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Post-match Thread: Wycombe Wanderers vs Charlton Athletic | Saturday 18th September 2021



  • How did Arter play?
    Way off the pace . 
  • And another thing........strikers.

    Watching MOTD and they mentioned Sane Mane scoring his 100th goal for Liverpool & that got me thinking......when was the last time we've had a player score 100 goals for us..... or even 50.

    I appreciate fluctuating between the Premier League, the Championship & League 1 over the past 30 years has meant that we havent managed to hold onto players for too long due to promotion (not being good enough) or relegation (having to sell to balance the books) but surely over that time we should have signed a decent enough player to have got 50 or 60 goals over even a 3 year contract (because since 1998 NONE of our strikers have signed another contract after their original one has run out) 

    Too tired & pissed off tonight to go trawling through the record books but I would say just Darren Bent, Andy Hunt & Clive Mendonca would be the ones anywhere near getting to 50. Before the Premier League days probably just Killer.

    So in my 45 years supporting this club I reckon I've only ever seen 1 player who has scored over 50 goals for this club. Until that is rectified & we unearth or buy a striker who you know will get you 20 goals a season, regularly, then we are just going to stagnate....or worse  !
    Johnnie Jackson scored 51 goals for us. 

    Stupid I know but it still irritates me that the club changed their statistics years later to award Jackson a goal at Luton that was originally (and rightly) originally awarded to Racon. 
  • Good news about Arter, looks like he’ll fit right in :-)
  • edited September 2021
    With Dobson, I think I can see a useful player in that defensive role protecting the defence and linking play. The midfield needs another player and Arter and X may be the best option.  But is Arter the answer, he is being paid enough to be, and who is X? Morgan looks like he could be X when he doesn't play but not when he does! 

    We have bought two wingers at the end of last season and this. You have to have two strikers and a very offensive outlook to maximise this but then you need a very effective midfield. And/or effective full backs who can support them. But it goes back to the point as to whether you need two wingers. It all looks like disjointed planning. 

    But yesterday, we had a very defensive mindset and I would argue, that goes counter to our recruitment.
  • There's no midfield guile. Just one reliable footballing midfielder would make a world of difference (oh for an Andy Reid or even a Yoni Buyens....) 

    We don't have that, so I'm going 4-5-1 at Gills; Matthews Deji Lavelle Souare - Clare Arter Watson Lee CBT - Davison. Try to keep a clean sheet and nick a goal from somewhere. 
  • A couple of weeks ago I said I was not surprised by the performance or the result, as our squad is made up of bang average League one squad players....................... I feel I may have overestimated them  :|
  • I thought Arter was totally unremarkable beyond taking the corners yesterday.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    Because the owner knows sod all about football he has allowed a situation where everyone has an excuse and everyone has someone to blame.  Including the players. 

    Adkins is partly to blame because he shouldn't have taken the job with out the final say on players and his back room staff. 

    All this bollocks about pathways for coaches means if/when Adkins goes Jackson or Euall has to get the job.  Even if they don't any other new manager has to keep them.

    The manager hasn't been allowed to manage or appoint his staff.  That being said he isn't blameless and should be doing better.

    Sacking Adkins might get a small new manager bounce but it won't solve all the other problems.  Major surgery, on and off the pitch, is required.  Either that or believe you have done the right thing and stick with it, even if it takes a long time. 
    I’ve said before, if there is no clarity about who is in charge a) on the football side and b) at The Valley, it is a recipe for chaos.
    Wouldn’t dream of contradicting you but as far as the playing side is concerned the boss is very clear. Its Adkins. Anything behind the scenes of whom reports to whom shouldn’t impact in the slightest in how NA sets up his teams and who he chooses to start. That is where the biggest problem lays. Getting the team winning again might not resolve those other hierarchy issues but my god it would lift the whole place. A football club is never happy when it’s not winning and even worse when it’s disastrously underperforming like Charlton are. Either NA finds a way to get the results flowing or TS has to find someone who can. I never dreamed that at any point this season things would become toxic again but that’s where we’re heading if we’re not already there. Something must change pdq.
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  • Saying on quest Gillingham had a shortage of beer yesterday, not only is it hard work watching Charlton at the moment , but you can’t even drown your sorrows!
  • Saying on quest Gillingham had a shortage of beer yesterday, not only is it hard work watching Charlton at the moment , but you can’t even drown your sorrows!
    Erm, we weren't there yesterday  :/

