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General things that Annoy you



  • Arseholes that accept an offer on a house and then back out 24 hours later. ffs
    You still having problems with buying / selling mate?

    Swear I remember you airing your frustrations a few months ago about something similar?
    Been a year trying to buy somewhere. 1 Aborted purchase because the sellers were too attached to the house and didn't really want to sell. Cost us thousands in solicitors and surveys etc. Since then this is the 2nd bunch of time wasters but at least its happened early enough in the process that it hasn't cost us any cash. Still just completely shit to keep getting your hopes up and then getting them smashed to tiny little pieces every time.
  • Arseholes that accept an offer on a house and then back out 24 hours later. ffs
    Infuriating, but deep breaths and think about how much more infuriating had it been further down the line and you'd have spent money on the house rather than the last 24 hours hypothetically spending money only in your head. 
    Yeah fair point. fed up of this whole system tbh
  • Arseholes that accept an offer on a house and then back out 24 hours later. ffs
    You still having problems with buying / selling mate?

    Swear I remember you airing your frustrations a few months ago about something similar?
    Been a year trying to buy somewhere. 1 Aborted purchase because the sellers were too attached to the house and didn't really want to sell. Cost us thousands in solicitors and surveys etc. Since then this is the 2nd bunch of time wasters but at least its happened early enough in the process that it hasn't cost us any cash. Still just completely shit to keep getting your hopes up and then getting them smashed to tiny little pieces every time.
    Yeah I thought as much - Keep your head up like Suzi says, you'll find somewhere
  • Arseholes that accept an offer on a house and then back out 24 hours later. ffs
    You still having problems with buying / selling mate?

    Swear I remember you airing your frustrations a few months ago about something similar?
    Been a year trying to buy somewhere. 1 Aborted purchase because the sellers were too attached to the house and didn't really want to sell. Cost us thousands in solicitors and surveys etc. Since then this is the 2nd bunch of time wasters but at least its happened early enough in the process that it hasn't cost us any cash. Still just completely shit to keep getting your hopes up and then getting them smashed to tiny little pieces every time.
    Yeah I thought as much - Keep your head up like Suzi says, you'll find somewhere
    Cheers mate.
  • edited April 2021
    Arseholes that accept an offer on a house and then back out 24 hours later. ffs
    Infuriating, but deep breaths and think about how much more infuriating had it been further down the line and you'd have spent money on the house rather than the last 24 hours hypothetically spending money only in your head. 
    Yeah fair point. fed up of this whole system tbh
    I was going to ask after the kidbrooke thread was resurrected if you’d moved but maybe I’m recalling the wrong person looking in the area. I’m terrible at remembering who said what. Keep your chin up. That old saying ‘it wasn’t meant to be’ when people say it and you want to gouge their eyes out because they don’t understand, really do know best, and it really wasn’t meant to be. 

    Another thing to make you feel better, think of all the negatives of this house you missed out on that you were settling for as you’re desperate to move. You probably ignored them when you put in offer. 

    We lost out on a house with an aga with a through lounge and low ceilings and white wooden floors. I’d convinced myself in a week that an aga was amazing and affordable for us, white floors were the best and I wouldn’t hit my head on the ceiling nor regret spending the whole day in the same room plus the location would be amazing.... by pulling out they did us a favour. 

  • Carter said:
    I found one 300mg but the more potency the better with that stuff course the price goes up the more mg you add. A mate of mine sells it as well as lunatic strength super skunk and gave me a tiny phial of 1500mg oil and that was excellent but really expensive, just a tiny drop under your tongue for a couple of days and everything feels better. 

    Great call for CBD rub mate. Was in Holland & Barrett and saw they sold it. Got a 300mg tub and it’s made such a difference. Not waking up every time I bloody move and wiping my arse is now the pleasure it once was! Used it on my back too and that’s a lot better.

