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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



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    Going to be fun trying to compete with them and Wrexham!
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    Croydon said:
    Scoham said:
    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, rather than having zero rumours on here today, and 200 posts about Alfie May, can we not just close the thread for a day?
    Or move on to who our new strikers will be - one being a replacement and another as we needed one regardless of whether May was sold.

    Cawley said we wanted signings sorted first so we should be close to at least one new striker.

    Ahadme, Etete and Godden have been mentioned, any other realistic alternatives? I’m ignoring the strikers linked by nonsense Twitter accounts.

    That's been Rich's line all along tbf, but doesn't sound like we've got any one lined up at as an advanced stage as bids being accepted. 
    How do you know that?
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    we have signed a player every 50 pages.  Check back at p 250 to see if you missed anything.
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    Croydon said:
    Scoham said:
    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, rather than having zero rumours on here today, and 200 posts about Alfie May, can we not just close the thread for a day?
    Or move on to who our new strikers will be - one being a replacement and another as we needed one regardless of whether May was sold.

    Cawley said we wanted signings sorted first so we should be close to at least one new striker.

    Ahadme, Etete and Godden have been mentioned, any other realistic alternatives? I’m ignoring the strikers linked by nonsense Twitter accounts.

    That's been Rich's line all along tbf, but doesn't sound like we've got any one lined up at as an advanced stage as bids being accepted. 
    We have a number of bids in .. and two deals in the pipeline one was suppose to happen on Friday ??  GK and Striker but we will want to get another striker once the May deal goes through and later in the window 2 attacking Mid men 
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    By Friday the Election will be over and May will be sold.

    What will we have to argue about then?

    Nothing at all. 

    July 5th will usher is a era of peace, love and understanding so much so that @aliwibble will be trying to start rows just to have something to do.

    You think this is bad , wait till the new kit gets released 😱
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    Croydon said:
    Scoham said:
    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, rather than having zero rumours on here today, and 200 posts about Alfie May, can we not just close the thread for a day?
    Or move on to who our new strikers will be - one being a replacement and another as we needed one regardless of whether May was sold.

    Cawley said we wanted signings sorted first so we should be close to at least one new striker.

    Ahadme, Etete and Godden have been mentioned, any other realistic alternatives? I’m ignoring the strikers linked by nonsense Twitter accounts.

    That's been Rich's line all along tbf, but doesn't sound like we've got any one lined up at as an advanced stage as bids being accepted. 
    We have a number of bids in .. and two deals in the pipeline one was suppose to happen on Friday ??  GK and Striker but we will want to get another striker once the May deal goes through and later in the window 2 attacking Mid men 
    Mid men, is that halfway between Alpha male and effeminate?
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    NabySarr said:
    So 2 of the favourites for promotion are both in for him. Can I again ask why on earth we are letting him go? 
    It is frankly bizarre. Surely they must realise goals aren't everything? 

    If they were smart, they'd beat us to the punch and sign Godden instead who will be much cheaper. 
    I’m no expert in either squad but you’d imagine for them May is the cherry on top of a high quality squad. Our squad is unbalanced and needs balancing out. These decisions aren’t binary, it won’t be that the recruitment team think replacements are better than May, they just might compliment the team better. I have no idea if they’re right or not and neither does anyone else. We’ll find out in a few months time. 
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    thenewbie said:
    I would imagine that whatever the status of the May deal that it will be held off announcement as long as possible so that we have someone else to bring in almost straight away.

    Probably very unfair on that player (whoever they are) as they will be associated with an unpopular decision and expected to match May's numbers, fairly or not, but May going and nothing about a replacement at all would be a PR nightmare for our "new" CEO...
    Jonny Robinson came in the fill the very big boots of Robert Lee.

    Different type of player but he won over the fans.....and some.
    Oh it can be done but it's a lot of extra pressure
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    Richard J said:
    Suspect Huddersfield will now match the bid.
    Don't need to. He's only moving because his wife wants to be near family in Yorkshire. 

