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General things that Annoy you



  • Yeah there have been a good few occasions of late with Google Maps where they've said the M25 is closed early in the morning etc. - I've warned my wife heading to work that there could be disruptions, yet when she's got there the road is fine yet Google will still say otherwise.
  • JaShea99 said:
    Drivers with a complete lack of urgency at petrol stations during this ‘crisis’. Regardless of whether it’s the media who have made it worse or whether the shortage actually exists, the fact is there are long queues that you have to sit in, whether you genuinely need it or are just panic buying. The fella in front of me today took about 10 minutes, filling up, going back to get his wallet, casually strolling into the shop, wandering back out, seemingly without a care in the world, having a chat with his wife, putting his belt on and finally pulling away at snail speed. People have an obligation to show some urgency given the amount of drivers waiting and to not make it worse. 
    If you've queued for 2 hours, may as well make the most of it!
  • Google do know when roads are closed as long as they are planned closures. If a gas pipe suddenly needs fixing and the road has to be closed to enable that, whoever is fixing the pipe have a 2 hour window after they begin work to inform the local council. 

    Councils use Google traffic data to identify if works by a utility contractor are causing a mess (traffic lights getting stuck on red, which is nearly always caused by self-important cocksuckers jumping red lights) 
  • rina said:
    Son got jumped by a gang of youths yesterday when leaving a pub in Nottingham, 8 on to 2 isn't great odds and my lad and his friend ended up in A and E, few bruises luckily is the worst of it but his mum and girlfriend are obviously upset , and he just becomes another statistic, 24hrs in A&E wanted to cover his story just to rub salt in his wounds. 
    my brother in law got jumped on his way home from the pub a few years ago, ended up losing an eye and with a broken leg. 24 hours in A&E wanted to do his story but his wife said no to them while he was unconscious, he was absolutely fuming when he woke up and found out he'd missed out on being on tv
    That’s awful, poor bloke, but at the same time the TV part makes it very funny!
  • edited September 2021
    I ended up very briefly in the background of a police! Camera! Action! type show in Edinburgh. They came to a punch up between a group of middle aged men and women in a pub called "the wine glass". It's was proper classy. That slightly annoyed me, I rather have been caught leaving a Crystal palace shop than that place
  • My fourteen year old cat hanging his arse over the litter tray and shitting on the floor. Good job I love him.
    We have 3 cats and 2 of them do that occasionally.
  • iainment said:
    My fourteen year old cat hanging his arse over the litter tray and shitting on the floor. Good job I love him.
    We have 3 cats and 2 of them do that occasionally.
    I know it’s to be expected and it was a solid movement so no big deal in the scheme of things. To be fair I’m more annoyed at the wife who left me a note saying ‘Alfie has shit on the floor, I’m going to be late for work so can you clean it up’. She even drew a smiley face.
  • iainment said:
    My fourteen year old cat hanging his arse over the litter tray and shitting on the floor. Good job I love him.
    We have 3 cats and 2 of them do that occasionally.
    I know it’s to be expected and it was a solid movement so no big deal in the scheme of things. To be fair I’m more annoyed at the wife who left me a note saying ‘Alfie has shit on the floor, I’m going to be late for work so can you clean it up’. She even drew a smiley face.
    What’s worse is one of mine balances on the edge of the tray and sometimes it flips up and over. He just looks at it scrapes at the scattered cat litter and saunters off.
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  • Being stung by a wasp in bed this morning. I rolled over at 6am and felt what seemed to be something bite me. I jumped up and put the bedside lamp on to discover a wasp crawling across the mattress. 

