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Garner Gawn? (Ed. CORRECT - GARNER SACKED p6, and again by Colchester p32)



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    The depressing thought is that we might need a safe pair of hands like Jackett to steer us away from any relegation threat. From the third division. 
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    Now that Garner’s gone, I think it’s time acknowledge that he had quite big feet and very big soles on his shoes.  I can’t be the only one that noticed that 
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    The depressing thought is that we might need a safe pair of hands like Jackett to steer us away from any relegation threat. From the third division. 
    Id take a Jackett 100% at this stage 
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    tom_k said:
    You know things are bad when a Millwall fan doesn’t take the piss about our basket case of a club but actually offers sensible advice on who our next manager should be.
    To be fair it’s after “lights out” so give him time. 😉
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    At the end of the day, four managers later, we are in a worse position league wise than when TS took over. And yet he still thinks he is doing a good job. Deluded twat.
    Love it when you talk dirty, Large ! :smile:
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    At the end of the day, four managers later, we are in a worse position league wise than when TS took over. And yet he still thinks he is doing a good job. Deluded twat.
    But considering we were stood on the precipice at the time, at least we still have a club now. Not much consolation.... granted.
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    Simonsen said:
    Probably a better coach than a manager. Hopefully he'll get another chance somewhere to prove that theory wrong but as ever with these things, it gives somebody else a chance. 
    Hmmm...depends how you define 'a chance'. Half a transfer window with very little money and 20 games?
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    Rylo said:
    CH4RLTON said:
    The depressing thought is that we might need a safe pair of hands like Jackett to steer us away from any relegation threat. From the third division. 
    Id take a Jackett 100% at this stage 
    Yeah, it’s freezing outside tonight…
    Careful you might not feel the benefit......
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    CH4RLTON said:
    I’m hearing rumours David Artell has been approached , a very cheap option good at developing young players 

    David Artell has already got a track suit with Cafc on so he is a strong candidate.
    And no doubt it's a red one!

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    First Belgium now Denmark, any more Euro charlatans fancy pimping us..? 
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    He's going to give the job to his boy isn't he.
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    We know that Duchatelet was sending player suggestions to Powell.
    Sandgaard is no different. Garner got the job because Sandgaard wanted the team to play a certain way. You can't blame Garner for trying to deliver that. Sandgaard didn't give him the tools.
    It seems to come down to Sandgaard's ego and him never being wrong. He probably works 25 hours a day and wants the same level of commitment from players and staff. A bit like Musk.
    It's entirely deluded of course.

    It may be that no attitude problem exists in the club but unrealistic expectations from management and owners.
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    It’s just like watching Watford,
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    Wanted to give myself some time to think this whole thing over before posting. I still can't really blame Garner fully, there was clearly things promised to him when he was interviewed and agreed to join that just never materialised from TS. You can't bring in a manager ask him to completely revamp the style of play and culture and then not back him fully in the transfer market to get what he needs to make that happen. There was some slightly puzzling signings like Mcgrandles in the summer where I wasn't exactly sure why he was signed as I felt CM was an area where with senior players backed up by what we have coming through we were probably okay. 

    Football is a small world and I'm sure enough people that have left the club now will have got the word around about what the conditions are like working under the Sandgaards and that it's a job that's probably best avoided or at least to take some promises with a pinch of salt. 

    The interesting thing will be is TS still very much wedded to this vision of pressing attacking football and will go for another young " head coach" type or is he going to abandon that route and just look to bring in whoever actually wants it until the end of the season. Just hope we don't end up with JFH!
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    My prediction of garner gone by Christmas on the day of his appointment was right but I don’t t think Euell will be replacing him as I  predicted now his left for Bristol.
    think I’d have bowyer back at least he got 100% out of the players 
    what’s this cultural change shit every one is on about. We are Charlton we scrape and fight on little budgets always have the difference now is we are trying to be like everyone else. We ain’t got the budget or the players. You have to play to what suits what you have available not try to play like other teams because it’s fashionable. 
    But the least you need is the players give 100% on the pitch and that’s not the case and it’s not been the case since bowyer was in charge. 
    When innis made the short back pass in the first half his body language was he wasn’t Bothered. He had 2 players making there debuts next to him and they looked better than him.

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    cabbles said:
    Now that Garner’s gone, I think it’s time acknowledge that he had quite big feet and very big soles on his shoes.  I can’t be the only one that noticed that 
    That’s a timely observation and shouldn’t be disregarded in what’s gone on this week 
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