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General things that Annoy you



  • Leuth said:
    When fans invade the pitch after winning a semi-final. You've won nothing yet
    Look at what I am about to put on a new post  :)
  • edited May 2022
    I agree totally with everything you say, as I have had dogs for over 50 years, but I have never put there offerings in my pocket, and I never forget to dispose of them after the walk  :)
  • The amount of dogshit there is about nowadays. It had become a thing of the past but I'm guessing the increase in ownership during lockdown has caused it.

    Someone had let theirs go at the end of our drive this morning, would love to catch the fuckers and rub their noses in it (the owners not the dogs).

    Drives me mad the dog owners that won't pick up their dog's shit.  I do it religioiusly if my dog craps in the street or anywhere for that matter.  Sometimes I've still got it in my pocket next time I put my jacket on.
    You don’t notice the stench of shit?
  • ross1 said:
    I agree totally with everything you say, as I have had dogs for over 50 years, but I have never put there offerings in my pocket, and I never forget to dispose of them after the walk  :)
    Disposable dogs. Now there's a concept.
  • The "Wagatha Christie Trial". My god, what a tragic indictment of today's pathetic celebrity-obsessed and social media-obsessed society. 

    Rebekah Vardy in particular seems to be a deeply unpleasant woman, and I've always had the feeling that Jamie Vardy's a bit of a shit. Feel a bit sorry for Wayne and Colleen.
  • Cat gave birth to six kittens at 4am this morning.

    Very little sympathy from work
  • Carter said:
    MrOneLung said:
    My house earns more than me 
    Those of us fortunate enough to own a house in the south east, have a couple of bob tucked away in investments and maybe a pension scheme or two are living in a curious world nowadays. The money all these bits make without actually having to make or sell a product or actually do anything more than sit down amazes me. There's no way my salary gets close to the rate my paper wealth is increasing. It doesn't really sit comfortably with me, I feel wealth should be through work producing things that make life better for many, not generating paper fortunes through online investment accounts and having a nice postcode. I expect the government will  do something about this in the near future, maybe invent a "Rich  Southerner Bastards Tax" to balance us out against the unfortunate northerners whilst keeping the real rich richer.

    What really annoys me about money is; money generally  comes to you at the wrong end of life.
    Or the right end of life, imagine if you didn't have the jeopardy of poverty snapping at your heels when you are young, aggressive and hungry to earn money. 

    There is the other end of that whereby I would have had the means to do some truly stupid things if I'd had the money at 20 that I seem to have at 40 (like you, very little of it is actually money more stuff that has built up through share options, pensions etc) and I tend to be slightly less keen to blow the lot on hit hatchbacks, women of questionable repute and narcotics 

    The other thing to bear in mind is our northern brethren have generally a lower cost of living, you get much more bang for your buck in terms of property the further north you go. The equivalent of my current house is 200k cheaper in Coventry for example and Coventry isn't awfully linked to the rest of the country at all. Granted it is still Coventry but my point remains 
    It’s ridiculous alright. I’ve got , similar to most i assume, a healthy 6 figure equity and basically no mortgage left. I’ve cashed all my pensions in at 55 and have them in the bank and now get a monthly pension.

    once my last 2 kids fuck off so do me and the Mrs. Either travelling the world or the stereotypical house on the coast.

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  • Cat gave birth to six kittens at 4am this morning.

    Very little sympathy from work
    What does she do for a living?
    Cat scans
  • Cat gave birth to six kittens at 4am this morning.

    Very little sympathy from work
    Has she got a maternity leave claws in her contract?
  • The amount of dogshit there is about nowadays. It had become a thing of the past but I'm guessing the increase in ownership during lockdown has caused it.

    Someone had let theirs go at the end of our drive this morning, would love to catch the fuckers and rub their noses in it (the owners not the dogs).

    Drives me mad the dog owners that won't pick up their dog's shit.  I do it religioiusly if my dog craps in the street or anywhere for that matter.  Sometimes I've still got it in my pocket next time I put my jacket on.
    Not you as well?
    Lost count of the times I’ve put a wet weather jacket on for the first time in 3/4 months and found one in the pocket.
    And the story about when I had one in my pocket as I sat in the Bull pub Shootershill while all the punters sniffed the air and checked each other’s shoes still gets mentioned. 
  • ross1 said:
    I agree totally with everything you say, as I have had dogs for over 50 years, but I have never put there offerings in my pocket, and I never forget to dispose of them after the walk  :)
    Pick it up, check it to make sure the dogs healthy enough and trouser it. 
    Natures own hand warmers in the winter. 
  • Macronate said:
    The stupidity of flies:

    They annoy me so much.

    Imagine someone is looking down at earth now and thinking that of us. We're the fly in their eyes.

