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General things that Annoy you



  • Being 1-0 up and missing loads of chances…we all know what happens by the end…
  • Greenie said:
    Compost toilets 
    A worst abomination created by man I have yet to see!
    I've got a take on this. At the last few festivals I attended they had these and you had to pay, I think a pound to use them. And if you need to shit at a festival site as a male or female its a terrible thing to endure, so much so that at V once I dropped 6 immodiums before I went and V is one of the cleaner festivals. Anyway the compost toilets. I was greeted and once my money was paid I was presented with a soft roll.of biodegradable paper, nice and soft, like the docken leaf and a cup of a sandy aggregate then pointed towards the clean wooden structure I could unload a few pounds of mayhem into, once done and bum wiped clean, almost massaged clean by this paper I tipped the cup of sandy stuff onto the pat I had made, left and was able to wash my hands and face with warm and soapy water before rejoining the madness. 

    I am guessing your experience was different to this mate?
  • Steve Evans, couldn't stand the man at Rushden & Diamonds and still can't all these years later, shame Charlton can't stuff one of his sides.
  • Carter said:
    Greenie said:
    Compost toilets 
    A worst abomination created by man I have yet to see!
    I've got a take on this. At the last few festivals I attended they had these and you had to pay, I think a pound to use them. And if you need to shit at a festival site as a male or female its a terrible thing to endure, so much so that at V once I dropped 6 immodiums before I went and V is one of the cleaner festivals. Anyway the compost toilets. I was greeted and once my money was paid I was presented with a soft roll.of biodegradable paper, nice and soft, like the docken leaf and a cup of a sandy aggregate then pointed towards the clean wooden structure I could unload a few pounds of mayhem into, once done and bum wiped clean, almost massaged clean by this paper I tipped the cup of sandy stuff onto the pat I had made, left and was able to wash my hands and face with warm and soapy water before rejoining the madness. 

    I am guessing your experience was different to this mate?
    @Carter yes mate very.
    Weve just rented a refurbished Shepherds Hut in woodland just outside Bournemouth, lovely place,  idyllic surroundings, a few hundred metres from the river Stour. 
    My Mrs booked it and didn’t spend too much time on the details and missed that it has a composite loo.
    This one works like this, lift the lid and seat up which reveals a cover, which is removed prior to ones ablutions. It reveals a tube/hole which is split thus, front half for no1s back half for no2’s….. no water or bog roll goes down the number 2 area. So you have to position yourself carefully so you can drop a dollop without hitting the sides of the chute, not easy  as the testimony of many who went before is borne out by the dried claggy on the side of the chute. Upon completion, your wipe your Harris and place the paper in the pedal bin at the side of the thunderbox, this has to be emptied once a day…guess who got that job!!!?
    Then using a scoop go to the sawdust box, next to the khazi  and put a scoop of sawdust down the no 2 shoot. Put the lid back on and put the seat and main toilet lid down.
    it’s been warm in Bournemouth the last few days so you can imagine the compost khazi gets a bit hummy. The reason why they have the compost loo is, as the poster in the bog says is that regular  toilets consume silly amounts of water, but in the front of the property is a fire pit which guests are encouraged to take full use of, so we’re burning logs every night to keep warm while we play cards and get pissed! Oh the irony!
  • Chaos 2 beating Hypno-disc at the end of Season 3 of robot wars.
  • edited September 2021
    The missus getting a promotion with a fairly significant pay rise and us getting excited thinking - ohh great this will help with the mortgage we are about to get and we may even be able to do the extension we want to do a year or 2 early. But then we realised that between the NI increase, increased student loan repayments and this pushing her into a new pension band meaning her pension contributions go up by 3.5% points on her whole salary we will see precisely £0 of the pay rise. fucking wonderful.
  • That cannot be enjoyable, no amount of alcohol and fresh air can make up for a compostable toilet. 
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  • Twats dropping litter out of their car - saw somebody drop all their McDonalds rubbish out of the window yesterday. 

    F***ing drives me mental!😡
    I hate this as should everybody. I don't understand who these people are?! seen absolute scumbags emptying out what seems like a months worth of fast food wrappers. Usually within easy walking distance to a bin. 

    One woman dropped out a bunch of dirty nappies (who stockpiles them?!) out of her window and then drove off. 

