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General things that Annoy you



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    See Matt Le Tissier is blaming the government for the weather today

    Absolute Nutjob 😂
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    edited April 9
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    See Matt Le Tissier is blaming the government for the weather today

    Absolute Nutjob 😂
    Where do you read this kind of thing…is the daily sport still being published?
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    His own twitter page 
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    my car tax renews on 1 May
    every year the reminder from DVLA arrives mid April - fair enough
    But every 1 April the RFL tariffs are increased
    The reminder issued mid April is always out of date, quoting the RFL pre-increase, weeks after that increase has been announced
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    Taking longer to get from the A20 turn off on the M25 to Bexley, than it took from Windsor to the turn off. All due to one bloody temporary traffic light near the Hurst Rd roundabout.
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    Fanta pants not having to pay 100% of these costs 
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    Fanta pants not having to pay 100% of these costs 
    It is only taxpayers money
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    edited April 16
    People so eager these days to f**king Spoil TV shows or Films... Especially book adaptations, where they know what happens because they've read the novel, and want to ruin it for the rest of us.

    I'll often go over to Reddit, where you get a few Groups talking about the Shows, its quite good to read people's views after watching an Episode where you may have missed something, or what something means etc... My own fault, but you'd hope that even then, people would have the common sense not to blatantly ruin things.

    Couple of weeks ago I went on one, and the first f**king thread on there was: Do you think <this moment> will happen like it does in the book - They didnt even bother censoring any of the text, like you can do with Spoilers, so if you wanted to know what they were asking, if was then your fault.

    Was a joke how Marvel had to almost beg people not to spoil any of Avengers: EndGame, once they'd gone to see it.
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    My son had to go to school wearing something from the 80’s or 90’s for a sponsored dance-a-thon today and wanted to wear an old football shirt of mine.

    i went to my mum and dads yesterday and dug them out and put the ones from the 90’s in a separate pile and told my mum he could pick one of them (he goes to school from their house in the morning as it around the corner)

    my mum sent me a picture of him wearing a Scotland shirt from 2002 ffs

    he had a decent choice of Charlton and hearts shirts as well as Scotland and some decent European shirts like kappa Barcelona, inter Milan and dormands champions league winning shirt 

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    PopIcon said:
    People who are still sharing Wordle, no one gives a shit!
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    PopIcon said:
    People who are still sharing Wordle, no one gives a shit!
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    edited April 19
    PopIcon said:
    Anyone over the age of 18 who is immersed in WWE. 
    Totally agree and anyone that don't will get a chokeslam with a DDT to follow, for their troubles

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    James May. The guy is the beigest of beige, cheddar cheese, the missionary in a xxx rated porno. He's naff!
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    Stig said:
    Woodland has been royally fucked in places this year - A Photographer that I follow on Social Media is on a one man campaign against the Forestry Commission (?) after there was a ton of felling of trees in one place, the machinery to do so, ruined a huge area of bluebells and the tyre tracks make it look an absolute mess of an area where he was
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    Is that not normal coppicing though?
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    Stig said:
    Is that not normal coppicing though?
    Doesnt look like it from the information he's had so far, and bluebells are massively protected
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    That I believed the weather forecast when it said it would be raining all week so went ahead and put grass seed down on Monday and now its suddenly been lovely weather so I've been out there watering the grass twice a day since. Feels ridiculous given the weather we've had this last month! Ridiculous!
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    The A303.
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    Describing anything or anyone as "ahead of his/her/its time"
    Very commonly used and utter bullshine, impossible in fact.  Time travel ain't possible kids.

    A person may be truly exceptional in their performance/achievement/creativity/etc but they are inextricably a product and fact of their time.
    They categorically are not pulling anything from the future.
    They may well be the first to do/say/think something but they unarguably do that right then in the present. 
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    Blimey. Doesn’t it just mean they had thoughts and ideas that weren’t popular or even common until years later? When many other people started to cotton on to a particular set of ideals or way of thinking, the person in question had already been doing that a long time before.
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    So called super managers who really wouldnt last in a Div 6 sunday league.Who  would have took Harry Kane off in last nights game,he would have drawn fouls ,held the ball up and possibly created more chances against a Madrid side who would have to have taken risks.Every person who saw this game would not have taken Kane off,but super duper T.T did,and lost them the game.he has just presided over Bayerns worst season for years,yet I bet some one will snap him up and pay him Millions to balls their team up.Crazy.
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    So called super managers who really wouldnt last in a Div 6 sunday league.Who  would have took Harry Kane off in last nights game,he would have drawn fouls ,held the ball up and possibly created more chances against a Madrid side who would have to have taken risks.Every person who saw this game would not have taken Kane off,but super duper T.T did,and lost them the game.he has just presided over Bayerns worst season for years,yet I bet some one will snap him up and pay him Millions to balls their team up.Crazy.
    Man Utd, although their team doesn't need much ballsing up at the moment.
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    People that invite you round for an event but leave it until 8 hours before to ask you to bring a side dish. 

    Like give a guy some notice I've gotta work all day  and haven't got much food in the house. Happy to bring something (I offered when I initially was invited) but come on man. How am I meant to make anything half decent?
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    If that happened to me, I’d be bringing something from Waitrose (or Sainos if I didn’t like them that much).
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    Being tall and forgetting to stoop at times when walking through doors, or down the stairs at home.

    Banged my head twice yesterday, bloody painful it was the second time too!!
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