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General things that Annoy you



  • 3 days of orange warning thunder storms, mean 3 dayd of power cuts and no internet. Like living in the 3rd world here sometimes......
  • Wilma said:
    Local newspaper websites.

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    When you do finally get access to the full article, you only see about 20% of the page because of all the adverts and pop-ups. 
    Download a free pop up ad blocker. 
  • Wilma said:
    Local newspaper websites.

    Answer a short survey to read this article
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    You have read 15 articles this month

    When you do finally get access to the full article, you only see about 20% of the page because of all the adverts and pop-ups. 
    Download a free pop up ad blocker. 
    Then you end up on some sites which ask you to turn off your blocker
  • Wilma said:
    Local newspaper websites.

    Answer a short survey to read this article
    Please subscribe to read the full article 
    You have read 15 articles this month

    When you do finally get access to the full article, you only see about 20% of the page because of all the adverts and pop-ups. 
    Download a free pop up ad blocker. 
    Then you end up on some sites which ask you to turn off your blocker
    Yes, so turn it off for a few sites, if you want to read the article.
    You only turn it off for that site. 
  • Ring doorbell.
    I will come home one day and smash it up.
  • What's it all about.
    Me mums neighbours dont work, they have just finished cutting thier grass in the dark
  • clb74 said:
    What's it all about.
    Me mums neighbours dont work, they have just finished cutting thier grass in the dark
    They’ve been shagging all day.
  • clb74 said:
    What's it all about.
    Me mums neighbours dont work, they have just finished cutting thier grass in the dark
    Can't afford to turn the lights on? 
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  • clb74 said:
    What's it all about.
    Me mums neighbours dont work, they have just finished cutting thier grass in the dark

    They are claiming disability allowance  :o
  • I just wonder if the good people who hand out the yearly Ig noble awards have lost their way?

    An award was given this year for the research into the effects of hanging rhinos upside down.  Surely this is essential research which could play a part in the species survival?

    Nah, we need proper awards dished out for stuff like levitating a frog with magnets, pizzas offering protection against death, why wombats make cube shaped poo and why people who are higher in the Dark Triad traits of Machiavellianism and secondary psychopathy are more likely to be evening people.   
  • Installing laminate flooring
  • When your struggling to get in 40in shorts,  you buy a pair of 42in and cant get in them either.
  • I refer ro my previous post re N.I. and tax increases,as predicted,the Mail did not let me down,42 NHS penpushers being hired on salaries of 220k to 270k,didnt take long to fill their boots with our latest donation to the NHS black hole.FFS,somebody get a grip on this snoughts in the trough brigade,none of this money will ease the burden of old age care,too many self entitled greedy bastards lining themselves up for a windfall.The front line staff,doctors and surgeons who perform daily miracles will no doubt continue to get derisory pay increases.
  • clb74 said:
    When your struggling to get in 40in shorts,  you buy a pair of 42in and cant get in them either.
    Don’t think you can call 40in inside leg shorts.
  • Henry VIII 😂 quality. 
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  • Alsois it just me that can't read 'mustard mash' without singing "Monster Mash" in their head?

    She did the mash, she did the mustard mash
    (The mustard mash!!) 
  • When you do a "courtesy flush" at work but forget that the water comes flying out and drench your hind quarters
  • My missus loves cooking and i'll never stop her from doing what she loves, but she makes all these elaborate meals during the week at great expense, then expects me to pay for all meals and nights out at the weekend based on the cost of the ingredients. Last Tuesday we ate slow cooked ribs with truffle and mustard mash, and on Thursday she made a cheese board with 7 different cheeses, chorizo and onion chutney.

    Don't get me wrong, it always tastes unbelievable, but I'm not Henry VIII. I actually quite like beans on toast!
    Do you get gout?
  • 2 weeks on the spin now,my wife has had a doctors appointment cancelled on the day,because the doctor is not in that day,do they not know in advance when doctors are coming in.Getting an appointment is akin to an audience with the Pope,luckily her situation is hopefully not serious,but for some people these delays can be fatal.
  • edited September 2021
  • When people keep refering to Sandgaard on here as Tommy. Don't know why but just finding it annoying far happier to see Sandgaard, Thomas or TS
    Good idea Marty
  • Charlton.
    Fecking Charlton.
    I have had enough of this shit.
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