    See the source image
  • Burglar Alarms

    Is there honestly any point in them existing? - Have had one going off for ages now - No one seems to do anything about them, and they just piss of the neighbours, keeping my young Son awake etc.
  • Burglar Alarms

    Is there honestly any point in them existing? - Have had one going off for ages now - No one seems to do anything about them, and they just piss of the neighbours, keeping my young Son awake etc.
    The 4 houses closest to me have alarms, I do also, (I think most do up my road). It’s all about making your neighbours house more inviting to thieves than your own. I don’t think anyone really takes much notice of an alarm going off. I would not like to be the one without though. 
    So I upped the ante, 7 foot high fences with trellis and cameras with night vision. My neighbours opposite have now done the same. 

  • Burglar Alarms

    Is there honestly any point in them existing? - Have had one going off for ages now - No one seems to do anything about them, and they just piss of the neighbours, keeping my young Son awake etc.
    The 4 houses closest to me have alarms, I do also, (I think most do up my road). It’s all about making your neighbours house more inviting to thieves than your own. I don’t think anyone really takes much notice of an alarm going off. I would not like to be the one without though. 
    So I upped the ante, 7 foot high fences with trellis and cameras with night vision. My neighbours opposite have now done the same. 

    That's what the police told my brother after he had been burgled. Make sure your house looks more of a challenge to get into than your neighbours and they'll go for your neighbours.
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  • The fact that there’s a whole news conference to world media about a player staying at their club. 
  • Macronate said:
    The stupidity of flies:

    They annoy me so much.
    What drives me more crazy is that can't avoid a wall or fly through an open window, but you try to swat them with a newspaper or whatever and they turn into acrobatic flying geniuses.
  • Macronate said:
    The stupidity of flies:

    They annoy me so much.
    What drives me more crazy is that can't avoid a wall or fly through an open window, but you try to swat them with a newspaper or whatever and they turn into acrobatic flying geniuses.
    Treat yourself to one of these.
    I have great fun hurtling round the house swinging my bat around.
    Even if the charge doesn't zap them it's fun knocking them into next week.
    Hit one in to a spiders web the other day. Back of the net Brian.

  • T_C_E said:
    You need one of these for house flies  :D

  • edited May 2022
    Burglar Alarms

    Is there honestly any point in them existing? - Have had one going off for ages now - No one seems to do anything about them, and they just piss of the neighbours, keeping my young Son awake etc.
    The 4 houses closest to me have alarms, I do also, (I think most do up my road). It’s all about making your neighbours house more inviting to thieves than your own. I don’t think anyone really takes much notice of an alarm going off. I would not like to be the one without though. 
    So I upped the ante, 7 foot high fences with trellis and cameras with night vision. My neighbours opposite have now done the same. 

    That's what the police told my brother after he had been burgled. Make sure your house looks more of a challenge to get into than your neighbours and they'll go for your neighbours.
    Our local crime prevention officer said high fences or hedges blocking all view of the interior from the street are a major turn on for burglars - they prevent anyone seeing them in there when they shouldn't be.   Visible alarm paraphernalia on the outside of your house, likely to dissuade the opportunist but probably not the determined or career burglar.

    As for interminable alarm sirens, properly installed and configured equipment should cease sounding after relatively brief time.  Unending or repeated sirens are most likely from faulty kit.

    Burglar alarm's no effing use to you if you don't adequately lock your premises.  Over 70% of burgled property (police figures) is deemed 'inadequately secured', e.g. rear window left open, door(s) left unlocked, valuable items left in full view, car keys within reach of doors/windows.
  • Billy_Mix said:
    Burglar Alarms

    Is there honestly any point in them existing? - Have had one going off for ages now - No one seems to do anything about them, and they just piss of the neighbours, keeping my young Son awake etc.
    The 4 houses closest to me have alarms, I do also, (I think most do up my road). It’s all about making your neighbours house more inviting to thieves than your own. I don’t think anyone really takes much notice of an alarm going off. I would not like to be the one without though. 
    So I upped the ante, 7 foot high fences with trellis and cameras with night vision. My neighbours opposite have now done the same. 

    That's what the police told my brother after he had been burgled. Make sure your house looks more of a challenge to get into than your neighbours and they'll go for your neighbours.
    Our local crime prevention office said high fences or hedges blocking all view of the interior from the street are a major turn on for burglars - they prevent anyone seeing them in there when they shouldn't be.   Visible alarm paraphernalia on the outside of your house, likely to dissuade the opportunist but probably not the determined or career burglar.

    As for interminable alarm sirens, properly installed and configured equipment should cease sounding after relatively brief time.  Unending or repeated sirens are most likely from faulty kit.

    Burglar alarm's no effing use to you if you don't adequately lock your premises.  Over 70% of burgled property (police figures) is deemed 'inadequately secured', e.g. rear window left open, door(s) left unlocked, valuable items left in full view, car keys within reach of doors/windows.

    Fly catcher, visual deterrent, the list is endless our dogs are so versatile ;)

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