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General things that Annoy you



  • Another Sky one, they keep showing replays while the game is going on and then in their adverts they go on about it's only live once.

    Well if it is I want to see it.
  • iaitch said:
    Another Sky one, they keep showing replays while the game is going on and then in their adverts they go on about it's only live once.

    Well if it is I want to see it.
    BT as well. they were doing it loads at the very end of the Everton match yesterday showing fans in the crowd biting their nails whilst the match was carrying on.
  • buckshee said:
    People that start sentences with 'so..'
    So agree with this.
  • buckshee said:
    iaitch said:
    Another Sky one, they keep showing replays while the game is going on and then in their adverts they go on about it's only live once.

    Well if it is I want to see it.
    BT as well. they were doing it loads at the very end of the Everton match yesterday showing fans in the crowd biting their nails whilst the match was carrying on.
    Agree with that, thought they were going to show all the crowd one by one.
  • Few years ago I went for an eye test @ Specsavers and got told I was borderline from being unable to drive.

    Has meant that I've been extremely reluctant to go get my eyes checked since

    Even though my eyesight (with Glasses) has felt absolutely fine, even when driving these last couple of years

    Spoke with my parents recently, my Uncle it seems has met a retired Optician in Germany, whilst one of his now step children still in the profession... Got persuaded to go for another check up, on the condition I send my prescription over to Germany, and ultimately see if there is any treatment than can help improve me.

    Just got home from Boots Opticians @ Bluewater - Seems I'm on too strong a prescription already (thankfully dont suffer from headaches / migranes etc.), and she pretty much laughed at me when I told her my concerns about driving, and was assured that people with prescriptions a lot worse than mine are fine to carry on, as they just have stronger glasses.

    Fuck you SpecSavers... Fuckity FUCK you for the endless worry you've created at the back of my mind these last few years!!!!!
  • Few years ago I went for an eye test @ Specsavers and got told I was borderline from being unable to drive.

    Has meant that I've been extremely reluctant to go get my eyes checked since

    Even though my eyesight (with Glasses) has felt absolutely fine, even when driving these last couple of years

    Spoke with my parents recently, my Uncle it seems has met a retired Optician in Germany, whilst one of his now step children still in the profession... Got persuaded to go for another check up, on the condition I send my prescription over to Germany, and ultimately see if there is any treatment than can help improve me.

    Just got home from Boots Opticians @ Bluewater - Seems I'm on too strong a prescription already (thankfully dont suffer from headaches / migranes etc.), and she pretty much laughed at me when I told her my concerns about driving, and was assured that people with prescriptions a lot worse than mine are fine to carry on, as they just have stronger glasses.

    Fuck you SpecSavers... Fuckity FUCK you for the endless worry you've created at the back of my mind these last few years!!!!!
    That’s shit mate, but this is a self help website for porn addiction 
    (Squints) Wait... This isn't Mumsnet?

    Could have fooled me with the amount of bitching at times ;)
  • Any more about the Beckhams wedding and I will blow a gasket.What justification is there for the amount of publicity,a totally useless,spoilt,daddy and mummy dependant ,boy is getting for marrying a hitherto unknown daughter of a billionaire.Brooklyn had never done a days work in his life,failed at everything he has half heartedly attempted,(footballer,tennis player,cook,photographer).Just what does he do all day,other than swan about at other peoples expense.And when thousands are dying in Ukraine,the general population is suffering due to living costs and Covid,we get this lazy prick on the front page driving around in his wedding present.I almost feel sorry for him as he has no useful purpose in life whatsoever.
  • Any more about the Beckhams wedding and I will blow a gasket.What justification is there for the amount of publicity,a totally useless,spoilt,daddy and mummy dependant ,boy is getting for marrying a hitherto unknown daughter of a billionaire.Brooklyn had never done a days work in his life,failed at everything he has half heartedly attempted,(footballer,tennis player,cook,photographer).Just what does he do all day,other than swan about at other peoples expense.And when thousands are dying in Ukraine,the general population is suffering due to living costs and Covid,we get this lazy prick on the front page driving around in his wedding present.I almost feel sorry for him as he has no useful purpose in life whatsoever.
    Literally had no idea he was getting married, or what careers he's tried etc.  Don't think I've heard the name Brooklyn Beckham since the jokes about why he was called that when they named him however long ago it was he was born.

    Can't be that hard to avoid.
  • At least he has tried those jobs. He may have been shit (I don’t know) but he could have just done nothing 
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  • MrOneLung said:
    At least he has tried those jobs. He may have been shit (I don’t know) but he could have just done nothing 
    Thats all he has done,nothing.chucked out of Arsenal,at 15,could have played at a decent level,but couldnt be arsed,worked for about 10 minutes as a trainee barista,tried all the top echelons of photogrophy to make some sort of career,but was useless,latest venture into cooking,telling us mere mortals what to eat,no intention of earning his own money,especially with daddy shelling out for 500k motor cars as wedding presents.The other 3 kids are heading the same way,I am surprised,because David comes from a very normal background and knows the value of making your own way in life by putting the miles in.
  • MrOneLung said:
    At least he has tried those jobs. He may have been shit (I don’t know) but he could have just done nothing 
    Thats all he has done,nothing.chucked out of Arsenal,at 15,could have played at a decent level,but couldnt be arsed,worked for about 10 minutes as a trainee barista,tried all the top echelons of photogrophy to make some sort of career,but was useless,latest venture into cooking,telling us mere mortals what to eat,no intention of earning his own money,especially with daddy shelling out for 500k motor cars as wedding presents.The other 3 kids are heading the same way,I am surprised,because David comes from a very normal background and knows the value of making your own way in life by putting the miles in.
    I think you’re just annoyed you didn’t marry him.
  • Any more about the Beckhams wedding and I will blow a gasket.What justification is there for the amount of publicity,a totally useless,spoilt,daddy and mummy dependant ,boy is getting for marrying a hitherto unknown daughter of a billionaire.Brooklyn had never done a days work in his life,failed at everything he has half heartedly attempted,(footballer,tennis player,cook,photographer).Just what does he do all day,other than swan about at other peoples expense.And when thousands are dying in Ukraine,the general population is suffering due to living costs and Covid,we get this lazy prick on the front page driving around in his wedding present.I almost feel sorry for him as he has no useful purpose in life whatsoever.
    Who cares. I wish I was him 🤣
  • My three young grand kids rushed up to the (10 minute) slide feature in the Danson Park fair. 