  • Saying on quest Gillingham had a shortage of beer yesterday, not only is it hard work watching Charlton at the moment , but you can’t even drown your sorrows!
    Erm, we weren't there yesterday  :/

    I know, I’m thinking ahead!
  • Wasn’t there, didn’t watch or listen so can’t comment on the game.

    However, I do have some sympathy for Adkins. I’m not a fan of having a recruitment team that recruits the players, hands them to the manager and says go on, fuck it up with that lot. The manager should be the one in charge of recruitment, then if it goes tits up we know whom to blame. Whom is at fault now? Roddy? TS? Gallen? Adkins said he wanted his players in place for pre season. He knows why that was needed. To get playing systems in place, to get the players gelling. Now you can’t get every player in that early of course but we left most of our business far too late. It put us and Adkins on the back foot. Then we discovered that a few of those recruits look inadequate (Dobson, Clare for two) and had to find replacements on deadline day, replacements who are not fully up to speed and able to play a full 90 minutes (Lee, Leko, Soare, Arter). Not Adkins fault, shoddy recruitment process.

    I’m not saying Adkins doesn’t shoulder some of the blame but I don’t think he’s been helped behind the scenes as much as he’d been hoping, maybe even promised.
    Bang on the money.

    Once things start haphazardly and results are negative it makes it twice as hard to get confidence in a team.

    Whether Adkins is the right or wrong manager the fact is he was given the short straw to start with. 
  • edited September 2021
    Let's cut to the chase.

    We are 23rd in the 3rd tier. Have we ever been lower ? 

    I don't want to turn up at the valley and see Great players like Mendonca and Darren Bent scoring goals from 15 and 20 odd years ago in the Premier on the big screen before seeing Charlton outplayed by Cheltenham. (Unfortunately I did)

    I doubt he would consider Cafc this time around as he could get a Championship gig, but *Chris Wilder 100% for me. Listening to Wilder on Radio 5 yesterday on the way to a local game was mesmeric with his positive views on twin strikers, attacking full backs and why he tried an attacking over lapping CB in the Championship and League 1.
    He knew that once United got to the Premier the possession would drop from 60% to 35% against the better team's and you adapt your Tactics. Wilder over achieved big time in his first season.

    Only saw the goals on quest last night but  after spending 15 days on the training ground with the players during the international break and then last week with no mid week feature, we are a shambles.

    When you have a 5 year plan you need the template to start that journey. Nigel Adkins was brought in to start that process, but for a myriad of reasons it's been a non starter.

    Big decisions to be made after the Gillingham and Portsmouth matches if the inept performances continue.

    * Don't believe Wilder will happen so give JJ and Jason Euell the Job until the end of the season and then see where we are, as we need unity and cohesive not just between the players but with the crowd. 

  • Only Charlton Athletic could get a stable owner and a well known manager at this level and actually get WORSE!

    Adkins looks clueless and I think letting JJ have 5-10 games with this squad to see what he can do wouldn’t be the worst move.

    Fancy hiring a Nigel in the first place….
    Im not sure JJ is the answer, like the fella, spoke a few times but for me he's been in and around shittyness for a few years. 

    JJ doesn't pick the team, and it was JJ the players ran to when Bauer winning goal at Wembley went in.

    JJ has a winning record when he picked the team.
  • seth plum said:
    I know it sounds odd but I am glad we didn't scramble a last minute equaliser, it would have been a platform for excuses, and it would not have papered over the cracks we have as wide as the Grand Canyon.
    Disagree. It wouldn't have papered over the cracks and another point on our total for the next manager.
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  • But the point stands. JJ can't be written off and nor can Euell. That can only happen when they have the job and fail.
  • edited September 2021
    You can be too complicated for the players. I know what you mean about 4-4-2 and simplifying can work. You can tweak 4-4-2 as well whereas players know what their role is but you may have one wing back and one winger on the other side allowing an extra midfielder. Something like Curbs was suggesting he did a few weeks back when we were off form. 

