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Insulate Britain Protests (Blackwall Tunnel p22)



  • These selfish idiots care 1,000% more about their anti-establishment activism and notoriety than they do about the underlying cause.

    Who cares this much about loft insulation! 
    Harriet and Howard Travis-Perkin?
  • These selfish idiots care 1,000% more about their anti-establishment activism and notoriety than they do about the underlying cause.

    Who cares this much about loft insulation! 
    Ealing Council did when I tried to charge them for loft insulation in a ground floor flat. 
  • edited September 2021
    For all the vehicles back up from the initial fracas, it will happen soon, will be like running into a fog, and a wall of stationary vehicles, they will be unable to stop and a multiple accident is there waiting to happen, these pricks should be locked up for a couple of  months minimum, God they make my blood boil the whole lot of 'em :s
  • edited September 2021
    My son got held up this morning, on his way to work, by these 'activists'.

    I had zero empathy with them after their previous attempts at house insulation awareness but those feelings have now turned to hatred. 
  • Yeah the RTA thing is a real possibility. It’s okay if 10 people die in a 20 car pile up tho cos, ya know, ‘EveRYoNe iS TaLkINg AbOuT iT’….
  • edited September 2021
    Yeah the RTA thing is a real possibility. It’s okay if 10 people die in a 20 car pile up tho cos, ya know, ‘EveRYoNe iS TaLkINg AbOuT iT’….
    Exactly. If that's the rationale (along with blocking people getting to hospitals), it leads to some quite scary things being justifiable... 

    Starting a chain of events where people die or could die, can't be something that is seen as legitimate protest in a democracy. 

    The rationale is that it will stop more people dying, but these people don't have the ability to do that. 
  • These particular protests are not justifiable, but they are possible and dealing with that is the hard part.
    I think they should stop immediately, and god forbid there are no accidents or delays to suffering people.
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  • Leuth said:
    Kind of starting to respect their moxie. Still doing this, now knowing they're going to be dragged off, threatened, hated. They must really mean it!

    Still don't think they're doing it right though. You don't want to popularise your cause by unpopularising yourself. 
    The really love the attention.

    Bunch of oxygen thieves that don’t give a shit about ‘their’ cause. An embarrassment to all those moving the green agenda forward throughout the world. 
    The rights and wrongs of this particular movement will be bellowed back and forth between unhearing zealots on either side to no practical outcome.
    As always a seditious cabal of rabble rousers/anarchists/trouble-makers attaches itself to any sincere protest but they're a minority.
    Civil disobedience with attendant disruption for Joe Public is very much the point, you're supposed to be taking notice.
    What's most troubling is this current Westminster regime is in the process of passing statutes to prohibit any meaningful assembly for the purposes of protest, however peaceful, well-intentioned, well organised and law abiding.  Putin and Kim would be proud.  We however will be far far worse off.  Think on...  
  • Probably what will emerge is stronger Trade Unions who might develop a climate agenda. Unless people become slaves then withdrawing their labour (without pay obviously) is one of the last options for ordinary people to make their voices heard and it would be better than random motorway protests.
  • Billy_Mix said:
    Leuth said:
    Kind of starting to respect their moxie. Still doing this, now knowing they're going to be dragged off, threatened, hated. They must really mean it!

    Still don't think they're doing it right though. You don't want to popularise your cause by unpopularising yourself. 
    The really love the attention.

    Bunch of oxygen thieves that don’t give a shit about ‘their’ cause. An embarrassment to all those moving the green agenda forward throughout the world. 
    The rights and wrongs of this particular movement will be bellowed back and forth between unhearing zealots on either side to no practical outcome.
    As always a seditious cabal of rabble rousers/anarchists/trouble-makers attaches itself to any sincere protest but they're a minority.
    Civil disobedience with attendant disruption for Joe Public is very much the point, you're supposed to be taking notice.
    What's most troubling is this current Westminster regime is in the process of passing statutes to prohibit any meaningful assembly for the purposes of protest, however peaceful, well-intentioned, well organised and law abiding.  Putin and Kim would be proud.  We however will be far far worse off.  Think on...  
    Have you been to the DPRK?
  • So, walking out to the middle of one of the busiest motorways in the World, in the middle of the rush hour, which could cause a complete and absolute disaster and loss of life, can be considered a meaningful assembly?
  • Addickted said:
    I hope they didn’t employ farnell and elliotts legal team. 
  • edited September 2021
    Gribbo said:
    I think the problem is, those who take part and support these specific protests have the general opinion that people who don't agree with the protests, "Don't understand".

    How about this - the majority of people do understand the climate problem and are, on the whole, happy to support ways to get things changed. But they don't want to be stopped from going about their daily lives by people who keep beating the same drum. You're wasting your own time and that of everyone else who you're stopping. Why not do something less intrusive and arguably more affective / constructive to get others on board. Blocking motorways obviously shifts the attention of Joe Public away from your cause and towards wanting the government to apply for injunctions to stop you, resulting in your message being completely lost. Why not get MPs on your side (pretty certain there's quite a few MPs who are already a few steps ahead regarding this subject), get donations - get sponsored to get in a bath of baked beans - look for like-minded marketing people to come on board - take out advertising- etc. etc. If people are happy to give up their time to block motorways, I’m sure they’ll be happy to give up the same time offering their professional services for nothing.

    I think the problem with most people who make a cause their entire life, is that you don't "understand" until it is your entire life too. 
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  • Addickted said:
    So, walking out to the middle of one of the busiest motorways in the World, in the middle of the rush hour, which could cause a complete and absolute disaster and loss of life…..
    ……is brilliant. 
  • I am coming up to Dartford to play golf tomorrow,these useless bastards better not delay me.
  • I am coming up to Dartford to play golf tomorrow,these useless bastards better not delay me.
    Just get your fairway wood out, tee up, big hit, shout fore 😉
  • edited September 2021
    MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    He's just one person though, how can he make a difference? ;)
  • I am coming up to Dartford to play golf tomorrow,these useless bastards better not delay me.
    Just get your fairway wood out, tee up, big hit, shout fore 😉
    Will be very tempting without the shouting fore bit.
  • MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    What a mook
  • MrWalker said:
    Insulate leader, Liam Norton, has single glazing in his home, gas fired central heating and no insulation in his cavity walls, according to GMB.
    That’s nice, fantastic bit of so what, it’s like those stories about people on benefits with flat screen TVs when you could only buy flat screen tvs.
  • The bloke more than embarrassed himself on National TV for everyone to see, we didn’t even need to know about his home. Answered the question about the poor woman paralysed due to delays caused by these idiots by comparing himself to Churchill then walking off 😂
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