    I grabbed some toilet paper out the toilet and flushed the little git. 
  • My fourteen year old cat hanging his arse over the litter tray and shitting on the floor. Good job I love him.
    Ours (20) is similar. It must be deliberate - how can you miss when your arse is six inches off the ground?
  • When the grocery store runs out of Marmite.
  • iainment said:
    My fourteen year old cat hanging his arse over the litter tray and shitting on the floor. Good job I love him.
    We have 3 cats and 2 of them do that occasionally.
    I know it’s to be expected and it was a solid movement so no big deal in the scheme of things. To be fair I’m more annoyed at the wife who left me a note saying ‘Alfie has shit on the floor, I’m going to be late for work so can you clean it up’. She even drew a smiley face.
    In the shit?
  • My wife went to the ladies before saturdays game and left her sunglasses in the cubicle,went back straight away,gone, not handed in,taken,sure its her fault,but ffs fellow Charlton supporter in the east stand ,fucking pathetic,hope whoever took them goes blind.
    Going to keep my eyes open tonight to see if anyone is watching the game in a pair of Ralph Lauren grey framed sunglasses.
  • My wife went to the ladies before saturdays game and left her sunglasses in the cubicle,went back straight away,gone, not handed in,taken,sure its her fault,but ffs fellow Charlton supporter in the east stand ,fucking pathetic,hope whoever took them goes blind.
    Going to keep my eyes open tonight to see if anyone is watching the game in a pair of Ralph Lauren grey framed sunglasses.
  • Steve Wright on R2 going on about Serious Jokin without a fucking G from Tuesday afternoons counting down the hours until he does it on Friday.

    Try a bit of crafty wankin without a G mate!

  • Steve Wright on R2 going on about Serious Jokin without a fucking G from Tuesday afternoons counting down the hours until he does it on Friday.

    Try a bit of crafty wankin without a G mate!

    They need to retire him off, gets everybody's names wrong, talks over decent songs etc.

    I'd love then to beg Simon Mayo back to take over that slot, probably happy earning more and doing drivetime over on GHR though.
  • Steve Wright on R2 going on about Serious Jokin without a fucking G from Tuesday afternoons counting down the hours until he does it on Friday.

    Try a bit of crafty wankin without a G mate!

    They need to retire him off, gets everybody's names wrong, talks over decent songs etc.

    I'd love then to beg Simon Mayo back to take over that slot, probably happy earning more and doing drivetime over on GHR though.
    Agreed hes well past his sell by date.
  • IdleHans said:
    Terry Smith pronouncing McGillivray as McGilvery. It's really not that hard.
    They're all doing it now, Brownie included
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  • A bit of good news though.
    At least you're cats are shitting on your floor rather than in my garden.
  • Group On.

    The Christmas before Covid, I bought two tickets for Mrs GA & my daughter to see Upstart Crow theatre show, for March 2020. This never happened due to lockdown, anyway didn't think anything of it and then forgot about it. Went back to Group On last week  about a refund, they got back to me asking to provide proof that they didn't go to the show! So I had to email the theatre  asking them to confirm that they didn't put the show on. FFS.
  • Listening to a news update yesterday on the radio. Headline was about Brittney Spears and how happy she is that she is now in charge of her millions rather than her dad. 
    Next headline about the furlough scheme and how there could be a million people made redundant.  

    I'm not annoyed at Spears particularly it was just the juxtaposition of the two headlines and the order of them. 

  • People eating whilst presenting at online meetings. Not only do I have to listen to the chomping and slurping, I also have to watch the chewing! 
  • edited October 2021
    Wilma said:
    People eating whilst presenting at online meetings. Not only do I have to listen to the chomping and slurping, I also have to watch the chewing! 
    I had some bloke (who looked like comic book guy from the Simpsons) last week eating a fucking whopper burger whilst presenting an online presentation. After he finished the burger he still had residue on his face for the rest of the meeting. 
  • Wilma said:
    People eating whilst presenting at online meetings. Not only do I have to listen to the chomping and slurping, I also have to watch the chewing! 
    I had some bloke (who looked like comic book guy from the Simpsons) last week eating a fucking whopper burger whilst presenting an online presentation. After he finished the burger he still had residue on his face for the rest of the meeting. 
    That is grim!
  • Wilma said:
    People eating whilst presenting at online meetings. Not only do I have to listen to the chomping and slurping, I also have to watch the chewing! 
    I had some bloke (who looked like comic book guy from the Simpsons) last week eating a fucking whopper burger whilst presenting an online presentation. After he finished the burger he still had residue on his face for the rest of the meeting. 
    I hope he wasn't a person that had influence on or direction over anything anywhere...
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