or change their central heating systems. 
    "residents can claim grants for improvements" apparently 
  • Gribbo said:
    Heard on the radio this morning, it only applies to the M25.
  • Gribbo said:
    Heard on the radio this morning, it only applies to the M25.
    Haha.....ridiculous if this is true. 
    I reckon they will be able to come up with another tactic fairly quickly  :smiley:
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  • Gribbo said:
    Jints said:
    Bloke seems like a twat to me but not insulating his own home isn't necessarily hypocrisy. They aren't protesting on the basis that people shoudl insulate their homes they are protesting that the Govt should insulate everyone's home.
    Exactly, which is why I keep banging on about using the wrong tactics for the desired outcome.
    What tactics do you suggest?  Apologies if you’ve already said and I’ve missed it.
    Keeping it "Charlton", jump in front of a train with a banner wrapped round em?
  • Would the banner insulate them from the impact?
  • Gribbo said:
    Rothko said:
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
    Tbh, the fact his house doesn't comply, but he's still protesting isn't the main thing that bothers me personally. For me it keeps coming back to what they're doing being the wrong course of action for the results they "demand".

    Saying that, you'd think he'd have his own house in order (literally) before inconveniencing other people who've probably already got more towards the very thing you're protesting for. 
    Be fair - he's just waiting for the Government (i.e. tax payers) to pay for his double glazing and cavity wall insulation.
  • Addickted said:
    Gribbo said:
    Jints said:
    Bloke seems like a twat to me but not insulating his own home isn't necessarily hypocrisy. They aren't protesting on the basis that people shoudl insulate their homes they are protesting that the Govt should insulate everyone's home.
    Exactly, which is why I keep banging on about using the wrong tactics for the desired outcome.
    What tactics do you suggest?  Apologies if you’ve already said and I’ve missed it.
    How about protesting directly to the CEO of the Housing Association. Along with their Finance Director and Property Director and Sustainability Manger and then onto the Ombudsman if he's had no response?

    Guaranteed he'd have wall and loft insultation, either a new high efficiency boiler or a ground sourced heat pump (if his property grounds were big enough) and instantly added as a pilot for PV panels on his roof as HAs are desperate to find tenants who are willing to allow this to happen.

    Who knows, he could also link up with other residents groups, including those on the Board of the HA to work with them on speeding up the implementation of similar schemes throughout the HAs housing stock.

    Or he can sit on his fat arse on the M25, achieving nothing but inconvenience and chaos for the general public and tax payer, who subsidise the rent on his HA property.
    Well the first suggestion sounds practical to me, I just wonder what happens when they get completely blanked?  Has the question been put to them as to why they’re not blocking entrances to Downing Street instead? I’m with the majority on this, they’re a pain in the arse for Joe Bloggs, just not sure what’s appropriate.
  • Slightly off topic, but following the Grenfell Tower story, going through the right channels did not avert a tragedy that many warned about in advance.
    It is events like that that cause protestors to seek short cuts.
  • Usung the M11 and M25 at the weekend - really hope there is no disruotion.
  • They won't get blanked. The HA has a legal framework in which they have to carry out key insulation and is partially funded by the Government, the HAS own funding and a myriad of available grants.

    Very surprised he doesn't have double glazing though. Perhaps secondary glazing?
  • The Grenfell disaster was as a direct result of carrying out such insulation work and has been successfully used on 187 High Rise blocks throughout the UK over the past 20 years without any significant problems.

    The disaster was as a direct result of materials used not being tested in the cladding/rainscreen cassette system being used, checked and verified correctly. The manufacturers of the three main components knowing full well that the format used didn't comply with the regulations, the designers, specifiers and fire engineers not carrying out their own checks and balances and relying on 8 year old out of date and incorrect BRE assessments and the specialist installers using a small amount of different product in some key vulnerable areas.
  • Addickted said:
    The Grenfell disaster was as a direct result of carrying out such insulation work and has been successfully used on 187 High Rise blocks throughout the UK over the past 20 years without any significant problems.

