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General things that Annoy you



  • Attention seeking trolls.
  • Weather forecasts!!

    All the apps I use tell me that this morning is going to be a lovely clear morning, even NOW its telling me its a lovely clear morning and not a cloud in the sky (Yet I can fricking well see the bastard things) - Got up at 4am to go out for a Sunrise, and what do I get... Pissing clouds!!
  • 650,000/1 - And it’s £2.50 a go too. 

    My argument/idea with the lottery is: 140 million jackpot, why not give 14 people 10 million each, or 28 people 5 million.
    1 or 2 winners sharing that is ridiculous.
    Do you play the lottery?

    I’ve found that those who make the most noise about jackpot levels usually don’t even play. 

    Apologies if you do 🙂
  • Jordan Pickford, running out to yell at somebody every time he has to do what a goalkeeper is supposed to do.
  • Wet wipes - The majority of times its almost impossible to get just one out of the packet... Instead you end up taking the whole bloody lot out of the bag, meaning you then have to try and get the rest back in!!
    And then the impossibility of resealing the packet after a few wipes have been removed.
  • An L or R on a sock.
  • When they twiddle those cards on 'Wanted down under' and say Austraaaaaliaahhh. 
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  • edited May 2022
    People cheating using their phones at a pub quiz. I literally don't see the point. Last week I was sat next to a table who were checking all their answers to the picture round on google.
    I stopped going to my regular clubs quiz night because of this,if you got caught in the room you were outed,but people were in the toilets,for what £20-30 prize split between 4,pathetic.
    Quizzes can bring out the worst kind of people. Some like this who cheat to win a small prize (or big prizes for that matter) and know it all types who usually resemble the eggheads, team who argue over answers and start their sentences with "I think you'll find".

    There was a quiz at my wife's school a few years ago to raise funds and a team kicked off over an answer. The company who ran it, did it for free and there was a dispute over a question. They wouldn't let it go and in the end the head had to intervene. At the end of the quiz she thanked the people for organising it & giving up their time and everyone clapped them apart from this team who just got up and walked out. Don't even think there was a monetary prize, just a bottle of fizz.

    As you say, pathetic.
  • IdleHans said:
    The fact that any coverage at all is being given to the stupid spat between the two worthless Karens, Vardy and Rooney, over snippy twitter bollocks. Everything that's wrong with modern popular culture in a nutshell. Waste of skin the pair of them.
    What really annoyed me was the fact the BBC even reported on it on there main 6 o’clock news program gave it at least 3 minutes, why? There’s so much newsworthy stuff happening at the moment, why waste precious time on such utter and senseless rubbish, barmy if you ask me.
  • When they twiddle those cards on 'Wanted down under' and say Austraaaaaliaahhh. 
    1970's retro tech.

    One of my friends is an Aussie, he lives in Sevenoaks, (nice house as it would be around there), does his brain watching that nonsense. He told me he couldn't afford to move back to Sydney.

    I love it when they have a typical northern family on there when reality hits home. Their house in the UK is worth two pound fifty, the one they want is as dear as anywhere else in the modern world, they haven't got any more to offer than the average Aussie work wise and cost of chicken nuggets is twice as back in blighty.
    Also that great myth of the outside life, its too bloody hot spend all your spare time outside. Probably why they not that big on gardening.

  • Weather forecasters and their shit.
    Today I'll give you a sunny smile followed by a cloudy forecast with persistent errors and considerable hot air.
    Mate, your dry day has just rained on my garden furniture you prat.
  • edited May 2022
    The inability to know how many subs are allowed in a game of Football now... Used to be a straight forward "3"

    But with games that have Extra Time, concussion etc. I just havent got a clue 
  • Weather forecasters and their shit.
    Today I'll give you a sunny smile followed by a cloudy forecast with persistent errors and considerable hot air.
    Mate, your dry day has just rained on my garden furniture you prat.

    Congratulations prat, the BBC are pretty accurate  as someone who works outside, they do a great job IMHO.
  • Football commentators inability to know the difference between a flare and a smoke bomb.
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  • People who always use the left lane of roundabouts irrespective of which exit they are leaving. Usually slow driving and old.
  • Those handwash units on trains that dispense a handful of liquid soap before you find that there is no water!
  • Those handwash units on trains that dispense a handful of liquid soap before you find that there is no water!
    There’s never any water.
  • JaShea99 said:
    Those handwash units on trains that dispense a handful of liquid soap before you find that there is no water!
    There’s never any water.
    There’s usually no soap or a working toilet.
  • There’s usually no train 
    every addicks nightmare 
  • When fans invade the pitch after winning a semi-final. You've won nothing yet
  • The amount of dogshit there is about nowadays. It had become a thing of the past but I'm guessing the increase in ownership during lockdown has caused it.

    Someone had let theirs go at the end of our drive this morning, would love to catch the fuckers and rub their noses in it (the owners not the dogs).
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