Glad they have involved the Environment Agency, the same Environment agency that only just last week went on strike because they are severely over stretched because of huge cutbacks in the last decade. over half the budget has gone but fortunately we have a text message telling us where they were unable to stem the tide..
EA aren’t paying for this.
not saying they are but why not try to be proactive against flooding for example rather than just letting people know yeah its gonna flood and at least we can now warn you of that. brilliant when your house is under water. Global warming aint going away yet our goverment feels the need to 'wash' away the people who would/should provide some defence against it.
edit: not the thread for this. sorry.
Cause even where flood defences are good, they are still fail or potentially get overwhelmed, you need to let people know quickly.
don’t disagree on needing better mitigation, but until then, you have to let people know
I switched mine off as I think it's a waste of time.
They should probably have it to alert people in London to put your phones away as the ratboys on electric bikes are in the area snatching phones which I see on a daily basis at the mo. Then again everyone would be getting their phones out.
Glad they have involved the Environment Agency, the same Environment agency that only just last week went on strike because they are severely over stretched because of huge cutbacks in the last decade. over half the budget has gone but fortunately we have a text message telling us where they were unable to stem the tide..
EA aren’t paying for this.
not saying they are but why not try to be proactive against flooding for example rather than just letting people know yeah its gonna flood and at least we can now warn you of that. brilliant when your house is under water. Global warming aint going away yet our goverment feels the need to 'wash' away the people who would/should provide some defence against it.
edit: not the thread for this. sorry.
Cause even where flood defences are good, they are still fail or potentially get overwhelmed, you need to let people know quickly.
don’t disagree on needing better mitigation, but until then, you have to let people know
I agree you need to let people know but at least try to tackle against it is my point, which I know you understand.
Can’t see a problem with it, who knows what is round the corner, look at Covid.
I can recall plenty of occasions I have watched the local news where a fire is being reported and people are being asked to stay indoors and keep windows closed
I think it is more for local use - could be something like ‘unexplored wartime ordnance has been found in this area, please evacuate this vicinity’ or ‘please stay away from such and such area due to an ongoing incident’
Also things like a chemical leak
Or Bromley South Waitrose running out of Balsamic Vinegar.
Many years ago when I was a humble workshop foreman, I worked in a garage opposite the Nufarm Plant in Belvedere. This produced farm fertiliser, a byproduct of this was chlorine gas. Because of this it had its own emergency plan, in the event of a leak.
In the garage opposite some of the lads decided to enliven a dull evening shift by using Acetylene gas to make some small explosions.
They wondered how high a hard hat would go when a full rubber glove of Acetylene was detonated underneath it
With the hat and glove in place in the yard it was detonated. The hat cleared the yard and landed in Fishers Way , however the flash was detected in the Nufarm factory which involved an emergency shutdown of the plant and the activation of the emergency evacuation plan and priority chemical response from the LFB and MPS LAS, HSE.
Just to say again, it has national capabilities, but is very much built around being cell specific to an area. Say an incident in Leicester Sq, you can hit the cells within 500m and alert people to take shelter etc
And create massive panic in a densely occupied area. That’s not what the police generally advocate.
“Warning. There are reports of active terrorist activity in the Leicester Square area. If you are in a building, we recommend you stay inside. If you are outside, please move as far away from the Leicester Square areas as quickly as you can. Please await an “all clear” notification”.
If sent to all mobiles within a 1 mile radius of Leicester Square, I can see that being very useful.
We’re one of the few developed countries that doesn’t a system, and we’re too reliant on sending SMS for stuff like flood alerts where you can’t get 100% coverage in an area and for other emergency situations, say a terrorist incident. It was pretty pathetic that the ‘stay home’ text at the start of lockdown, took 4 days to slowly send via sms, when other countries hit one bottom and dropped an alert.
yes it does have 4 minute warning capabilities, but we used to air raid sirens connected to the old HANDLE network for when the nukes went off
It's this. The pandemic highlighted that the UK was way behind the curve in it's capacity to put out important messaging* and that it might have been helpful to have a means of quickly and reliably issuing emergency or other safety critical messages. Like when we had different Covid rules in different areas. No conspiracy, just the UK catching up a bit.
*Not helped by closing down the Central Office of Information but we'll park that for here...
2 of my mates are saying they can't make outgoing calls since the test.
And here comes the conspiracy theories 🙄
If they can't make phone calls it has nothing to do with the test or everyone would have issues(I literally made a phone call 2 minutes after the test no issues)
2 of my mates are saying they can't make outgoing calls since the test.
And here comes the conspiracy theories 🙄
If they can't make phone calls it has nothing to do with the test or everyone would have issues(I literally made a phone call 2 minutes after the test no issues)
No, we're not in to all that nonsense. I'm simply saying what they have told me.
2 of my mates are saying they can't make outgoing calls since the test.
And here comes the conspiracy theories 🙄
If they can't make phone calls it has nothing to do with the test or everyone would have issues(I literally made a phone call 2 minutes after the test no issues)
No, we're not in to all that nonsense. I'm simply saying what they have told me.
Nothing. Apparently not working on 3. Who would have thought this government could spend millions on a public safety initiative that doesn't work?
But it did work, just not on 3, which I’d imagine is an issue with 3. That’s why it is being tested….
You'd have thought they might have checked with the main service providers first.
But thats not the governments issue.
The government sent the test message to the service providers who were supposed to send it to everyone's phones, if 3 didn't for some reason because someone pressed the wrong button or decided against it or whatever reason it was that 3 didn't do it correctly then that is an issue with 3 not the government
2 of my mates are saying they can't make outgoing calls since the test.
And here comes the conspiracy theories 🙄
If they can't make phone calls it has nothing to do with the test or everyone would have issues(I literally made a phone call 2 minutes after the test no issues)
No, we're not in to all that nonsense. I'm simply saying what they have told me.
don’t disagree on needing better mitigation, but until then, you have to let people know
"We died Forty-five seconds ago"
They should probably have it to alert people in London to put your phones away as the ratboys on electric bikes are in the area snatching phones which I see on a daily basis at the mo. Then again everyone would be getting their phones out.
I can recall plenty of occasions I have watched the local news where a fire is being reported and people are being asked to stay indoors and keep windows closed
Because of this it had its own emergency plan, in the event of a leak.
The hat cleared the yard and landed in Fishers Way , however the flash was detected in the Nufarm factory which involved an emergency shutdown of the plant and the activation of the emergency evacuation plan and priority chemical response from the LFB and MPS LAS, HSE.
If sent to all mobiles within a 1 mile radius of Leicester Square, I can see that being very useful.
*Not helped by closing down the Central Office of Information but we'll park that for here...
Do you think they are sitting in Whitehall tonight saying
“I thought you were talking to 3”
“no I thought you were doing that”
”no it was definitely you, I had A to M and you had N to Z”
”I think I see what has happened here…”.
If they can't make phone calls it has nothing to do with the test or everyone would have issues(I literally made a phone call 2 minutes after the test no issues)
I'm simply saying what they have told me.
The government sent the test message to the service providers who were supposed to send it to everyone's phones, if 3 didn't for some reason because someone pressed the wrong button or decided against it or whatever reason it was that 3 didn't do it correctly then that is an issue with 3 not the government