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General things that Annoy you



  • Not sure why it bothers me but Marcelo Bielsa has been the Leeds manager for well over 3 years but still hasn’t learnt enough English to do a post match interview. Lazy fucker.
    He can speak English but doesn’t trust the press not to try and trip him up so does it through an interpreter, it also takes twice as long meaning he answers less questions 
    See also Pochettino who carried on using a translator years after he actually needed one. 
  • edited October 2021
    When you stub your toe initially there’s a second or so when there’s no pain but you know sure as hell it’s gonna hurt like mad pretty damn quick and there’s sweet FA you can do about it in that fleeting moment. 😵‍💫
  • Not sure why it bothers me but Marcelo Bielsa has been the Leeds manager for well over 3 years but still hasn’t learnt enough English to do a post match interview. Lazy fucker.
    He can speak English but doesn’t trust the press not to try and trip him up so does it through an interpreter, it also takes twice as long meaning he answers less questions 
    See also Pochettino who carried on using a translator years after he actually needed one. 
    It’s a classic PR trick, works wonders as nobody can really question it.

    I used to work for a very well known Chinese company and we’d use this trick the whole time when our big executives were doing media.

    One of our bi-lingual PR people would basically let the executive speak in Mandarin but ignore what they said and just trot out bog standard PR banalities in English.
  • MrLargo said:
    Something that's been playing on my mind for about 25 years, but I've never written it down before.

    What's all the fuss with Scottish shortbread biscuits? They're quite pleasant, a bit plain and boring though. I don't really understand their celebrity status in the biscuit world. They're one of the things that foreign people can buy in British airport shops to bring home to their loving families as an example of Scotland's culinary prowess. You can also buy a tin of them for £17 in Fortnum and Mason.

    Anyway, I'm at my mum's house and there were was a box with 6 shortbreads left that's been sitting there for months. So I ate all 6 this morning - underwhelming. I'd say 6/10 - better than Rich Teas, not as good as Digestives and miles behind the Chocolate Hob Nob, Fox's Crunch Cream, Viennese Sandwich and my own personal favourite, the Lotus Biscoff.
    Come on Mr L you are slipping, now South Eastern no longer exist I was waiting for your next ranting subject however..........................shortbread biscuits??
  • MrLargo said:
    South Eastern are still there Mike. They were previously owned by a bunch of thieving, corrupt incompetent tossers, and now they're owned by the government. I'll leave you to insert your own joke there.

    They were f#*king useless last week, so it's "as you were" as far as I'm concerned. 

    In addition to the trauma caused by South Eastern, and my mild irritation at the unjustified popularity of shortbread biscuits, something else has irritated me today.

    I've known for some time that pub Sunday roasts aren't a patch on the home cooked version. I'm not a fan of pub food in general these days - it used to be cheap and cheerful and now the quality has improved very slightly, and the price has gone through the roof. Does anyone eat kale at home? What's the point of it? It seems to be a variation of what I used to know as "greens".

    Every 6 months or so, I convince myself that things might have changed. Today was that day. Took my mum for Sunday lunch at The Brookmill in Lewisham:

    Huge Yorkshire pudding dominating the plate and disguising the fact that there's sod all of any of the proper stuff.

    Everything else presented in a little pile, which is presumably supposed to make me feel like I'm partaking in some sort of fine dining experience.

    Minimal gravy, especially considering the vastness of the aforementioned very dry Yorkshire.

    "Would you mind shutting the door to the garden, it's a bit drafty?"
    "Of course not, sir, it is cold, isn't it?"
    Goes to the door. Holds the door handle. Stands holding the door handle for twenty seconds. Gets distracted. Goes off and does something else. Walks past me three times. Looks at me. Door remains open.

    A few minutes later, brings food:
    "Can I get you any condiments?"
    "Yes please, can I have some English mustard?"
    "Of course".
    Walks past me twice. No mustard. Required two further requests to alternative member of staff, arrived 6 minutes after food.

    Oh yeah, and while I'm ranting, what the hell is going on with women's jeans at the moment?! 2 female staff members at The Brookmill (and one bloke for that matter), all wearing these ridiculous retro fit things that double the size of your arse and don't cover your ankles. Ridiculous.

    Been a nice relaxing Sunday.

    I think this is the best definition ever of a first world problem.
  • Not had a sick day for well over 10 years. 3 weeks into being fully self employed and I'm off with the shits and vomiting. Typical.
  • While we're on sickness, my eldest has got sick - after tuna pasta bake for dinner.