    It isn't for us to find the answers though as nobody listens to us and probably rightfully so. Adkins has to find the answers. Currently our defence can look ok but not reliably for 90 minutes. It is too easy to get balls in and shots off against it. Our midfield is not dominant and doesn't pose a goal threat or support our attack, Our attack is isolated and too easy to supress. The whole system needs reviewing and a way needs to found to link all areas far better than we are doing currently.

    I would say that whatever we come up with, going ultra defensive with our lack of confidence is a recipe for defeats. We are playing a team that has just lost at home on Tuesday and our best chance of success is taking the game to them. Will we? I can take that we won't to the bank. One or two shots on target at best.
  • edited September 2021
    Croydon said:
    Only Charlton Athletic could get a stable owner and a well known manager at this level and actually get WORSE!

    Adkins looks clueless and I think letting JJ have 5-10 games with this squad to see what he can do wouldn’t be the worst move.

    Fancy hiring a Nigel in the first place….
    Im not sure JJ is the answer, like the fella, spoke a few times but for me he's been in and around shittyness for a few years. 

    JJ doesn't pick the team, and it was JJ the players ran to when Bauer winning goal at Wembley went in.

    JJ has a winning record when he picked the team.
    Better give him a 35 year contract immediately then. Fucking hell 😂😂😂  

    I have already given reasons why I would like to see Chris Wilder given the Job as manager.
    JJ and Euell until the end of the season as caretakers because I can't see Chris Wilder coming to a team in free fall and where the infrastructure in recruitment is hazy with how much say the manager has ?
  • edited September 2021
    Not only that, but he is a player with a goal scoring pedigree. Something we clearly lack. I have been stating a fact so simple since the start of the season that a lot of people discount because it is too simple, but it is true. Players that score goals and create goals do that and players that don't don't.

    Look at the goal scoring records of those in our squad and we are short of those that do. That isn't to say the players that don't are rubbish, but you need enough of those that do. I have a motto, never take goals out the team. If you lose them, then you have to put them back in. Not always in the same way, but players that score 1 goal in 60 are not going to suddenly score say 15 in 60. Maybe the odd one will, but that happening is as rare as hen's teeth.

    JFC, Gilbey and Aneke are players who know where the goal is. Clare, Morgan and Dobson don't although Dobson's role was not to score goals. Lee should be the first name on the team sheet at the moment.
  • Let's cut to the chase.

    We are 23rd in the 3rd tier. Have we ever been lower ? 

    I don't want to turn up at the valley and see Great players like Mendonca and Darren Bent scoring goals from 15 and 20 odd years ago in the Premier on the big screen before seeing Charlton outplayed by Cheltenham. (Unfortunately I did)

    I doubt he would consider Cafc this time around as he could get a Championship gig, but *Chris Wilder 100% for me. Listening to Wilder on Radio 5 yesterday on the way to a local game was mesmeric with his positive views on twin strikers, attacking full backs and why he tried an attacking over lapping CB in the Championship and League 1.
    He knew that once United got to the Premier the possession would drop from 60% to 35% against the better team's and you adapt your Tactics. Wilder over achieved big time in his first season.

    Only saw the goals on quest last night but  after spending 15 days on the training ground with the players during the international break and then last week with no mid week feature, we are a shambles.

    When you have a 5 year plan you need the template to start that journey. Nigel Adkins was brought in to start that process, but for a myriad of reasons it's been a non starter.

    Big decisions to be made after the Gillingham and Portsmouth matches if the inept performances continue.

    * Don't believe Wilder will happen so give JJ and Jason Euell the Job until the end of the season and then see where we are, as we need unity and cohesive not just between the players but with the crowd. 

    So you go from wanting Chris Wilder, a man with years of experience & managing in League 1, The Championship & The Premiership to 2 complete novices. 

    I'm sure there must be an in between somewhere out there.
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