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British Gas raising prices this winter.



  • thas what I mean mate, I would love to put a proper one in my house and run the heating off it, must be a way, if they are going to keep putting the prices up I would prefer to say feck the green energy the planet will last thousands of more years till it choked by then I am dead and so will say ten generations of my bin lids so why would I care
  • edited October 2013

    Can't beat a lovely open coal fire nla. Simple pleasure on a cold winters day.

    Is it local coal @AddickUpNorth or imported these days :-0 you going Blackburn today?
  • @RedChaser - unfortunately not making it today, been an expensive month already :-(
  • Fair enough mate, nothing to do with Fanny's chocolate fingers then :0) plus Christmas is coming. You'll have to suffer in doors with the vast majority of us keeping updated over the airwaves. I'm hoping to do a few northern trips in the new year.
  • Haha I'd love to encounter Fanny's chocolate fingers! Got a few games in my diary for the new year so we'll have to share a hip flask of the Goose RC ;-)
  • Sounds like a plan :0)
  • edited October 2013
    Well worth a read..pretty sensibly balanced as well, which seems unusual from what I have seen so far on the subject.

    The smokescreen of the energy companies buying from themselves (their own generating arms) allows them to show limited "profits" on their domestic business (selling to you and me).

    Perhaps this needs to be regulated more and certainly allowing banks, or any financial institutions, to become mass purchasers of power should be banned completely.

    At one stage JP Morgan, a US investment bank was the second highest energy buyer in the UK and was 9th in the US. At least the regulators there are stamping down on this and JPM are to be fined and have put their commodities business up for sale. Regulators outside the US need to consider their next moves as well.
  • On a slight tangent can anyone recommend someone who fits cat flaps in double glazed patio doors. If I could shut my doors it would make my house much warmer. Please message me if you know anyone. Thanks
  • It's not their problem, is it?

    I would be surprised if Government ministers are in touch with the needs of low income people.

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  • LenGlover said:
    ...but always ensure your garment complies with EU Health & Safety Directive regarding size of apertures and gauge of knit.
  • Who'd have thought it...the lefty BBC defending the Tories, while the Telegraph & the Times report it as Dave says...

    What's the world coming to...shocking behaviour!
  • Did Hitler ever wear a jumper? Cos if he did that proves Cameron is a nazi. Or something like that.

    Darwin wore a cardigan FACT
  • Did Hitler ever wear a jumper? Cos if he did that proves Cameron is a nazi. Or something like that.

    Darwin wore a cardigan FACT

    ...and a mighty suspicious jacquard it had too.
  • Did Hitler ever wear a jumper? Cos if he did that proves Cameron is a nazi. Or something like that.

    Darwin wore a cardigan FACT

    Let it go Henry, life's too short :-)
  • To many of the threads on here lately get dragged away from the subject matter.......hang on
  • Did Hitler ever wear a jumper? Cos if he did that proves Cameron is a nazi. Or something like that.

    Darwin wore a cardigan FACT

  • You got the heating on Len ? :0)
  • RedChaser said:

    You got the heating on Len ? :0)

    Yep wet miserable afternoon, we're 1 up and I've dropped off

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  • This frackin' malarkey. Decided I was ignorant +++ on this subject so have got reading. Very complicated but the more I read, the more worried I become.
  • LenGlover said:

    Did Hitler ever wear a jumper? Cos if he did that proves Cameron is a nazi. Or something like that.

    Darwin wore a cardigan FACT

    Is there were I complain about thought police, the EU oppressing me and the lack of democracy?

    Just admit you posted yet another link that was wrong.
  • LenGlover said:

    Did Hitler ever wear a jumper? Cos if he did that proves Cameron is a nazi. Or something like that.

    Darwin wore a cardigan FACT

    Is there were I complain about thought police, the EU oppressing me and the lack of democracy?

    Just admit you posted yet another link that was wrong.

    Henry I've concluded that I credit you with more intelligence than you deserve sometimes.

    My links, from accredited academics, clearly demonstrate how a major influence on the abhorrent ideology of fascism is Green dogma.

    If you are unable to, or choose not to, comprehend that FACT then there is little I can add to enhance your understanding other than to suggest that you read it again.

  • But they are not accreditted academics are they. They are fundamentlist creationisnt nutters.

    Hence the constant and delibrate confusion between Darwin and so called darwinism.

    They and it seems you hate and fear Darwin and Dawkins for totally undermine the creationist myth.

    Creationist hate the greens because climate change doesn't fit in with Genesis but like dimosaur and evolution its true.

    And your so called Green dogma came after the nazis were already dead.

    The post war German multi party democracy embraced "green" policies not because it was nazi but because it made sense when re-building a country with no nuclear capacity.
  • But they are not accreditted academics are they. They are fundamentlist creationisnt nutters.

    Hence the constant and delibrate confusion between Darwin and so called darwinism.

    They and it seems you hate and fear Darwin and Dawkins for totally undermine the creationist myth.

    Creationist hate the greens because climate change doesn't fit in with Genesis but like dimosaur and evolution its true.

    And your so called Green dogma came after the nazis were already dead.

    The post war German multi party democracy embraced "green" policies not because it was nazi but because it made sense when re-building a country with no nuclear capacity.

    Henry don't smear the sources with what you want to think because you don't like what is said!

    This bloke isn't one of your....."fundamentlist creationisnt nutters."......

    He states quite clearly that National Socialism has foundations in biology and, correct me if I'm wrong which I'm sure you will, Darwin was a biologist or, if you wish to be pedantic, a naturalist.


    "The leadership of our National Socialist state and our conception of a people [Volk] is penetrated and inspired by foundations in biology. Legal provisions are derived from the laws of life. Their worth proceeds from the degree to which they are thought through in biological terms and on biological foundations." -- Walter Greit, Chief of Reichsbund für Biologie

    Source: Klaus Fischer, Nazi Germany: A New History (New York, Continuum, 1995), p. 233.
  • So biologists are Nazis? Has anyone told the Guardian?
  • So by your non-logic every biologist ever is a nazi including Darwin who died in 1882 decades before nazism was created.

    Nazi built motorway so anyone who uses a motorway is by your logic a nazi. That is just how feeble and flawed your arguement is

    Or you could just accept that what you hate and fear in Darwin and Dawkins is that they use or used science to destroy the creationist myth.
  • So by your non-logic every biologist ever is a nazi including Darwin who died in 1882 decades before nazism was created.

    Nazi built motorway so anyone who uses a motorway is by your logic a nazi. That is just how feeble and flawed your arguement is

    Or you could just accept that what you hate and fear in Darwin and Dawkins is that they use or used science to destroy the creationist myth.

    Henry don't put words in my mouth.

    Nowhere have I said that Darwin is a Nazi and YOU, not me, are the one to repeatedly mention Creationism.

  • Len, are you a creationist? Simple question

    So when you said

    "He states quite clearly that National Socialism has foundations in biology and, correct me if I'm wrong which I'm sure you will, Darwin was a biologist or, if you wish to be pedantic, a naturalist."

    You point was what? You linked Darwin and the Nazis. For what other reason but to smear him.
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