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General things that Annoy you



  • That I watched a father and mother helping their kids to climb into Cyclo Park and then passed the bikes over
  • Morons like the bloke sat behind me at the Bolton match who feel it is their job to give a kick by kick commentary of the game. Delivered in a loud, nasal drone, 80% of what he says is self-opinionated bollocks and the other 20% is cliche-ridden shite.
     I wish people like him would 100% fuck off. 
  • BFG94 said:
    Morons like the bloke sat behind me at the Bolton match who feel it is their job to give a kick by kick commentary of the game. Delivered in a loud, nasal drone, 80% of what he says is self-opinionated bollocks and the other 20% is cliche-ridden shite.
     I wish people like him would 100% fuck off. 
    That's no way to talk about @ross1

  • edited October 2021
    BFG94 said:
    Morons like the bloke sat behind me at the Bolton match who feel it is their job to give a kick by kick commentary of the game. Delivered in a loud, nasal drone, 80% of what he says is self-opinionated bollocks and the other 20% is cliche-ridden shite.
     I wish people like him would 100% fuck off. 
    Was it all negative?
    I think he sits behind me when he occasionally turns up, and posts on here.
  • Settle down to watch a first episode of a crime series and its subtitled
  • Couple of birds in the cinema yesterday taking selfies, its fucking pitch black you div. 
    Don't get me started, my trip to the cinema to see Bond on Saturday has put me off going ever again.
  • Gribbo said:
    Settle down to watch a first episode of a crime series and its subtitled
    If it's that much of a problem watch something else or change the audio for a dubbed version.
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  • Dazzler21 said:
    Gribbo said:
    Settle down to watch a first episode of a crime series and its subtitled
    If it's that much of a problem watch something else or change the audio for a dubbed version.

    I prefer to stick to the subtitles, when ever I’ve put a program on that’s dubbed it’s usually awful (the dubbing not the program)
    Toast of London, gay porn voiceover (EXPLICIT) - YouTube  well the title says it all... v funny though!
  • While accepting that that the £20 loss of credit will genuinely affect some people,I have just seen a guy on the TV moaning about the loss and how he will now have difficulty finding petrol money to drive his kids to school,he was driving a Jag.
  • zebra crossing 20 yards from roundabouts. the councils in NW London are obsessed with them, I dread to think how many accidents they cause
  • When people comment " yeahhhh I'm the first to comment" on a YouTube clip. What's the point of commenting and not adding anything insightful or complementary about the videos. 

  • While accepting that that the £20 loss of credit will genuinely affect some people,I have just seen a guy on the TV moaning about the loss and how he will now have difficulty finding petrol money to drive his kids to school,he was driving a Jag.

    Saw that too.Full leather seats as well.
  • While accepting that that the £20 loss of credit will genuinely affect some people,I have just seen a guy on the TV moaning about the loss and how he will now have difficulty finding petrol money to drive his kids to school,he was driving a Jag.
    Saw an item where a young female with a young child was moaning about the £20 and had loads of iron in her face (rings, studs etc), can someone tell me, does this cost much to do and if so, instead of that why not use the money for your bills?
  • There is, of course, a danger of looking at the behaviour of some receiving the benefit who don't use that support in the right way (and who are in a minority), and tarring all recipients with the same brush.

    That said, Mrs SA works at a nursery. A large percentage of the parents of the kids that get additional support smoke like troopers, and spend all day at home watching TV. There are of course those that genuinely need it and those that are entitled but take a different approach. When my wife turned up at her Syrian families home with a weekly food parcel during lockdown, the mum refused it and asked that it be given to "people who actually need it...". 

    More recently, when food boxes were converted to vouchers, one other family group (multiple parents / cousins etc), all on benefits, turned up at the nursery to get "what they were owned". As my wife handed them out, they shared their excitement at their forthcoming multi family holiday to Benidorm.
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  • Gribbo said:
    When a good childhood friend who you havant spoken to in years, except for the odd happy birthday on social media, reaches out asking how you and the family are and you go the effort of replying and asking how they are, but it turns out they just want to know if you're interested in selling their stupid fuckin milkshakes 
    I absolutely hate that Multi-level Marketing crap.

    Anyone selling it is either thick as pigshit, trying to rip off people they know, or both.
    He's at the top of the pyramid by the looks of it. There's videos of him running out on stage to Tina Turner and strobe lights going n all sorts. So I place him firmly in the latter
    See, don't by them myself but at least they are just selling something you can buy or not buy, and they are priced about right.  Less offensive.

    The MLM stuff is always a rip off and then they want to sign people up to sell it too etc.
    See, don't by them myself but at least they are just selling something you can buy or not buy, and they are priced about right.  Less offensive.

    The MLM stuff is always a rip off and then they want to sign people up to sell it too etc.
    It’s more the pestering to buy them than them selling them 
    See, don't by them myself but at least they are just selling something you can buy or not buy, and they are priced about right.  Less offensive.

    The MLM stuff is always a rip off and then they want to sign people up to sell it too etc.
    It’s more the pestering to buy them than them selling them 
    Do you want it or not!? 

    I got other people waiting!
  • WTF are wax melts?
  • edited October 2021
    WTF are wax melts?
    Wanna buy some? Got shit loads to shift....
  • When people decide who the worthy poor are.
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