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General things that Annoy you



  • Why is it assumed that everyone is able to operate Apps,downloads,uploads and god knows what else loads,my wife has even got a blood test form sent to her phone,she is 75,has not got a clue what to do,today letter from bank about added security,download this,upload that,register this,go to this app,I have had enough of this technical bollocks.
    Surely could moan about any technology through the ages that becomes almost essential, but is at first confusing to the masses. Just something that has to be accepted and learnt. 

    I’m someone that is far more comfortable with doing things in person or over the phone, but I’ve realised in this last year that I’m being left behind, and have had to adapt and learn more about how to use apps etc.
  • Why is it assumed that everyone is able to operate Apps,downloads,uploads and god knows what else loads,my wife has even got a blood test form sent to her phone,she is 75,has not got a clue what to do,today letter from bank about added security,download this,upload that,register this,go to this app,I have had enough of this technical bollocks.
    Surely could moan about any technology through the ages that becomes almost essential, but is at first confusing to the masses. Just something that has to be accepted and learnt. 

    I’m someone that is far more comfortable with doing things in person or over the phone, but I’ve realised in this last year that I’m being left behind, and have had to adapt and learn more about how to use apps etc.
    I agree it is a way of life now,but I do get pissed off when some arrogant prick looks down their nose at me when I struggle to understand the instructions they are giving me when say trying to send a photo,or trying to transfer a photo from a phone to a laptop.I have stood in a fruit market at,and without even a calculator,have worked out 10 boxes of apples @£ and tenpence,5 boxes of oranges at £3.5 and 6pence and so on,add the lot up deduct 3% discount add 3p package porterage.
    I would like to see Mr.Techy bollocks do that.
    Yes, but in the modern world that counts for nothing. What's important is your high score on Fruit Ninja  ;)
  • Stig said:
    Having had a fortnight off in the dullest May weather I can remember, my first morning back at work has been glorious sunshine.
    That's fate paying you back for having a go at us old folk who don't understand new technology...  :p
  • Macronate said:
    Attention seeking celebs coming out as 'non binary'....

    “Demi Lovato is non-binary and is changing their pronouns from she/her to they/them, the singer has told fans.

    Non-binary people don't identify as male or female, and tend not to conform to gender norms of either.

    "Today is a day I'm so happy to share more of my life with you all," Demi, who's 28, wrote on Twitter. 

    "I am proud to let you know that I identify as non-binary & will officially be changing my pronouns to they/them moving forward."

    Demi said they came to understand their gender identity after spending time doing "healing and self-reflective work" over the past year.

    Using they/them as pronouns "best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression", the Sorry (Not Sorry) singer added”.

    Each to their own and all that but what a load of cobblers.

    Agree,could not give a toss,there are plenty of people who have serious health or personal issues who are more deserving of our attention,but do not have a public platform,why do these z listers (never actually heard of him,her it,they.them)think anyone is remotely interested.
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  • People complaining about other people announcing their gender identity.
    I honestly don’t know why it annoys you if you don’t care. 
    It is important to some people. If it’s not important to you, ignore it and let them get on with it.
  • People complaining about other people announcing their gender identity.
    I honestly don’t know why it annoys you if you don’t care. 
    It is important to some people. If it’s not important to you, ignore it and let them get on with it.
    We wouldn't have much to chat about if we didn't get annoyed at other people being twats though, LR? It is what this thread is generally about, in fairness...  :smiley:
  • People complaining about other people announcing their gender identity.
    I honestly don’t know why it annoys you if you don’t care. 
    It is important to some people. If it’s not important to you, ignore it and let them get on with it.
    It's just indicative of a society where self obsessed celebs are given a platform above everybody else - epitomises everything wrong with the world. 

  • Newspaper articles which no one actually gives a shit about,Katie price going on a baby making holiday,give me strength,Naomi Campbell having a baby at 50,who gives a toss.
    They don't have those in The Guardian  ;)
  • MrOneLung said:

    The media are all heading the same way - obsessed with celebrity.
  • Lucky I am of to golf in a minute as I could probably find enough subjects to fill my day on here.
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  • Newspaper articles which no one actually gives a shit about,Katie price going on a baby making holiday,give me strength,Naomi Campbell having a baby at 50,who gives a toss.
    Benjy still doing articles for the NS even though he’s back in the states? 🤷‍♂️😉
  • People complaining about other people announcing their gender identity.
    I honestly don’t know why it annoys you if you don’t care. 
    It is important to some people. If it’s not important to you, ignore it and let them get on with it.
    It's just indicative of a society where self obsessed celebs are given a platform above everybody else - epitomises everything wrong with the world. 

    It's style over substance as I told the local Labour MP. 

    Sir Keir Starmer is obviously intelligent, has held high office and is a thoroughly decent bloke, but he is as dull as ditchwater. I don't think Labour are going anywhere while he's in charge (mores the pity).
  • Anybody have any info about a droning, siren like noise sounding over Barnehurst/Bexleyheath which woke us up about 5 this morning? So annoying.

    Fortunately, managed to get back to sleep once it finally stopped and then proceeded to have a full blown conversation with a baby alligator 🐊 (in my dream).
  • Macronate said:
    Anybody have any info about a droning, siren like noise sounding over Barnehurst/Bexleyheath which woke us up about 5 this morning? So annoying.

    Fortunately, managed to get back to sleep once it finally stopped and then proceeded to have a full blown conversation with a baby alligator 🐊 (in my dream).
    My missus had a chat with a lion in hers last night, he told her it was our responsibilty to feed him, and we were really worried because we know we couldn't afford all the meat he would eat... 🥩🥩🥩 
  • People who put fuel in their cars at a pump that takes payment and then go off to pay in the shop .
  • Macronate said:
    Anybody have any info about a droning, siren like noise sounding over Barnehurst/Bexleyheath which woke us up about 5 this morning? So annoying.

    Fortunately, managed to get back to sleep once it finally stopped and then proceeded to have a full blown conversation with a baby alligator 🐊 (in my dream).
    My missus had a chat with a lion in hers last night, he told her it was our responsibilty to feed him, and we were really worried because we know we couldn't afford all the meat he would eat... 🥩🥩🥩 

    Mrs AUN chats more in her sleep than she does when she’s awake (which is often a blessing) and last night was no different although I got the added pleasure of being kicked as she tried to get a wasp the size of a crow from under the duvet. She settled down after I told her it had gone as it was past its bedtime.
  • Does she eat cheese before bedtime AUN? 
  • Macronate said:
    Anybody have any info about a droning, siren like noise sounding over Barnehurst/Bexleyheath which woke us up about 5 this morning? So annoying.

    Fortunately, managed to get back to sleep once it finally stopped and then proceeded to have a full blown conversation with a baby alligator 🐊 (in my dream).
    My missus had a chat with a lion in hers last night, he told her it was our responsibilty to feed him, and we were really worried because we know we couldn't afford all the meat he would eat... 🥩🥩🥩 

    Mrs AUN chats more in her sleep than she does when she’s awake (which is often a blessing) and last night was no different although I got the added pleasure of being kicked as she tried to get a wasp the size of a crow from under the duvet. She settled down after I told her it had gone as it was past its bedtime.

    At what age is it appropriate to move to separate bedrooms? Asking for a friend....
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