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General things that Annoy you



  • Mechanics 

    Trying to find one you can really trust is near on impossible. Just paid out nearly £500 to sort something and it’s still there, may as well have spent it on a weekend away. They’re only one rung down my shit list from weather predictors, only job in the world where you can consistently be wrong yet still in a job it seems. 
  • edited November 2021
    When you pull a live tick out of your arm (having previously been diagnosed with Lyme disease) & wait all day for a phone consultation with the Dr.

    He finally rings 20mins before all the chemists close.

    ‘I understand you think you’ve been bitten by a tick’
    ’I pulled the live tick out of my arm this morning, I still have it, to send off for testing. I would just like antibiotics please’
    ’Ah but it you could have been bitten by any number of insects, we get a lot of insect bites here’
    ’I pulled the tick out myself, I saw it crawling on the tissue’
    ’Lots of different insects bite here’
    ’Look, I’m not telling you how to do your job but look at my notes. I’ve been here before, I know I need antibiotics’
    ’Which chemist are you under?’
    ’eh? I’m not under an chemist’
    ’I can’t send you a prescription unless you tell me which chemist you’re under’

    I finally got the meds minutes before the chemist shut. But not the recommended 3wk dose only 2wk. So I have to pray this fecker comes back clean from the lab in Germany (the only place in Europe that tests for it) or I’ve got to go back to that eejit & ask for more 🙄

  • When you pull a live tick out of your arm (having previously been diagnosed with Lyme disease) & wait all day for a phone consultation with the Dr.

    He finally rings 20mins before all the chemists close.

    ‘I understand you think you’ve been bitten by a tick’
    ’I pulled the live tick out of my arm this morning, I still have it, to send off for testing. I would just like antibiotics please’
    ’Ah but it you could have been bitten by any number of insects, we get a lot of insect bites here’
    ’I pulled the tick out myself, I saw it crawling on the tissue’
    ’Lots of different insects bite here’
    ’Look, I’m not telling you how to do your job but look at my notes. I’ve been here before, I know I need antibiotics’
    ’Which chemist are you under?’
    ’eh? I’m not under an chemist’
    ’I can’t send you a prescription unless you tell me which chemist you’re under’

    I finally got the meds minutes before the chemist shut. But not the recommended 3wk dose only 2wk. So I have to pray this fecker comes back clean from the lab in Germany (the only place in Europe that tests for it) or I’ve got to go back to that eejit & ask for more 🙄

    I had numerous very similar conversations with my GP last week, although about a chest infection.
    Absolute fuckwits.
    NHS best in the world, do me a favour, best at incompetence on the admin side maybe.
  • A very specific gripe that only people who live in non-English speaking countries might appreciate:
    Going to the cinema - most English language movies here have Slovak subtitles (this is not the gripe - of course they do!). The problem is that in many movies, there are sections of dialogue that are in other languages and would, in the UK or US, have English subtitles accompanying it.
    Over here, there is only the Slovak subtitles on show, so there are huge sections of dialogue where I have no idea what is being said.
    I’m not saying everyone should speak English, but I do think that if you show the movie in English, you should make the whole thing accessible to an English speaking viewer. I really don’t see the issue with showing both the English and Slovak subs for the “foreign” sections of the movie.

    Sorry, this annoyed me this afternoon. Partly because I didn’t understand half of what was going on in “Dune” and partly because the movie was so interminably dull that it might have helped to know what I was being bored by!
  • buckshee said:

    Trying to find one you can really trust is near on impossible. Just paid out nearly £500 to sort something and it’s still there, may as well have spent it on a weekend away. They’re only one rung down my shit list from weather predictors, only job in the world where you can consistently be wrong yet still in a job it seems. 
    Not sure where you check the weather but I find the BBC & Metcheck pretty much spot on. We have been in Cornwall for the last week and based what we did during the day on these sites and they were bang on the money.

    I work outside a lot during the week as well and once again use these sites and very very rarely do I get caught out.
  • Felt bit rough this morning with heavy cold. Squirted ketchup on my cereal instead of syrup.

    been taking daily lateral flow tests as I am at home with my 8 year old who has Covid, and on day 8 of his isolation I get the dreaded two lines.  Our eldest turned 11 on Wednesday and already had to cancel his birthday party with school friends and his family gathering during the week/ weekend and rearranged for next week, and now gotta tell him all cancelled again 
  • Carter said:
    buckshee said:
    When working in folks houses (especially this time of year) and there's no offer of a cuppa, first thing I would do when someone does work for me is ask if they want a brew.

    Was working on a roof a couple of week back and the woman let me in, offered me a spare key as she was going to church and told me to help myself to tea, coffee etc and left some cake out. She even said she'd seen the weather and if I needed to come in then this is the tv remote and there's a blanket on the side for if I get cold!
    I always found that the scummier or to be kind the less well off areas would always be the most benevolent when it came to being offered drinks, food and gloriously, use of a toilet. Ive worked in some palatial homes and you are lucky to even get acknowledged half the time let alone offered any kind of drink. Had an old guy offer me a drink once in a smallholding over rural Sittingbourne once and after thanking him and saying that would be very kind he returned with a couple of pints of homebrew scrumpy for me and him. Tossed the rest of the afternoon off chatting with him drinking these rocket fuel ciders!

    I'm exactly the same, soon as someone calls round to do a job for me I'm on the case with brews and food. 

    Always, always offer the tradesman a cuppa and biscuits at the very least.  More likely to get a better job done than if you don't offer.  Never had anybody abuse it.
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited November 2021
    Carter said:
    buckshee said:
    When working in folks houses (especially this time of year) and there's no offer of a cuppa, first thing I would do when someone does work for me is ask if they want a brew.

