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Who bought all the tickets?



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    My prediction 
    20k on Saturday including away fans.
    24k plus will be announced. 
    There isn’t a cat in hell’s chance of 20k on Saturday, IMO, bearing in mind the actual for AFCW was under 15k. I would say Saturday crowds are getting boosted by 2-3k. Not against that at all, but the club is eating its own revenue with the current reckless approach.  
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    Rain forecast all day Saturday as well in SE7. I think actual 15k would be pushing it.   
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    When will I get a free ticket Charlton?! Na just give it to a bunch of kids and their shitty spurs fan parents. 
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    I had free tickets for Fleetwood and Wimbledon through work (Greenwich Council). There was a message on our intranet saying email the box office for free tickets (using your work email address). I contacted asking how many I could have and was basically told "how many do you want".

    The offer doesn't seem to be in place for the Oxford game, but is being repeated for MK Dons as I have just had confirmation back from the box office that I have been allocated 4 tickets.
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    Any ideas of Oxfords numbers?
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    Any ideas of Oxfords numbers?
    They'll bring 2,500
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    Any ideas of Oxfords numbers?
    They'll bring 2,500
    I know they're going well but that seems a generous estimate. 1,800 I reckon. 
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    Free ticket?

    We need paying TS...

    I'll go for £40.
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    I hear they are now punting the Sunderland game on 5th March by telling us we can buy early for friends and family as "you have a full selection of available seats in the stadium to choose from now." Apart from sounding desperate, how pathetic to be using their threat of blocking of unused seats for giveaways to encourage regular fans to buy theirs first?
    Always be a space over PVR mate
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    Any ideas of Oxfords numbers?
    They'll bring 2,500
    They won't top 2k.

    Will be less than 15k in the ground total
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    My prediction 
    20k on Saturday including away fans.
    24k plus will be announced. 
    Lol like the last game yeah? 
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    I was hoping to go tomorrow but can’t buy a ticket near my dad as per usual in the west lower. Not even in the same stand so I can move to an empty seat near him. Not going to sit in another stand so just won’t go. 
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    I was hoping to go tomorrow but can’t buy a ticket near my dad as per usual in the west lower. Not even in the same stand so I can move to an empty seat near him. Not going to sit in another stand so just won’t go. 
    Bonkers isn’t it? 
    It is now. Come 3pm I may be grateful. Come 5pm I’ll probably be relieved. 
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    I was hoping to go tomorrow but can’t buy a ticket near my dad as per usual in the west lower. Not even in the same stand so I can move to an empty seat near him. Not going to sit in another stand so just won’t go. 
    Bonkers isn’t it? 
    Yep. Meeting mates beforehand but we are now split up in the ground as couldn't get tickets remotely close. Two of us in West Upper and two in Covered End. Pretty sure we'll have swathes of empty seats around us in the West. 
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    Questions for TS at the upcoming Q&A.

    Why is the club being run in such a manner that Charlton fans can't buy a ticket in a half empty stadium?

    Who is making these ridiculous decisions ?

    Does he intend to put someone competent in charge and if so when?
    Easy to answer, the people running the club are wankers.
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    Have sent a tweet to the Fans Advisor for it yo be raised at the next fans forum. I would presume the Fans Advisor is already raising it with the club but no harm in asking the question. 
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    Ever since the Plymouth game there has been no joined up thinking from the club on this. Devaluing product by simply giving it away has no benefit particularly when you don't even know the details of the individuals who are using the tickets.

    The club really should be using the free advice of long term supporters who are happy to help in a collaborative approach like what has occurred in the past.
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    JohnnyH2 said:
    Have sent a tweet to the Fans Advisor for it yo be raised at the next fans forum. I would presume the Fans Advisor is already raising it with the club but no harm in asking the question. 
    Fans advisor has responded it will be raised and agrees the policy needs developing 
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