    Grim smell in the bathroom in our place at 3am last night.

    Now a waiting game to see if it's a bug and we all get it....
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  • While we're on sickness, my eldest has got sick - after tuna pasta bake for dinner.

    Grim smell in the bathroom in our place at 3am last night.

    Now a waiting game to see if it's a bug and we all get it....
    Hand, foot and mouth is doing the rounds. My little 6 month old was in hospital for 2 days purely because she wasnt drinking her milk so they put her on a drip to keep her hydrated.

    The wife has now started to come up in spots and has had the tom tits. Now I'm just waiting to see if I come up in spots and blisters too.
  • While we're on sickness, my eldest has got sick - after tuna pasta bake for dinner.

    Grim smell in the bathroom in our place at 3am last night.

    Now a waiting game to see if it's a bug and we all get it....
    Hand, foot and mouth is doing the rounds. My little 6 month old was in hospital for 2 days purely because she wasnt drinking her milk so they put her on a drip to keep her hydrated.

    The wife has now started to come up in spots and has had the tom tits. Now I'm just waiting to see if I come up in spots and blisters too.

    My Grandson was sent home from nursery with it today, there's a lot of it about.  From what I've read it doesn't seem to affect grown ups as bad but we'll wait and see.
  • While we're on sickness, my eldest has got sick - after tuna pasta bake for dinner.

    Grim smell in the bathroom in our place at 3am last night.

    Now a waiting game to see if it's a bug and we all get it....
    Hand, foot and mouth is doing the rounds. My little 6 month old was in hospital for 2 days purely because she wasnt drinking her milk so they put her on a drip to keep her hydrated.

    The wife has now started to come up in spots and has had the tom tits. Now I'm just waiting to see if I come up in spots and blisters too.

    My Grandson was sent home from nursery with it today, there's a lot of it about.  From what I've read it doesn't seem to affect grown ups as bad but we'll wait and see.
    Hate to say it but caught it back in March 2020.

    God it was it bloody painful to try and walk, constantly walked around looking like an old man who'd shat himself - Christ knows where I caught it from as neither my wife or Son had it.
  • While we're on sickness, my eldest has got sick - after tuna pasta bake for dinner.

    Grim smell in the bathroom in our place at 3am last night.

    Now a waiting game to see if it's a bug and we all get it....
    Hand, foot and mouth is doing the rounds. My little 6 month old was in hospital for 2 days purely because she wasnt drinking her milk so they put her on a drip to keep her hydrated.

    The wife has now started to come up in spots and has had the tom tits. Now I'm just waiting to see if I come up in spots and blisters too.

    My Grandson was sent home from nursery with it today, there's a lot of it about.  From what I've read it doesn't seem to affect grown ups as bad but we'll wait and see.
    My grandson was bad with it last Wednesday, but more or less recovered over the weekend.  
  • iainment said:
    MrLargo said:
    South Eastern are still there Mike. They were previously owned by a bunch of thieving, corrupt incompetent tossers, and now they're owned by the government. I'll leave you to insert your own joke there.

    They were f#*king useless last week, so it's "as you were" as far as I'm concerned. 

    In addition to the trauma caused by South Eastern, and my mild irritation at the unjustified popularity of shortbread biscuits, something else has irritated me today.

    I've known for some time that pub Sunday roasts aren't a patch on the home cooked version. I'm not a fan of pub food in general these days - it used to be cheap and cheerful and now the quality has improved very slightly, and the price has gone through the roof. Does anyone eat kale at home? What's the point of it? It seems to be a variation of what I used to know as "greens".

    Every 6 months or so, I convince myself that things might have changed. Today was that day. Took my mum for Sunday lunch at The Brookmill in Lewisham:

    Huge Yorkshire pudding dominating the plate and disguising the fact that there's sod all of any of the proper stuff.

    Everything else presented in a little pile, which is presumably supposed to make me feel like I'm partaking in some sort of fine dining experience.

    Minimal gravy, especially considering the vastness of the aforementioned very dry Yorkshire.

    "Would you mind shutting the door to the garden, it's a bit drafty?"
    "Of course not, sir, it is cold, isn't it?"
    Goes to the door. Holds the door handle. Stands holding the door handle for twenty seconds. Gets distracted. Goes off and does something else. Walks past me three times. Looks at me. Door remains open.

    A few minutes later, brings food:
    "Can I get you any condiments?"
    "Yes please, can I have some English mustard?"
    "Of course".
    Walks past me twice. No mustard. Required two further requests to alternative member of staff, arrived 6 minutes after food.

