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General things that Annoy you



  • clb74 said:
    When you say your popping over the road for a couple of pints to someone and they turn up nearly an hour later.
    Then then get the hump when you say I'm having 1 more then I'm off

    So your just popping out, not going out out
  • Going somewhere with people who are always late turning out the house! 
    My wife drives me crazy for this.  If you know it takes you an hour to get ready, either don't start getting ready 45mins before we need to leave, or just accept you'll have 45 mins and adjust.

    Don't take an hour anyway so we're late!
    With an hour to go me mum would have the washing machine on be half way through the hoovering and then say to me dad will just give the grass a cut before I start getting ready.
  • Wine bottles made with thick glass so that when you pick one up you think 'Bonus! Must be a couple of glasses still in there'. Crushing when you realise that's not the case.
    Clocktower SB, I'm looking at you.
  • Was going to stay of this topic as miserable bastards like me can always find something to get annoyed about.However, why was Roger Federer,arguably the worlds best ever tennis player,and in the twighlight of his career,asked to play a match which finished locally after midnight,in an empty,soul less stadium.Surely,if the main courts could not accomodate him during the day,even playing on a lesser court in front of a few thousand would have been preferable to this.The match was a classic,up and down,with Roger showing the will to win that has epitomised his career,and no one was there to see it.I know it is nice to give others a game on the show courts,but ffs,this is Roger Federer.
  • clb74 said:
    When you say your popping over the road for a couple of pints to someone and they turn up nearly an hour later.
    Then then get the hump when you say I'm having 1 more then I'm off

    Popping over the road for a quick beer.
    Recieve a phone call 30 minutes later can you get  me a pint.
  • Bumped into my upstairs neighbour on the stairs yesterday and he was wearing a C****** P***** shirt
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  • edited June 2021
    The radio advert for the film The Quiet Place 2 that said it would be showing in cinemas on June three. Why is Gods name would they not say June 3rd? Its like everything saying today is the 11 day of the month
  • Our cat and the cat next door just had a right old scrap, which because it happened in our garden is all my fault, when I pointed out that their cat was in our house eating our cats food she sulked off,  I wouldn't mind but our thing is ancient and came off worse.
  • Our cat and the cat next door just had a right old scrap, which because it happened in our garden is all my fault, when I pointed out that their cat was in our house eating our cats food she sulked off,  I wouldn't mind but our thing is ancient and came off worse.
    You can never reason with cats mate
    Just cats being cats, stroppy owners should have got a budgie, that really would give her something to moan about if it became lunch. 
  • Got a bit of a war zone in my garden at the moment with one of my cats, Oscar, who has taken a dislike to the young male cat from the house on the other side of the back fence who has a habit of coming into Oscar’s territory to hunt birds. The intruder, Delta, still has his balls and fancies himself as a bit of lad but my boy is from the streets and won’t take any shit from this new adversary and they’ve had many a tear up over the last few weeks. Oscar has the weight advantage and is kicking Delta’s arse much to the annoyance of his owners who I’ve heard describe my champ as a ‘f’ing bully’. Makes a dad proud I’ll tell you.
    My cat Colbie was a bit like that in his younger days, isnt an old boy by any means but has certainly mellowed.

    Still the remember the day we met him at the rescue centre, we went into their cats room and Colbie was sitting by the cat flap looking at it, this other cat (was living there too) poked its head through the cat flap looked left, looked right, saw Colbie staring at him and slowly backed out again. 

    They had to move him before we collected as he was being a bully to the other cats in there - I think he was just being over protective to his Sister who we also rescued at the same time. 
  • I've spent many a time legging it out to the back garden to break up my cat getting decked or rogered without her consent by the neighbourhood brutes.

    As said above you cant stop it when it comes to cats having a ruck. It's just what they do.
  • I've spent many a time legging it out to the back garden to break up my cat getting decked or rogered without her consent by the neighbourhood brutes.

    As said above you cant stop it when it comes to cats having a ruck. It's just what they do.
    Its on your own head if you try to break it up... Colbie will often sit on my lap and paddy paw on my legs, can sometimes feel his nails and they're bloody sharp
  • edited June 2021
    Oscar shares his space (our house) with Alfie who we’ve had for fourteen years and has absolutely no interest in fighting. Minus most of his teeth, deaf in one year and with a dodgy eye my old lad likes the quiet life and Oscar generally leaves him be but I think that’s more because he knows he’d mightily piss off his dad (ie me) if he went for Alf. They’ll happily sleep on the same bed together but Oscar does have an annoying habit of stalking Alf when he has his daily foray into the garden. I’ve already told Oscar that when he’s old I’m going to get a kitten to terrorise him so he knows what karma is.
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  • Our cat and the cat next door just had a right old scrap, which because it happened in our garden is all my fault, when I pointed out that their cat was in our house eating our cats food she sulked off,  I wouldn't mind but our thing is ancient and came off worse.
    You can never reason with cats mate
    I have always been of the opinion that if the cat was big enough and hungry enough you’d be lunch.
    Don’t kid yourself any different.
  • I've spent many a time legging it out to the back garden to break up my cat getting decked or rogered without her consent by the neighbourhood brutes.

    As said above you cant stop it when it comes to cats having a ruck. It's just what they do.
    Its on your own head if you try to break it up... Colbie will often sit on my lap and paddy paw on my legs, can sometimes feel his nails and they're bloody sharp
    I remember my last cat took a right beating from I assume another cat but possibly a fox. Ended up having to take him to an emergency vet on a sunday. He had his head shaved and a cone put around his neck for 2 weeks as he had a pretty deep cut on his bonce.

    £600 later, any sound of a fight in my garden I'm out there like Usain bolt. Dont need that expense again 😁
  • Our cat and the cat next door just had a right old scrap, which because it happened in our garden is all my fault, when I pointed out that their cat was in our house eating our cats food she sulked off,  I wouldn't mind but our thing is ancient and came off worse.
    You can never reason with cats mate
    I have always been of the opinion that if the cat was big enough and hungry enough you’d be lunch.
    Don’t kid yourself any different.

    Tis true that, no doubt.
  • Macronate said:
    Can we please remember the thread title and take any cat stories to the, as yet, uncreated ‘Cat stories’ thread.

    Cheers everyone.
    Okay Okay... Put the claws away... Although I agree it would be more purrr-fect if a separate thread was created
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