    The disaster was as a direct result of materials used not being tested in the cladding/rainscreen cassette system being used, checked and verified correctly. The manufacturers of the three main components knowing full well that the format used didn't comply with the regulations, the designers, specifiers and fire engineers not carrying out their own checks and balances and relying on 8 year old out of date and incorrect BRE assessments and the specialist installers using a small amount of different product in some key vulnerable areas.
    I was about to post that information, Nick 🤣🤣🤣
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  • MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    Does he own or rent? If owns, then it deserves a lol. If he rents or socially rents, then isn’t that the point if the demonstrations.
  • edited September 2021
    Addickted said:
    They won't get blanked. The HA has a legal framework in which they have to carry out key insulation and is partially funded by the Government, the HAS own funding and a myriad of available grants.

    Very surprised he doesn't have double glazing though. Perhaps secondary glazing?
    Working for Notting Hill House Trust as a pest control contractor, they hated us putting in reports, as they were abliged** to carry out any remedial work recommendations (removing kitchen units to bloke holes being the main one). Pretty sure it's the same with double glazing and damp problems etc. if they have a survey done, especially with Trusts with a portfolio like NHHT. During the time working for them, I worked on a few flats in Grenfell and would often meet housing officers in the offices at the bottom of the tower, to be chaperoned around the tenants properties.

    **not sure if they were legally or contractually abliged
  • Gribbo said:
    Heard on the radio this morning, it only applies to the M25.
     "Highways England warn that it is illegal for pedestrians to be on motorways or slip roads unless there is an emergency". Don't get the "only applies to the M25", appreciate it may have been on the radio this morning, think that may be regarding possible imprisonment?, but whatever some more aggressive penalties need to be put in place before serious repercussions occur in the shape of motorists direct action or fatalities to innocent motorists..
  • The demonstrations are potentially putting the lives of motorists at risk - I'm not sure how happy anyone will be if some clown decides to cross the motorway in front of them? 

    I wonder what will happen should an accident occur?

  • Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    Agree to an extent, although if I was parked on the m25 with my two youngsters I’d probably be raging all the same.

    Im still cracking up at “I’m sick of these middle class protestors, they better not stop me on route to my golf day” 😂 
  • Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    I think that’s what people want the protesters to actually be doing.


    Yeah, I get that but my comment was more aimed at those keen to disparage the protesters. What are these people actually doing to effect change? Or as usual is it someone else’s problem until the realisation dawns that climate change actually impedes on their personal lives? We’re all in this fucked up life together, the planet we live on is all of our responsibility. We can’t shirk that responsibility because we are all going to suffer in the long run. It’s very easy to tell someone to do things a different way whilst doing fuck all yourself.
  • How about using some of your 'customers' to install loft insulation?

    Not the most skilled job and not the most pleasant to do. But could significantly reduce the total cost of carrying out the work and surely wouldn't be too controversial?
  • Just my humble view but I really do find it disheartening at all of the disdain, animosity and hate that is poured on these protesters when it really should be directed at the corporations that cause 70% of global emissions or the unsustainable capitalist system that necessitates constant economic growth. If more people directed their energy at the cause of these protests rather than the symptoms then it’s possible that protests like this wouldn’t be needed. We have to realise that there is no planet B and all of our lives, and those of our children and grandchildren will be threatened if we ( and it is a ‘we’ situation) don’t collectively do something. It’s easy to piss and moan but much harder to change.
    I think that’s what people want the protesters to actually be doing.


    Yeah, I get that but my comment was more aimed at those keen to disparage the protesters. What are these people actually doing to effect change? Or as usual is it someone else’s problem until the realisation dawns that climate change actually impedes on their personal lives? We’re all in this fucked up life together, the planet we live on is all of our responsibility. We can’t shirk that responsibility because we are all going to suffer in the long run. It’s very easy to tell someone to do things a different way whilst doing fuck all yourself.
    I don't think the human race will fix this as ultimately we consume too much based on our economic model. Seems unlikely we can reverse this...
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