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    Gone first this time, and he juuuuuuuuuuust scores
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    2 saves. Reckon Portugal will have the experience for this
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    Sorry... But they shoulnt be allowed to stop on run up!!
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    You can tell Slovenia don't believe in themselves with these penalties, shame because they've dragged themselves this far but both didn't look comfortable and confident 
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    Neither did he…
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    Sorry... But they shoulnt be allowed to stop on run up!!
    They never used to be able to break their run, was it changed or do they just not care anymore 
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    Off_it said:
    I've got Slovenia in the sweep at work as well!
    I just knew that would curse them!
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    See thats why Bruno Fernandes should have taken it during ET
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    Great saves but shite penalties 
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    They never looked like scoring any of them.
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    Another great save.
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    3 penalty saves in a row, but Ronaldo will take the headlines.
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    Poor penalties, great saves too obviously, but yeah I don't think they thought they'd get this far
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    Costa’s on fire
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    Slovenia couldn’t hit a barn door.
    Unfortunately never in doubt.
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    McBobbin said:
    Great saves but shite penalties 
    The first one wasn't bad, the other 2 at an easy height for the keeper.
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    Well France vs Portugal is going to be a game... Dont want to pick a winner though.
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    Cannot stand this lot

    great Keeping mind 
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    Worst shoot out ever.
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    England quality pens from Slovenia there....
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    Not great penalties but they still have to be saved. What Costa did really well was to keep that back foot behind the line each and every time. That was after stopping the one on one late in extra time. 
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    France won't want the QF to go to penalties.
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    Quarter finals:

    Fri 5th, 5pm: Spain/Georgia v Germany
    Fri 5th, 8pm: Portugal/Slovenia v France/Belgium
    Sat 6th, 5pm: England/Slovakia v Switzerland
    Sat 6th, 8pm: Romania/Netherlands v Austria/Turkey
    Quarter finals:

    Fri 5th, 5pm: Spain v Germany
    Fri 5th, 8pm: Portugal/Slovenia v France/Belgium
    Sat 6th, 5pm: England v Switzerland
    Sat 6th, 8pm: Romania/Netherlands v Austria/Turkey
    Quarter finals:

    Fri 5th, 5pm: Spain v Germany
    Fri 5th, 8pm: Portugal v France
    Sat 6th, 5pm: England v Switzerland
    Sat 6th, 8pm: Romania/Netherlands v Austria/Turkey
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    Friday is going to be electric!!
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    Costa smelling the coffee.

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    If every one is playing like crap and lucking their way through, it could be anyone's tournament 
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    Croydon said:
    If every one is playing like crap and lucking their way through, it could be anyone's tournament 
    Except England.
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    Shame that.

    If you're basically playing to try and nick a 1-0, there's always a good chance at 0-0 so practice your bloody penalties!!
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