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General things that Annoy you



  • Wait, you’re seeing a Brazilian woman? You’re living the dream. 

    We need pics.

    I preferred Lister. 
  • edited January 2022
    If the chat gets thin then youve always got your wealth of train stories to fall back on. How could they not be captivated?

    I wish you luck, but selfishly I am sort of hoping for a disaster.

    By the way, @MrLargo, I think you should start a separate thread for this holiday
  • Being triple vaccinated and still not being allowed to travel because of border closures in Western Australia aka. the Democratic Republic of McGowan / Hermit State  :'(
  • MrLargo said:
    Sue Pollard - most annoying human in existence
    Even more than Sandi Toksvig? I'm not disputing that Pollard should be on the list, but big statement to put her at the top, particularly in the current political climate. I've not mentioned Karl Robinson as I don't class him as a human being, and I am presuming that you've ignored him for the same reason. Obviously he wins "most annoying object in existence" by a distance.
    Have you ever seen Carl Robinson and Sandi Toksvig in the same room? Just saying....
  • MrLargo said:
    Little update from Brazil. Spent three nights in Santos, the city where Pele made his name. Did the Santos stadium tour - better then Selhurst and The Toolbox, not as good as The Valley would be my assessment. During the tour, got shown the home changing rooms - each player has their own locker, and Pele's locker is still there. When he left Santos in 1974 to go to New York Cosmos, he left something in his locker to bring luck to all subsequent Santos players, and that locker hasn't been opened since. Only Pele has a key and only Pele knows what's in it. Any guesses? I reckon it's just a pair of heavily skidmarked underpants that he just couldn't be bothered to deal with.

    One other interesting and slightly unpleasant thing about the city of Santos - it's got a fully authentic West Ham pub - Ruskin Arms Pub
    +55 13 3227-1147
    At least I'm somewhere where Millwall aren't welcome.

    Anyway, the romance element of my holiday starts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, which is good. The previous holiday that you lot all know about was very different - a couple of days before I went to meet her, I suddenly got a really bad feeling about the whole thing, panic started to run through my veins. This time round, I'm quite optimistic. She's a primary school teacher, which surely provides some sort of niceness guarantee. It's not all plain sailing though. I'm picking her up from her house tomorrow afternoon but, before I get to whisk her off to enjoy the fantasy land of pasty sunburned skin and rubbish chat, she's got her entire family lined up to meet me. 6 of them. They don't speak English, I don't speak any Portuguese apart from "sorry I don't speak Portuguese", "thank you", "can I have a beer please?". I keep thinking about this:

    That's what it'll be like. They'll be nice, I'll be an awkward freak. I can imagine the chat between her mum and her brother after we leave - "you free tomorrow, son? I reckon she'll want a lift home urgently. I haven't seen anyone that socially inept since they televised that Crystal Palace match over here  a couple of years back."
    the chopped up bodies of all those kids he killed
  • It's so annoying that you still need a pound coin for shopping trolleys. It's 2022, who carries around coins.
  • edited January 2022
    Chunes said:
    It's so annoying that you still need a pound coin for shopping trolleys. It's 2022, who carries around coins.
    Get a token from the information counter inside the shop. But the original point still stands, it is annoying
  • Chunes said:
    It's so annoying that you still need a pound coin for shopping trolleys. It's 2022, who carries around coins.
    Lots of people do. 
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited January 2022
    MrLargo said:
    Little update from Brazil. Spent three nights in Santos, the city where Pele made his name. Did the Santos stadium tour - better then Selhurst and The Toolbox, not as good as The Valley would be my assessment. During the tour, got shown the home changing rooms - each player has their own locker, and Pele's locker is still there. When he left Santos in 1974 to go to New York Cosmos, he left something in his locker to bring luck to all subsequent Santos players, and that locker hasn't been opened since. Only Pele has a key and only Pele knows what's in it. Any guesses? I reckon it's just a pair of heavily skidmarked underpants that he just couldn't be bothered to deal with.

    One other interesting and slightly unpleasant thing about the city of Santos - it's got a fully authentic West Ham pub - Ruskin Arms Pub
    +55 13 3227-1147
    At least I'm somewhere where Millwall aren't welcome.

    Anyway, the romance element of my holiday starts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, which is good. The previous holiday that you lot all know about was very different - a couple of days before I went to meet her, I suddenly got a really bad feeling about the whole thing, panic started to run through my veins. This time round, I'm quite optimistic. She's a primary school teacher, which surely provides some sort of niceness guarantee. It's not all plain sailing though. I'm picking her up from her house tomorrow afternoon but, before I get to whisk her off to enjoy the fantasy land of pasty sunburned skin and rubbish chat, she's got her entire family lined up to meet me. 6 of them. They don't speak English, I don't speak any Portuguese apart from "sorry I don't speak Portuguese", "thank you", "can I have a beer please?". I keep thinking about this:

    That's what it'll be like. They'll be nice, I'll be an awkward freak. I can imagine the chat between her mum and her brother after we leave - "you free tomorrow, son? I reckon she'll want a lift home urgently. I haven't seen anyone that socially inept since they televised that Crystal Palace match over here  a couple of years back."
    Getting a bit worried for MrLargo.