    Probably should be in the things that make you feel old thread.
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  • edited April 2021
    Ordering an HP keyboard and mouse with the pictures on Amazon showing all the keys in English only to receive it today finding the keyboard is French (buttons like Home are spelled different for example)
  • Ordering an HP keyboard and mouse with the pictures on Amazon showing all the keys in English only to receive it today finding the keyboard is French (buttons like Home are spelled different for example)
    C'est merd.
  • Ordering an HP keyboard and mouse with the pictures on Amazon showing all the keys in English only to receive it today finding the keyboard is French (buttons like Home are spelled different for example)
    Mort de rire 
  • Arseholes that accept an offer on a house and then back out 24 hours later. ffs
    Infuriating, but deep breaths and think about how much more infuriating had it been further down the line and you'd have spent money on the house rather than the last 24 hours hypothetically spending money only in your head. 
    Yeah fair point. fed up of this whole system tbh
    I was going to ask after the kidbrooke thread was resurrected if you’d moved but maybe I’m recalling the wrong person looking in the area. I’m terrible at remembering who said what. Keep your chin up. That old saying ‘it wasn’t meant to be’ when people say it and you want to gouge their eyes out because they don’t understand, really do know best, and it really wasn’t meant to be. 

    Another thing to make you feel better, think of all the negatives of this house you missed out on that you were settling for as you’re desperate to move. You probably ignored them when you put in offer. 

    We lost out on a house with an aga with a through lounge and low ceilings and white wooden floors. I’d convinced myself in a week that an aga was amazing and affordable for us, white floors were the best and I wouldn’t hit my head on the ceiling nor regret spending the whole day in the same room plus the location would be amazing.... by pulling out they did us a favour. 

    Only just seen this. Absolutely right. Thsnks
  • People the pluralise Westfield shopping centre and call it ‘Westfields’.
  • “Bluewaters” is worse. Although I’m not sure why.
  • JaShea99 said:
    “Bluewaters” is worse. Although I’m not sure why.
    It’s bizarre ain’t it, seems to be younger people only that do this. 
  • I see your pluralised shopping centres and raise you... vinyls. 🤬
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  • JaShea99 said:
    “Bluewaters” is worse. Although I’m not sure why.
    Never heard it called that... "Bluey" is the one I constantly hear
  • buckshee said:
    People the pluralise Westfield shopping centre and call it ‘Westfields’.
    Used to work with a (very thick) woman who used to pluralise so many places or companies for no reason.

    She was always going to 'Aldis', 'Tescos' at lunch (or Beefeaters on A Friday), she'd talk about invoices from 'Kwik Fits' and 'Coparts' (it was at a motor insurer) etc.

    It was really bizarre, and one of those things that once you tune into, you can't not hear it and it really annoys you.  How do they not realise no one else calls a place the same thing they do?!
  • People that eat crisps/crunchy snacks on Zoom calls and don't mute their mics
  • Billy_Mix said:
    liquid soap pump action dispenser things - the pipe into the soap is always 5mm short of the bottom of the bottle, making the last few cc's a massive faff to retrieve without spilling gloop all over the sink
     add some water to the dregs and mix it to increase the volume. it'll dilute it, but just pump more out and it'll use it all up. There has to be a gap in order to get the air in for the pump to function. 
  • First haircut in months and it's a bit of a pudding bowl job.😳

  • On the radio when you hear “I’m gonna play a little bit of...” why say just a little bit surely it will be the whole song? 
  • On the radio when you hear “I’m gonna play a little bit of...” why say just a little bit surely it will be the whole song? 
    That bloke on Sheppeyfm?
    "Wayne I think his name is?? ;) xx
  • T_C_E said:
    On the radio when you hear “I’m gonna play a little bit of...” why say just a little bit surely it will be the whole song? 
    That bloke on Sheppeyfm?
    "Wayne I think his name is?? ;) xx
    Bloody irritable git him! But he bought me tickets for Jason Donovan so all it forgiven lol x
  • T_C_E said:
    On the radio when you hear “I’m gonna play a little bit of...” why say just a little bit surely it will be the whole song? 
    That bloke on Sheppeyfm?
    "Wayne I think his name is?? ;) xx
    Bloody irritable git him! But he bought me tickets for Jason Donovan so all it forgiven lol x
    Especially for you!
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