    Or has the narrative changed yet again. 
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    Scoham said:
    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, rather than having zero rumours on here today, and 200 posts about Alfie May, can we not just close the thread for a day?
    Or move on to who our new strikers will be - one being a replacement and another as we needed one regardless of whether May was sold.

    Cawley said we wanted signings sorted first so we should be close to at least one new striker.

    Ahadme, Etete and Godden have been mentioned, any other realistic alternatives? I’m ignoring the strikers linked by nonsense Twitter accounts.

    Can't have everything. What am I always told on here....."you can't sign players in any particular order". 

    Just get it done fgs. Sell him & find another striker under 6ft who will bag you 15+ goals. Not difficult surely 🤷‍♂️.
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    edited June 29
    redbuttle said:
    Croydon said:
    Scoham said:
    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, rather than having zero rumours on here today, and 200 posts about Alfie May, can we not just close the thread for a day?
    Or move on to who our new strikers will be - one being a replacement and another as we needed one regardless of whether May was sold.

    Cawley said we wanted signings sorted first so we should be close to at least one new striker.

    Ahadme, Etete and Godden have been mentioned, any other realistic alternatives? I’m ignoring the strikers linked by nonsense Twitter accounts.

    That's been Rich's line all along tbf, but doesn't sound like we've got any one lined up at as an advanced stage as bids being accepted. 
    How do you know that?
    At least one of the ITK lot on here, or Rich, would have let slip by now. Plus Ronnie saying we have just confirms that we don't. 
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    Going to be fun trying to compete with them and Wrexham!
    Why Wrexham? They spent big for conference level but have they done so far this summer?
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    Oh,I am gonna love reading the Udders getting into meltdown over this...😂😂😂
    Be even funnier if they get him, only to get the version that played for Doncaster.

    Imagine spending all that money on a 20+ goal striker, only to get barely any return out of him... All that gloating they'd no doubt regret.
    58 in 141 ain't too shabby.
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    Let's all wait and see how the whole window unfolds. Lots of turns to come yet.
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    edited June 29
    It’s been pretty obvious May is off for weeks 

    What matters is who we bring in to replace him. This is a massive gamble 

    But if Jones feels there is a better striker who will fit his system then that’s his choice, he is the gaffer.

    This could be a master stroke or end very badly for him.

    Time will tell
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    Hal1x said:
    Oh,I am gonna love reading the Udders getting into meltdown over this...😂😂😂
    Be even funnier if they get him, only to get the version that played for Doncaster.

    Imagine spending all that money on a 20+ goal striker, only to get barely any return out of him... All that gloating they'd no doubt regret.
    58 in 141 ain't too shabby.
    That was the Cheltenham version. The Doncaster version got 10 in 92. He's a different player to then now though, works much harder on his fitness after Duff screamed the shit out of him a few times about it and it finally clicked.
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    If Birmingham are on the scene with May, surely it would be in our interests to tell them that we have agreed a fee with Huddersfield and to consider a fee from them it would have to be higher.
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    edited June 29
    In case I've missed it, what percentage do Cheltenham get in the transfer ? 
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    Bailey said:
    In case I've missed it, what percentage do Cheltenham get in the transfer
    Not known.  Cawley mentioned it but not a figure.
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    Sorry if it’s been covered but Ian maatsen  has been sold for 37 million, are we genuinely due money from that or is that speculation? 
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    edited June 29
    Rothko said:
    Sorry if it’s been covered but Ian maatsen  has been sold for 37 million, are we genuinely due money from that or is that speculation? 
    What crack have people been smoking to think that? 
    I didn’t know about it until I read it somewhere on here… some development fee ? 
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    Bailey said:
    In case I've missed it, what percentage do Cheltenham get in the transfer
    Not known.  Cawley mentioned it but not a figure.
    The Cheltenham equivalent has said 15% of any profit, so about 75k going off the reported figures
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    Sorry if it’s been covered but Ian maatsen  has been sold for 37 million, are we genuinely due money from that or is that speculation? 
    The fee only came if he signed abroad.
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