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General things that Annoy you



  • Uneven Christmas tree lights and trees that aren’t level. I’m really OCD about this stuff, I’ve actually got up this morning (not specifically for this, I was awake anyway) and stripped everything off the tree and started again as there was a patch where there were no lights. 
  • On line coffee orders. 

    I'm not against them if the shop has the staff to deal, but it can be infuriating waiting in line being ignored while listening to the rustle of paper bags being filled.  I know you can wait or walk - and on one occasion I actually walked.  

    Huh, that showed 'em!
  • Same goes for online restaurant orders. ‘There’s only three tables of people here why has it taken me 45 minutes to get food’ ‘because there were 15 delivery orders ahead of you’

  • The fold lines on the print at home tickets not being in the right place 
  • ......sorry not barmaid, brass
  • I knew it,days before her sentencing,Katie Price appears,"Christmas away from harvey would be devastating for him "Never mind shes been gallavanting all over the world,new boobs,working on new projects etc.etc.,ffs,bang this excuse for a woman up.
  • Having to wait 5 minutes for the notes to be written up from the fans forum.
  • Grand Designs, the architects clothes. Where heck do they shop for level of weirdness?  
  • People who when they are ill, have to tell you 6,294 times a day they are feeling ill.

    Yeah, I know, you feel rough, I wasn't expecting your cold to have magically cured itself in the ten minutes since you last told me you feel rough.

    We all know what a cold feels like, you don't need to tell me how your throat feels when you swallow, or how heavy your head feels.  You've got a cold, I get it.

    Just shut up and either go back to bed or wrap up warm in front of a film with a Lemsip like everyone else.
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  • As that was my area of expertise when I was working, watching burger boy strutting around behind the west stand trying to look busy while avoiding any supporter possibly needing any assistance.
    I could feel the temptation to call him out rising as I ate my pre match scoff, ironically "Burger and Chips"
  • Listening to epidemiologists waffling away until a pertinent question is asked, to which they generally reply, 'We simply don't know'.

    Well come back when you've got yer data mate, cos so far you've said nothing and I'm a busy man!

  • People at work demanding mtgs should move from the most critical week of the year (this week) as they are unhappy to attend when the management team are more than open to hybrid remote mtgs. 

    They didn’t have the same concerns last week when they all showed up in droves on Thursday for their department night out. 

    (Mtgs can’t move past Xmas due to critical path and Chinese New Year )
  • My 48 year old memory, I lay awake in the middle of the night with a mind full of all the stuff I need to deal with at work but I'm buggered if I can remember most of it the following day.
  • Australian cricket scores. I don’t mean just that they often beat us by massive scores, but that they are the wrong way round. They haven’t scored one run and us taken 55 wickets as the score suggests. Innumerate convicts
    I feel the same about Americans with dates. Why would you go Month/Day/Year? It’s just stupid.
    Agreed and now compounded by 9/11 which didn’t happen in November but even here is referred to like that.
  • Australian cricket scores. I don’t mean just that they often beat us by massive scores, but that they are the wrong way round. They haven’t scored one run and us taken 55 wickets as the score suggests. Innumerate convicts
    I feel the same about Americans with dates. Why would you go Month/Day/Year? It’s just stupid.
    Agreed and now compounded by 9/11 which didn’t happen in November but even here is referred to like that.
    The cricket scores Australian style and this really riles me. 

    Sadly it seems to be accepted now even by the TV stations including the BBC. Disappointing. That idiot Boris does it all the time with his slogans. 
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  • Australian cricket scores. I don’t mean just that they often beat us by massive scores, but that they are the wrong way round. They haven’t scored one run and us taken 55 wickets as the score suggests. Innumerate convicts
    I feel the same about Americans with dates. Why would you go Month/Day/Year? It’s just stupid.
    Agreed and now compounded by 9/11 which didn’t happen in November but even here is referred to like that.
    The cricket scores Australian style and this really riles me. 

    Sadly it seems to be accepted now even by the TV stations including the BBC. Disappointing. That idiot Boris does it all the time with his slogans. 
    I wonder if that is how he should be known from now onwards like Pip The Younger, would be an appropriate legacy I feel.
  • People who feel their opinion always needs to be aired. 
  • IdleHans said:
    Terry Smith pronouncing McGillivray as McGilvery. It's really not that hard.
    This without doubt. Seems like most people struggle with 4 syllables. 
  • Australian cricket scores. I don’t mean just that they often beat us by massive scores, but that they are the wrong way round. They haven’t scored one run and us taken 55 wickets as the score suggests. Innumerate convicts
    I feel the same about Americans with dates. Why would you go Month/Day/Year? It’s just stupid.
    Agreed and now compounded by 9/11 which didn’t happen in November but even here is referred to like that.
    The cricket scores Australian style and this really riles me. 

    Sadly it seems to be accepted now even by the TV stations including the BBC. Disappointing. That idiot Boris does it all the time with his slogans. 
    He's an american don't forget
  • Talal said:
    People who feel their opinion always needs to be aired. 
    Blimey, 95% of people on here must annoy you big time  ;)
    Haha some yeah but more noticable on twitter. Same people always commenting on stuff like their opinion is so important it must be heard. 
  • edited December 2021
    People saying 'think' when they mean 'thing' e.g. somethink, nothink or even nuffink
  • Australian cricket scores. I don’t mean just that they often beat us by massive scores, but that they are the wrong way round. They haven’t scored one run and us taken 55 wickets as the score suggests. Innumerate convicts
    And how in American sports, the home team score is on the right.

    So confusing, and a cause of many poor bets!
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