    'Go on then', I said.  I was then relieved of 15 quid.  I must admit I was a bit shocked. 

    My daughter said it was £12 each for all the rides last year.  Think their policy this year of charging to pay per ride has doubled their profit - going by wallet an hour later.

    Anyway, they had a great time and that's what Grandads are for.
  • Driving over 150 miles and 3 hours in the car for a meeting, I was the only there, they forgot to tell me it was cancelled. What a waste of a day.
  • Sounds like a great day if you ask me
  • The way Glenn Hoddle pronounces Real Madrid.
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  • Neck hair.
  • Think I probably mentioned this a few months ago but it’s getting worse. The use of the word “super” as an adjective that is. Super excited, super happy, super simple etc. it’s super f****g annoying!!!  The Great British Menu binge watch last week. It was horrendous. One bloke even managed a “super super excited”. If I had two legs I’d have kicked the telly.  When did this suddenly become a thing?   And starting a sentence with “so”. FFS!!!!  And not pronouncing the letter “t”. The Cinch advert is the worst. “You can be cer’ain of a great deal for your mo’or”.   Aaaaaaargh!!!!  And in words which have two “t”s like “potato” which gets pronounced “pota’o”. Just proved that you can pronounce “t” and then missing it out all in the one word. Aaaaaargh!!!!

    grumpy old git alert.  
    Was that the Scottish bloke?
  • Boom said:
    Think I probably mentioned this a few months ago but it’s getting worse. The use of the word “super” as an adjective that is. Super excited, super happy, super simple etc. it’s super f****g annoying!!!  The Great British Menu binge watch last week. It was horrendous. One bloke even managed a “super super excited”. If I had two legs I’d have kicked the telly.  When did this suddenly become a thing?   And starting a sentence with “so”. FFS!!!!  And not pronouncing the letter “t”. The Cinch advert is the worst. “You can be cer’ain of a great deal for your mo’or”.   Aaaaaaargh!!!!  And in words which have two “t”s like “potato” which gets pronounced “pota’o”. Just proved that you can pronounce “t” and then missing it out all in the one word. Aaaaaargh!!!!

    grumpy old git alert.  
    Was that the Scottish bloke?
    The Irish Fellah who won his heat. 
  • The fact that my 13 year old daughter is now taller than me.
  • Dave Mehmet, sorry it's going to be dad, I need some more money all my old clothes don't fit.
  • edited April 2022
    Christ almighty I could write a book based on how often the NHS pisses me off.

    Woke up @ 4am and realised that my Asthma inhaler was low - Put in a repeat prescription on the NHS app as knew it would run out today, and didnt want to have to go over the Easter break without one... Every other time I've placed a prescription its been approved that same day.

    Got to about 2pm and my inhaler ran out, started having some wheezing episodes so called 111 to ask for an Urgent Prescription - Instead get told that I'd get a call back with the view to getting an Ambulance round which left me a bit stunned.

     - Got the call within ten minutes; Yup we're sending an Ambulance
     - Me: I dont need an Ambulance, I'm bloody fine, I just need a prescription
     - 111: Okay we'll contact the Surgery and make your earlier request as Urgent as we cant do anything.

    Gets to 6pm, still no sign off so call the Surgery... Yup we'll have it done by 6:30pm as the Doc goes home then, and they're just signing off the prescriptions now - 6:30pm comes and goes, so walk to the Pharmacy attached to it... Nope they've not received any approval, and everyone has pissed off home.

    Now back on the phone to 111 to try and get another prescription sent to the Pharmacy.
  • Christ almighty I could write a book based on how often the NHS pisses me off.

    Woke up @ 4am and realised that my Asthma inhaler was low - Put in a repeat prescription on the NHS app as knew it would run out today, and didnt want to have to go over the Easter break without one... Every other time I've placed a prescription its been approved that same day.

    Got to about 2pm and my inhaler ran out, started having some wheezing episodes so called 111 to ask for an Urgent Prescription - Instead get told that I'd get a call back with the view to getting an Ambulance round which left me a bit stunned.

     - Got the call within ten minutes; Yup we're sending an Ambulance
     - Me: I dont need an Ambulance, I'm bloody fine, I just need a prescription
     - 111: Okay we'll contact the Surgery and make your earlier request as Urgent as we cant do anything.

    Gets to 6pm, still no sign off so call the Surgery... Yup we'll have it done by 6:30pm as the Doc goes home then, and they're just signing off the prescriptions now - 6:30pm comes and goes, so walk to the Pharmacy attached to it... Nope they've not received any approval, and everyone has pissed off home.

    Now back on the phone to 111 to try and get another prescription sent to the Pharmacy.
    Have you spoken to your pharmacy mate? I’ve forgotten to order repeat prescriptions in the past and they’ve sorted me out until the prescription came through. 
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