    Posted on the 17th that the romance section of his holiday was starting the following day and we've heard nothing.

    Either his body parts are currently being shared around the favelas of Sao Paulo or his knob is so sore that he's lost his ability to provide an update.
  • Macronate said:
    MrLargo said:
    Little update from Brazil. Spent three nights in Santos, the city where Pele made his name. Did the Santos stadium tour - better then Selhurst and The Toolbox, not as good as The Valley would be my assessment. During the tour, got shown the home changing rooms - each player has their own locker, and Pele's locker is still there. When he left Santos in 1974 to go to New York Cosmos, he left something in his locker to bring luck to all subsequent Santos players, and that locker hasn't been opened since. Only Pele has a key and only Pele knows what's in it. Any guesses? I reckon it's just a pair of heavily skidmarked underpants that he just couldn't be bothered to deal with.

    One other interesting and slightly unpleasant thing about the city of Santos - it's got a fully authentic West Ham pub - Ruskin Arms Pub
    +55 13 3227-1147
    At least I'm somewhere where Millwall aren't welcome.

    Anyway, the romance element of my holiday starts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, which is good. The previous holiday that you lot all know about was very different - a couple of days before I went to meet her, I suddenly got a really bad feeling about the whole thing, panic started to run through my veins. This time round, I'm quite optimistic. She's a primary school teacher, which surely provides some sort of niceness guarantee. It's not all plain sailing though. I'm picking her up from her house tomorrow afternoon but, before I get to whisk her off to enjoy the fantasy land of pasty sunburned skin and rubbish chat, she's got her entire family lined up to meet me. 6 of them. They don't speak English, I don't speak any Portuguese apart from "sorry I don't speak Portuguese", "thank you", "can I have a beer please?". I keep thinking about this:

    That's what it'll be like. They'll be nice, I'll be an awkward freak. I can imagine the chat between her mum and her brother after we leave - "you free tomorrow, son? I reckon she'll want a lift home urgently. I haven't seen anyone that socially inept since they televised that Crystal Palace match over here  a couple of years back."
    Getting a bit worried for MrLargo.

    Posted on the 17th that the romance section of his holiday was starting the following day and we've heard nothing.

    Either his body parts are currently being shared around the favelas of Sao Paulo or his knob is so sore that he's lost his ability to provide an update.
    Or he's jumped off Sugarloaf Mountain because she has a worse personality than Ms America
  • That was actual footage of his holiday. It's just that Theresa May doesn't want him to share their stories on here.
  • Knobheads using the word wholesome in their tweets.  Eg: “This is the wholesome content I’m here for.” 

    For some reason I find it v irritating. Like some have just discovered the word.

  • Anyway coming to this thread I’ve discovered  @MrLargo a post… we are waiting ! 
  • Chunes said:
    It's so annoying that you still need a pound coin for shopping trolleys. It's 2022, who carries around coins.
    Just get keyring token thing on your keys.
  • Ex-players now always being booed, regardless of whether they left on good terms or not. 

    Lucas Digne at Everton just reminding me of this annoyance. 
    I was bemused when Dimitar Mitov was booed by our numpties against Cambridge earlier this year as was he.  Proper thickos about.
  • iainment said:
    Chunes said:
    It's so annoying that you still need a pound coin for shopping trolleys. It's 2022, who carries around coins.
    Lots of people do. 
    Lots of people name their swords, as well
  • When you spend ages making diner then completely lose your appetite 
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  • Paying by card in a pub and you have to tap on the top of the machine meaning you can't see what the bar person has entered into the machine. Most do show you but every now and then they don't.
    Which of course being me I only think about it till afterwards to ask for a receipt. 

    Fortunately no one as of yet has over charged me but would be nice (bit of customer service) if they showed you the amount before you're  potentially tapping away a chunk of your savings. Especially now it's up to 100 quid? 
  • Tiktok and anyone who finds that inane, attention seeking piece of shite “entertaining”. 
    This includes my other half who will spend hours and hours a night watching 1000 different people say the same thing in the same voice in a different context. Then she’ll swan into the front room at 3am wanting a drink and tell me how mindlessly boring test cricket is. The cheek of it. 
    My missus watches far too much of it as well but i've seen some very funny videos from there. Usually the unplanned ones.
  • edited January 2022
  • That mrlargo is happy
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