    Oh yeah, and while I'm ranting, what the hell is going on with women's jeans at the moment?! 2 female staff members at The Brookmill (and one bloke for that matter), all wearing these ridiculous retro fit things that double the size of your arse and don't cover your ankles. Ridiculous.

    Been a nice relaxing Sunday.

    I think this is the best definition ever of a first world problem.
    Are you new here?
    You probably missed the drama about whether the cat could turn veggie? 
  • Getting an MOT through the likes of Halfords of F1 Autocentre!!!

    Just had my 2008 car fail again.

    Funnily the years I've not gone through an Independant Garage I've had a list of failures as long as my... "arm", used an independant last year and had one failure - The only reason I didnt use them again this year was because of a slight screw up fixing it... Naaa it must be me who is paranoid about the corporate companies I told myself!!

    Its only a few light bulbs that have failed along with the nearside anti-roll bar so shouldnt be too much work.

    But the front headlights I swear got replaced less than two years ago... the nearside anti-roll bar got failed in May 2019, have only done 16,000 miles in this period - Amazing that its needed replacing twice in the last two years, yet never since 2011.

    Now to decide whether to just get the repairs done, or take my car back to the Independant Garage for a second opinion
  • The most ridiculous question ever asked by a sports pundit,"how important was it to win the game",what sort of answer do they expect,"didnt really matter,dont give a toss really"
  • edited October 2021
    As bad as 'how do you feel after winning.....a gold medal, Derby, Grand National, major golf tournemant, grand slam tennis competition etc'.

  • Getting an MOT through the likes of Halfords of F1 Autocentre!!!

    Just had my 2008 car fail again.

    Funnily the years I've not gone through an Independant Garage I've had a list of failures as long as my... "arm", used an independant last year and had one failure - The only reason I didnt use them again this year was because of a slight screw up fixing it... Naaa it must be me who is paranoid about the corporate companies I told myself!!

    Its only a few light bulbs that have failed along with the nearside anti-roll bar so shouldnt be too much work.

    But the front headlights I swear got replaced less than two years ago... the nearside anti-roll bar got failed in May 2019, have only done 16,000 miles in this period - Amazing that its needed replacing twice in the last two years, yet never since 2011.

    Now to decide whether to just get the repairs done, or take my car back to the Independant Garage for a second opinion
    I'd get a 2nd opinion.
  • Getting an MOT through the likes of Halfords of F1 Autocentre!!!

    Just had my 2008 car fail again.

    Funnily the years I've not gone through an Independant Garage I've had a list of failures as long as my... "arm", used an independant last year and had one failure - The only reason I didnt use them again this year was because of a slight screw up fixing it... Naaa it must be me who is paranoid about the corporate companies I told myself!!

    Its only a few light bulbs that have failed along with the nearside anti-roll bar so shouldnt be too much work.

    But the front headlights I swear got replaced less than two years ago... the nearside anti-roll bar got failed in May 2019, have only done 16,000 miles in this period - Amazing that its needed replacing twice in the last two years, yet never since 2011.

    Now to decide whether to just get the repairs done, or take my car back to the Independant Garage for a second opinion

    Take it here in future mate:

    You don't pay unless it passes. I've got a 2009 car, taken it there for the last 8 years, never had a problem.
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  • I have used my local Halfords for years, in 2015 I bought a 2012 car and have taken it every year to them and about two years ago they warned me, the original tyres were getting near refusal, so I changed them, otherwise a pass every year
  • The constant use of the word, "narrative". Especially when used on Twitter by users who want to sound very wordy and perhaps more knowledgeable than they really are. 

  • MrLargo said:
    Getting an MOT through the likes of Halfords of F1 Autocentre!!!

    Just had my 2008 car fail again.

    Funnily the years I've not gone through an Independant Garage I've had a list of failures as long as my... "arm", used an independant last year and had one failure - The only reason I didnt use them again this year was because of a slight screw up fixing it... Naaa it must be me who is paranoid about the corporate companies I told myself!!

    Its only a few light bulbs that have failed along with the nearside anti-roll bar so shouldnt be too much work.

    But the front headlights I swear got replaced less than two years ago... the nearside anti-roll bar got failed in May 2019, have only done 16,000 miles in this period - Amazing that its needed replacing twice in the last two years, yet never since 2011.