    Add me to the list who finds this annoying. You can always tell the days that visits are on at our place as it’s guaranteed that the visitors car park will be littered with fast food debris, cigarette ends and nappy bags. This despite there being a bin outside of the visitors centre as well as two receptacles for smokers to use. Maybe it’s their way of sticking it to ‘the man’.
  • Twats dropping litter out of their car - saw somebody drop all their McDonalds rubbish out of the window yesterday. 

    F***ing drives me mental!😡
    I hate this as should everybody. I don't understand who these people are?! seen absolute scumbags emptying out what seems like a months worth of fast food wrappers. Usually within easy walking distance to a bin. 

    One woman dropped out a bunch of dirty nappies (who stockpiles them?!) out of her window and then drove off. 

    Add me to the list who finds this annoying. You can always tell the days that visits are on at our place as it’s guaranteed that the visitors car park will be littered with fast food debris, cigarette ends and nappy bags. This despite there being a bin outside of the visitors centre as well as two receptacles for smokers to use. Maybe it’s their way of sticking it to ‘the man’.
    Knick them for littering then
  • People who write 'Charlton' in this thread or the Joke thread every time we go through a rough spell.
  • People who go to concerts and do not stop talking all night.I went to see Albert Lee at Dartford W.M.C. last night,really looking forward to it,Albert is getting on a bit now and I dont know how much longer he will continue with his demanding schedule.A table not far from me and the wife,consisted of 3-4 pricks who thought the entire audience was there to listen to their inane chatter,no point in confronting them would have got told to piss off.Why do these morons pay money to see a show and dont even listen to the performers,go and sit in the bar outside,the place is big enough.
    I had the same when I saw Tony Joe White in a club a few years ago. The bit that really annoyed me though was that they were A&R people bragging to each other about who else they’d seen and/or signed. I confronted them and they shut up but the whole night was ruined for me.
  • Picked up the new iPhone yesterday, so I got my girlfriend to put my 8 on Facebook market - some knobend said he was coming last night, which changed to between 10.30 - 12 this morning. Not turned up and not replying to messages. If you don’t want it, that’s fine, atleast tell us. Utter, utter wanker.
  • People sitting in idling cars queuing to buy fuel.
  • Son got jumped by a gang of youths yesterday when leaving a pub in Nottingham, 8 on to 2 isn't great odds and my lad and his friend ended up in A and E, few bruises luckily is the worst of it but his mum and girlfriend are obviously upset , and he just becomes another statistic, 24hrs in A&E wanted to cover his story just to rub salt in his wounds. 
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  • My wife went to the ladies before saturdays game and left her sunglasses in the cubicle,went back straight away,gone, not handed in,taken,sure its her fault,but ffs fellow Charlton supporter in the east stand ,fucking pathetic,hope whoever took them goes blind.
  • A restaurant that advertises they do breakfast,  but they dont open till 11.15am and stop serving breakfast at 12.30
  • should have asked for the Georgian 
  • Drivers with a complete lack of urgency at petrol stations during this ‘crisis’. Regardless of whether it’s the media who have made it worse or whether the shortage actually exists, the fact is there are long queues that you have to sit in, whether you genuinely need it or are just panic buying. The fella in front of me today took about 10 minutes, filling up, going back to get his wallet, casually strolling into the shop, wandering back out, seemingly without a care in the world, having a chat with his wife, putting his belt on and finally pulling away at snail speed. People have an obligation to show some urgency given the amount of drivers waiting and to not make it worse. 
  • google maps and i guess, councils. I don't have a sat nav so i put the directions on google maps to find out the best/quickest way to get somewhere. However twice now in the last week i have been caught out by road closures that google maps didn't know about. 
  • Wait, are you saying councils are meant to advise google when there are roadworks?
  • well somebody needs to tell google. 

    na when it comes to the councils its more to do with them just closing roads. a couple of roads round my way have been closed for weeks. On google it would seem they are open.
    its just an inconvenience and selfishly (due to me wanting to use that road) i get annoyed about it. 
  • edited September 2021
    google maps and i guess, councils. I don't have a sat nav so i put the directions on google maps to find out the best/quickest way to get somewhere. However twice now in the last week i have been caught out by road closures that google maps didn't know about. 
    MrOneLung said:
    Wait, are you saying councils are meant to advise google when there are roadworks?
    I would suggest that google, if they want to be relied on to be most people’s sat nav of choice, should invest in ensuring they have the most up to date information. If that means they should pay councils for that sort of information, I don’t see any downside. Google maps becomes more reliable and therefore more people use it, councils get a little extra income. Google, the public and the councils all win. The only losers would be google’s competitors.
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