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Kent Cricket 2022



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    edited April 2022
    Cox out for 68

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    197-4 off 62. Another ton to DBD!

    DBD 100* (172)
    Robinson 13* (46)
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    Would be good to see Robinson make a good score here 
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    2s match is drawn with Essex declaring on 332-6

    1s are stuck on 200-4 due to the players being off for bad light
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    DBD out for 109 (194)
    Robinson 34* (80)

    First look at Linde
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    270-6 Bad light stopped play. Robinson out for 58 (108)

    Linde 18* (29)
    Stewart 1* (1)

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    A welcome return to form for Robinson though another dismissal that he didn't look particularly happy about. This was the fourth time he's been given out LBW this season with the other two dismissals being caught by the keeper with one of those catches being somewhat questionable.  
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    edited April 2022
    Poor effort from the tail - 291 all out from 266-5 with Linde left stranded on 27 not out. Rauf finished with figures of 14-1-65-5
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    Poor effort from the tail - 291 all out from 266-5 with Linde left stranded on 27 not out. Rauf finished with figures of 14-1-65-5
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    Yorks 6-0 off 7 overs. Interesting that Stewart was thrown the new ball (with Milnes) and perhaps that is a reflection of the fact that he is bowling a couple of yards quicker this season. Anyway, he's started with 4 maidens!
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    edited April 2022
    9-0 off 12 overs with 67 dot balls from 72 bowled

    Stewart 6-6-0-0
    Milnes   6-4-8-0
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    edited April 2022
    Gilchrist has Karunaratne caught by Robinson. 

    9-1 off 15 overs!

    The figures for Stewart/Gilchrist combined bowling from the one end are 8-8-0-1
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    Gilchrist has Karunaratne caught by Robinson. 

    9-1 off 15 overs!
    "Proper Test match batting"
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    Gilchrist has Karunaratne caught by Robinson. 

    9-1 off 15 overs!

    The figures for Stewart/Gilchrist combined bowling from the one end are 8-8-0-1
    Gilchrist has been a great find.
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    Hill plays no shot to Gilchrist and is out LBW

    19-2 off 18.3
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    edited April 2022
    23-2 off 21 at lunch

    Stewart     6-6-0-0

    Milnes      6-4-8-0
    Gilchrist   5-3-8-2
    Quinn       4-2-5-0
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    First ball after lunch and Lyth (7 off 58 balls) is given out caught down the legside by Robinson off Milnes. Might well have been a poor decision but we've had our fair share this season too.


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    Have to say that, unlike at times in previous matches this season, our line and length has been spot on today. The ball isn't doing as much as the score would suggest and that is a reflection of the fact that none of the four bowlers have given anything away.
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    39-3 with Malan just edging one between the keeper and slip. Of far more importance is the fact that play has stopped due to someone collapsing and by all accounts currently receiving CPR. Wish them all the very best.
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    Play has now resumed after a delay of half an hour.
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    39-3 with Malan just edging one between the keeper and slip. Of far more importance is the fact that play has stopped due to someone collapsing and by all accounts currently receiving CPR. Wish them all the very best.
    Obviously I wish them all the best, though as an aside it's an interesting recent development that play stops due to someone ill in the crowd, especially when there would have been so few people there anyway, and any events in the crowd are pretty distant to the players in the middle.
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    143-3 at tea
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    Come on , lads !

    Get the Yorkies out ! 
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    Harry Brook has just become the 10th player to get a century against Kent this season 
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    Harry Brook has just become the 10th player to get a century against Kent this season 
    "You're nothing special, we concede tons every week"
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    Wonder what the record is for the number of times a team has conceded 500 plus in an innings in consecutive matches? This could be the 4th in a row for us and it is as much a reflection of our underperforming batting as a team as it is our inability to take wickets.
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    Malan has at least now gone for 152, caught by Robinson off Quinn

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    edited April 2022
    326-5 at close. Quinn picks up another one but Brook is still there on 131*

    Stewart     18-6-63-0
    Milnes       14-5-45-1
    Gilchrist    15-3-66-2
    Quinn       16-2-60-2

    Linde        19-2-76-0
    Leaning      4-0-12-0
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    edited May 2022
    Well things haven't exactly been going as hoped have they? With 8 wickets in hand we still have to make 162 runs to make Yorkshire bat again. 

    As I said above, it's not just our bowling but our batting too that has lacked consistency - the opposition have managed to pass 500 in an innings in all five matches whereas our highest return since the opening game's 581-6 has been 305.

    Although DBD and Cox have done well, the main real exception has been the "rookie", Compton, who has managed to score 534 runs at 106.80 while his batting partner, Crawley, the England opener, has managed just 104 runs at 17.40 for the same number of times out. Should Denly be fit for the next game then it really does become a straight shoot out between Crawley and Robinson (Av 20.67). Although the latter has a slightly better average and still has an innings to come in this game, one can't see the centrally contracted Crawley being dropped simply because the ECB are likely to insist that Kent release him to go and play for another county - you can hardly be playing for England and be in the 2s at county level.

    It could be that Denly won't be fit and/or he considers himself "retired" from the 4 day game in which case everyone's blushes are spared given that the next one on the rank, Muyeye, only averages 17.40 himself. Billings won't be back from the IPL 'til, somewhat conveniently for him, the Blast kicks in so another complication is avoided.

    As for the bowling, Bird is injured and I gather that Stewart pulled up lame too. We have no one of Rauf's pace, for example and our seamers aren't going to run through decent batting sides on the wickets that we are playing on currently. Our hope has to be that today Messrs Leaning, Cox, Robinson et al managed to bat for at least another four sessions and probably longer.

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