    Now to decide whether to just get the repairs done, or take my car back to the Independant Garage for a second opinion

    Take it here in future mate:

    You don't pay unless it passes. I've got a 2009 car, taken it there for the last 8 years, never had a problem.
    @MrLargo I COULD FECKING KISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Spoke with Halfords yesterday, argued that my Anti-Roll bar was fine as cant have been damaged in two years when there had never previously been a problem - Got a bullshit answer that at the time sounded plausable, with a quote to fix of £200 which I agreed to... Got a call @ 4pm yesterday to say the parts had arrived and that they'd work on my car from this morning

    Called them at 1pm today to get an update as hadnt heard anything... "I'm out at the moment I'll need to call you back, there is a problem with your indicators" was the response I got despite calling on a landline so not sure how he could be "out".

    When I eventually spoke to him the quote had gone up to £600 as had been given the incorrect details, no work had been done on my car all day.

    Decided at this point that I really was being ripped off so got it booked in at your recommendation.

    Instant Pass - The Anti-Roll bar has gone from being a major to nothing more than an advisory!!
    That's great news mate, glad it worked out for you, and delighted to have played a part in denying Halfords a few quid!

  • MrLargo said:
    MrLargo said:
    Getting an MOT through the likes of Halfords of F1 Autocentre!!!

    Just had my 2008 car fail again.

    Funnily the years I've not gone through an Independant Garage I've had a list of failures as long as my... "arm", used an independant last year and had one failure - The only reason I didnt use them again this year was because of a slight screw up fixing it... Naaa it must be me who is paranoid about the corporate companies I told myself!!

    Its only a few light bulbs that have failed along with the nearside anti-roll bar so shouldnt be too much work.

    But the front headlights I swear got replaced less than two years ago... the nearside anti-roll bar got failed in May 2019, have only done 16,000 miles in this period - Amazing that its needed replacing twice in the last two years, yet never since 2011.

    Now to decide whether to just get the repairs done, or take my car back to the Independant Garage for a second opinion

    Take it here in future mate:

    You don't pay unless it passes. I've got a 2009 car, taken it there for the last 8 years, never had a problem.
    @MrLargo I COULD FECKING KISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Spoke with Halfords yesterday, argued that my Anti-Roll bar was fine as cant have been damaged in two years when there had never previously been a problem - Got a bullshit answer that at the time sounded plausable, with a quote to fix of £200 which I agreed to... Got a call @ 4pm yesterday to say the parts had arrived and that they'd work on my car from this morning

    Called them at 1pm today to get an update as hadnt heard anything... "I'm out at the moment I'll need to call you back, there is a problem with your indicators" was the response I got despite calling on a landline so not sure how he could be "out".

    When I eventually spoke to him the quote had gone up to £600 as had been given the incorrect details, no work had been done on my car all day.

    Decided at this point that I really was being ripped off so got it booked in at your recommendation.

    Instant Pass - The Anti-Roll bar has gone from being a major to nothing more than an advisory!!
    That's great news mate, glad it worked out for you, and delighted to have played a part in denying Halfords a few quid!

    Also known as Halfrauds on various car enthusiast forums!
  • edited October 2021
    Getting an MOT through the likes of Halfords of F1 Autocentre!!!

    Just had my 2008 car fail again.

    Funnily the years I've not gone through an Independant Garage I've had a list of failures as long as my... "arm", used an independant last year and had one failure - The only reason I didnt use them again this year was because of a slight screw up fixing it... Naaa it must be me who is paranoid about the corporate companies I told myself!!

    Its only a few light bulbs that have failed along with the nearside anti-roll bar so shouldnt be too much work.

    But the front headlights I swear got replaced less than two years ago... the nearside anti-roll bar got failed in May 2019, have only done 16,000 miles in this period - Amazing that its needed replacing twice in the last two years, yet never since 2011.

    Now to decide whether to just get the repairs done, or take my car back to the Independant Garage for a second opinion
    I'd get a 2nd opinion.
    Best place to go is here if you're anywhere near any of these, they only do tests so have no skin in the game to tell you that your car needs repairs it doesn't. The test itself is slightly more expensive but very much worth it.
  • HMRC giving me a massive K code despite me explaining clearly in my SA return that my circumstances are totally different in this tax year.
    Shower of shite they are.
  • When you pick up a packet of blue walkers crisps assuming there cheese and onion and it turns out they are fish and chip flavour. 

    Just use a different colour 
  • When you pick up a packet of blue walkers crisps assuming there cheese and onion and it turns out they are fish and chip flavour. 

    Just use a different colour 
    An outrageous liberty that 

    Its bad enough with walkers dominating the market with their blue cheese and onion that I only learnt was cheese and onion when I was old enough to buy my own crisps! 

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!