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General things that Annoy you



  • Why is everyone I have to deal with a useless wanker?
    Employment agency, umbrella company, client 6 weeks into the job and still no signed contract because all the above are shit at their basic jobs.

    And the garage I had the Mot retest booked at 'forgot' to order the one little part that caused it to fail last week so I've had to hang about for half of Saturday before the thing is delivered and they mend it.

    The next incompetent that impacts my existence is getting both barrels.
  • edited January 2022
  • edited January 2022
    IdleHans said:
    Why is everyone I have to deal with a useless wanker?
    Employment agency, umbrella company, client 6 weeks into the job and still no signed contract because all the above are shit at their basic jobs.

    And the garage I had the Mot retest booked at 'forgot' to order the one little part that caused it to fail last week so I've had to hang about for half of Saturday before the thing is delivered and they mend it.

    The next incompetent that impacts my existence is getting both barrels.
    I feel your pain.
    As ooh aah once said, everyone is a cnut until proved otherwise  :D
  • Camera positions for live tv football. Currently watching the Bolton V Sunderland match and any action on the near side of the pitch means I can’t see what’s going on elsewhere. 
  • Bolton v Sunderland?! Ffs man get out!
  • Companies that have a report an issue online section but only let you report really specific issues. If it doesn't fall into those horribly narrow options they say call up. So you call only to get the same horribly narrow set of options from a recorded voice on the phone.

    Looking at you thames water. It's like you don't want to know that we've just moved into a house and the previous occupant had disconnected the water meter.
  • Companies that have a report an issue online section but only let you report really specific issues. If it doesn't fall into those horribly narrow options they say call up. So you call only to get the same horribly narrow set of options from a recorded voice on the phone.

    Looking at you thames water. It's like you don't want to know that we've just moved into a house and the previous occupant had disconnected the water meter.
    Obviously the previous occupant was a Spanner. ;)
  • While sitting in a major jam on the M1 yesterday I became stuck behind a crappy old Skoda with appalling emissions, (other makes available), so I took the chance to let a few motors change lane, eyeing a new Aston Martin to sit behind, when in pounced an even worse old Land Rover, sod it.
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited January 2022
    IdleHans said:
    Why is everyone I have to deal with a useless wanker?
    Employment agency, umbrella company, client 6 weeks into the job and still no signed contract because all the above are shit at their basic jobs.

    And the garage I had the Mot retest booked at 'forgot' to order the one little part that caused it to fail last week so I've had to hang about for half of Saturday before the thing is delivered and they mend it.

    The next incompetent that impacts my existence is getting both barrels.

    When I read the first line of this, I immediately thought it was the Brazilian bird posting on Santos Life about @MrLargo.
  • Curb_It said:
    Well I’ve never met you @MrLargo but I am absolutely delighted for you!! Enjoy every moment. 

    You should write a book you know. You have a fabulous way of writing. 
    @Curb_It Almost certainly too lazy to write a book, but if I ever get around to it, I'll give you a namecheck in the dedications bit at the front.
  • Parkrunners that have finished already jogging back around the course
  • edited February 2022
    Just saw this advertised - reflecting the hotbed for talent that is South London.

    I didn't know Declan Rice was from South London, so looked it up...Kingston upon Thames...FFS when did that happen????

  • Just saw this advertised - reflecting the hotbed for talent that is South London.

    I didn't know Declan Rice was from South London, so looked it up...Kingston upon Thames...FFS when did that happen????

    14th January 1999 going by Wiki... He did start out a Chelsea so makes sense
  • Bikers who do this. Just to save parking bills at the airport.

  • Sponsored links:

  • Just saw this advertised - reflecting the hotbed for talent that is South London.

    I didn't know Declan Rice was from South London, so looked it up...Kingston upon Thames...FFS when did that happen????

    14th January 1999 going by Wiki... He did start out a Chelsea so makes sense
    :D OK badly worded, but when did Kingston Upon Thames become South London...?
  • edited February 2022
    Just saw this advertised - reflecting the hotbed for talent that is South London.

    I didn't know Declan Rice was from South London, so looked it up...Kingston upon Thames...FFS when did that happen????

    14th January 1999 going by Wiki... He did start out a Chelsea so makes sense
    :D OK badly worded, but when did Kingston Upon Thames become South London...?
    Let’s hope it was after 1855.
    When Charlton became part of London.

    Phew it was 1965.
  • The new word game thread where four letter words keep being reduced to three letter words - makes it too easy
  • Taken his shoes off and put his feet up on the seat too.  Arrogant bellend.
  • Taken his shoes off and put his feet up on the seat too.  Arrogant bellend.
    tell him (loudly) to stop being a tramp and get his sweaty feet off the seat
  • Taken his shoes off and put his feet up on the seat too.  Arrogant bellend.
    tell him (loudly) to stop being a tramp and get his sweaty feet off the seat
    He's put them back down now, as the train guard came past.  So he knows he was being grim.

    If he wasn't with the other table I'd have moved his shoes, again just to see what happened.
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