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General things that Annoy you



  • I've started to take the train to work, rather than drive, because my car uses so much fuel and money is a bit tight. As a result, I get 30 minutes less sleep in the morning.

    Unbelievably my missus, formerly a bus user, has taken up driving my car to work everyday so I still have to fill up the tank at the weekend!
    What car is you have? You’ve not mentioned 😉
  • Not a great sleeper in general but it's blooming annoying that my body clock is waking me up at 05:15 and I can't get back off again since the clocks went back on Saturday night. On my week off too.
  • edited November 2021
    Boiler not working, cold shower this morning and given the age of the boiler, possibly an expensive replacement.

    Then my youngest daughter (who's on the autism spectrum) having an anxiety attack/meltdown about a school trip to the woods today as it's a change in routine, meaning it took an hour extra to get her in.

    What a morning.
  • Bexley Council showing their money grabbing mitts again tonight at Danson Fireworks. Massively oversold tickets and the display was shit.
  • Players deciding they dont want to be considered for international duty,3 of our so called young stars have this week asked not to picked.I may be missing something here but can anyone please explain why you would not want a chance to represent your country at any level.It is the pinnacle of everyones ambition surely.If you are in the squad and dont play just take advantage of training with the best and try and achieve those standards,for when your turn comes.Beckham even when he had 90--100 caps would fly from LA knowing he was not going to be first choice,but proud to be part of an England squad.
  • edited November 2021
    Players deciding they dont want to be considered for international duty,3 of our so called young stars have this week asked not to picked.I may be missing something here but can anyone please explain why you would not want a chance to represent your country at any level.It is the pinnacle of everyones ambition surely.If you are in the squad and dont play just take advantage of training with the best and try and achieve those standards,for when your turn comes.Beckham even when he had 90--100 caps would fly from LA knowing he was not going to be first choice,but proud to be part of an England squad.

    Unless there are mitigating circumstances for all 3, I doubt they will get asked again.

  • Who are we talking about ? 
  • MrOneLung said:
    Who are we talking about ? 
    Mason Greenwood I know of, not sure about the other two.
  • It certainly feels stupid to take that stance at the moment unless there are personal reasons involved.

    Now more than ever before seems to be the best time to be involved with England

    If someone doesnt want to represent us then am sure there will be another player that'll be along soon enough who will and can - Didnt take Dele Alli long to be forgotten did it after the World Cup for example.
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  • This week

    You know when you have one of those weeks where you’d have been better off sat on your arse indoors. 
  • MrOneLung said:
    Who are we talking about ? 
    Mason Greenwood I know of, not sure about the other two.

    Jude Bellingham and Hudson Odoi
  • Since my son suggested going to the Wimbledon game on Boxing Day, I've had 'Wombling Merry Christmas' stuck in my head. 
  • Someone has to bring trains into it.
  • Some fecker has nicked our recycling bin for the second time in a couple of months. 
  • Some fecker has nicked our recycling bin for the second time in a couple of months. 
    we had that not long ago, over the road took our massive one and gave us their little one.

    they didn't realize that ours had a huge sticker with the door number and street name so I took mine back and just left their one on the pavement outside my house where they left it so i could see when they came to get it and go outside and "oh i wondered whose that was"
  • I thought the bins were chipped
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  • Gribbo said:
    I thought the bins were chipped
    That’s a rubbish idea!😉
  • People on quiz shows giving the wrong answer and then saying “I wouldn’t have got that”. FFS you didn’t!
  • My favourite subject Katie Price has again emerged from under her newly recovered and spouting regrets,mistakes blah blah blah,she surely could not wait to visit  her son Harvey,oh no she didnt,straight on to a bit of retail therapy,in full view of the cameras,and today,jetting off to the USA,rumoured to be getting married.I do hope that when the defence lawyer at her sentencing in december pleads how difficult it would be to be away from her son if she gets banged up,our learned judge will be aware of her actions and give her what she deserves ,at least 12 months to reflect on the error of her ways.
  • England playing in blue when there's absolutely no need for it. Blue is not our colour.
  • Katie flaunting it in Vegas,thought she was going through bankruptcy proceedings,really nice for all the people she has knocked who wont get their money.I really detest this woman,almost on a level with Southall and his piece of plastic.
  • My favourite subject Katie Price has again emerged from under her newly recovered and spouting regrets,mistakes blah blah blah,she surely could not wait to visit  her son Harvey,oh no she didnt,straight on to a bit of retail therapy,in full view of the cameras,and today,jetting off to the USA,rumoured to be getting married.I do hope that when the defence lawyer at her sentencing in december pleads how difficult it would be to be away from her son if she gets banged up,our learned judge will be aware of her actions and give her what she deserves ,at least 12 months to reflect on the error of her ways.
    I've no doubt she'll be getting banged up.
    Quite a lot.
  • People who let their dogs piss up my MEN WORKING OVERHEAD signs.
  • People who let their dogs piss up my MEN WORKING OVERHEAD signs.
    Could be worse, you could be below the sign.
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