    Was working on a roof a couple of week back and the woman let me in, offered me a spare key as she was going to church and told me to help myself to tea, coffee etc and left some cake out. She even said she'd seen the weather and if I needed to come in then this is the tv remote and there's a blanket on the side for if I get cold!
    I always found that the scummier or to be kind the less well off areas would always be the most benevolent when it came to being offered drinks, food and gloriously, use of a toilet. Ive worked in some palatial homes and you are lucky to even get acknowledged half the time let alone offered any kind of drink. Had an old guy offer me a drink once in a smallholding over rural Sittingbourne once and after thanking him and saying that would be very kind he returned with a couple of pints of homebrew scrumpy for me and him. Tossed the rest of the afternoon off chatting with him drinking these rocket fuel ciders!

    I'm exactly the same, soon as someone calls round to do a job for me I'm on the case with brews and food. 
    To be fair, I'm absolutely minted and always offer a cup of tea...  ;)
  • Road signs saying there are speed cameras when there aren't. State sponsored lying.
  • Gino's frozen Italian meatballs.

    Jeez, if that's what his Nonno was serving up back home no wonder he moved to England - get better grub in a greasy spoon! 
  • when online shopping and it says there is one left in your size, lets you add it to your bag but when you go to pay its out of stock. you then go into the website later and its doing the same thing.

    M&S wankers
  • edited November 2021
    when online shopping and it says there is one left in your size, lets you add it to your bag but when you go to pay its out of stock. you then go into the website later and its doing the same thing.

    M&S wankers
    There’s a 24hour lag with the website being updated with what stock is at warehouse or in store unfortunately. 

    Tell me the T number and size and I can try track down or let you know if more are coming? 
  • when online shopping and it says there is one left in your size, lets you add it to your bag but when you go to pay its out of stock. you then go into the website later and its doing the same thing.

    M&S wankers
    There’s a 24hour lag with the website being updated with what stock is at warehouse or in store unfortunately. 

    Tell me the T number and size and I can try track down or let you know if more are coming? 
    sorry Suzi, only just seen this.

    thank you for the offer but I tried again yesterday and it was in stock and managed to get it this time.

    suzisausage NOT an M&S wanker 
  • Sponsored links:

  • Gino's frozen Italian meatballs.

    Jeez, if that's what his Nonno was serving up back home no wonder he moved to England - get better grub in a greasy spoon! 
    To be fair if you fall for the packaging advertising and buy this frozen crap what do you expect. Better of buying one of his recipe books and cooking your own fresh ones. 
  • Gino's frozen Italian meatballs.

    Jeez, if that's what his Nonno was serving up back home no wonder he moved to England - get better grub in a greasy spoon! 
    To be fair if you fall for the packaging advertising and buy this frozen crap what do you expect. Better of buying one of his recipe books and cooking your own fresh ones. 
    Easy peasy to make. Half beef mince, half pork mince. Tablespoon of caramelised onion chutney and salt. Mix together and then make into golf ball sized meatballs. Fry in olive oil for 10 mins until sealed over, tin of chopped tomatoes, allow to simmer for 25 mins with some basil leaves added. Delicious!

    Gino D'Acampo's Meatballs in a Spicy Tomato Sauce | Gino's Italian Express - YouTube
  • when online shopping and it says there is one left in your size, lets you add it to your bag but when you go to pay its out of stock. you then go into the website later and its doing the same thing.

    M&S wankers
    There’s a 24hour lag with the website being updated with what stock is at warehouse or in store unfortunately. 

    Tell me the T number and size and I can try track down or let you know if more are coming? 
    sorry Suzi, only just seen this.

    thank you for the offer but I tried again yesterday and it was in stock and managed to get it this time.

    suzisausage NOT an M&S wanker 
    Hopefully the order will still be fulfilled.  Some people unfortunately have experienced orders being cancelled a couple of days later which is almost even more annoying than not being able to buy it in the first place! Shout if you need my help. 
  • when online shopping and it says there is one left in your size, lets you add it to your bag but when you go to pay its out of stock. you then go into the website later and its doing the same thing.

    M&S wankers
    There’s a 24hour lag with the website being updated with what stock is at warehouse or in store unfortunately. 

    Tell me the T number and size and I can try track down or let you know if more are coming? 
    sorry Suzi, only just seen this.

    thank you for the offer but I tried again yesterday and it was in stock and managed to get it this time.

    suzisausage NOT an M&S wanker 
    Hopefully the order will still be fulfilled.  Some people unfortunately have experienced orders being cancelled a couple of days later which is almost even more annoying than not being able to buy it in the first place! Shout if you need my help. 
    thanks again Suzisausage, I paid for next day delivery so should know when I get home 
  • buckshee said:

    Trying to find one you can really trust is near on impossible. Just paid out nearly £500 to sort something and it’s still there, may as well have spent it on a weekend away. They’re only one rung down my shit list from weather predictors, only job in the world where you can consistently be wrong yet still in a job it seems. 
    Garage just round the corner does a brilliant job. Always fixes any issue, does it cheaply and for cash if you prefer. 
  • Getting a 2 inch mortar stuck up your aris.
  • Jermaine Beckford
    Nobody who heard him could moan about Stevie Brown again.
  • Too many RIP threads on here. Somedays it feels like wading through the obits. I guess part of the trouble is that we all have different people who we think are worthy.

    N.B. This post is not a reflection on any recent posts. All of which, I'm sure, are worthy. 
  • People who use cocaine in pubs.
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