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General things that Annoy you



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    Charlton Athletic being the only league club not to produce a calendar this year
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    Wilma said:
    Charlton Athletic being the only league club not to produce a calendar this year
    Do you really want to see a full frontal of Sandgaard?
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    VAT on vet bills,and funerals bills is disgusting.
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    VAT on vet bills,and funerals bills is disgusting.
    Vet bills, full stop. Can't imagine how they calculate their prices.
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    Stig said:
    VAT on vet bills,and funerals bills is disgusting.
    Vet bills, full stop. Can't imagine how they calculate their prices.
    Is it because most bet bills are paid for by insurance companies? 
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    Stig said:
    VAT on vet bills,and funerals bills is disgusting.
    Vet bills, full stop. Can't imagine how they calculate their prices.
    Think of a number and double it, 😉
    I wanted a titre test for one of my dogs, phoned 7 vets, 2 didn’t know what it was for, prices then ranged between £220 to £35 which is what I paid, it’s a simple taking of blood which is sent away to be tested for immunity levels. 
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    Stig said:
    VAT on vet bills,and funerals bills is disgusting.
    Vet bills, full stop. Can't imagine how they calculate their prices.
    Exploitation of people’s love for animals. They could probably pay far more and people would still pay.
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    In the light of the last few posts, Daily Mail headlines defending the “charitable “ status of rich private schools.
    My son went to a fee paying school, i had 3 jobs (and yes i payed my tax on the money)
    My wife also did overtime on Saturdays so my boy could go to a decent school.

    We had caravan holidays, we made a diesel Peugeot last the 11yrs he was at school, we had basic mobile phones and we never had takeaways or big nights out, and i went to the valley once maybe twice a season.

    We took nothing from the "state" and we did not get any of the money that had my son attended a State school would have been "spent" on him.

    The school my son attended also took local lads from the Grove Park estate and covered their fees.

    Was it worth it?  You bet it was, he left with 3 A levels, (History Politics and Economics) Grade 5 Piano, toured Aus playing cricket, South Africa playing hockey. Ended up with a degree from Loughborough, having played football for them.

    Not bad from a lad who's dad  was born in Plumstead was mechanic who left school at 16 with 1 O level. 

    By all means make people pay VAT on school fees  and then it will be only the very rich who could afford it and make them even more elitist
    You are quite right. 

    Abolish them altogether, so nobody has to scrimp and save to give their offspring an advantage in life.   
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    And then we should abolish nice houses....
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    Luckily I have had the same vet practice forever,so i am sure they charge me fairly,sometimes for check ups and other small things,they have not billed me at all,sadly the vat still goes on.(this is for my cats by the way,not me)
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    Argentina playing in white shorts for no good reason
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    IdleHans said:
    Argentina playing in white shorts for no good reason
    It felt weird seeing Brazil in blue socks, and Croatia in white socks
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    Just back from a visit to Queen Elizabeth A&E after my GP sent me straight up there, very long wait but one for which I was prepared and accepted, overworked staff were brilliant, no complaints whatsoever.

    I finally got the green light to go home but had to go to the Pharmacy just to get some antibiotics, got there and thought 'why are there so many pissed off looking people hanging around?' I eventually found out why, fully 2+ hours later I walked out clutching my little paper bag. It's a Lloyds Pharmacy but for some bizarre reason you HAVE to use it if the hospital has issued the prescription. I was tired, uncomfortable and in pain, and there are precious few seats to use while waiting so I had to stand for most of the 2hrs.

    To cut a long story short, it would have been so much easier for us to go to a normal pharmacy on the way home, we would have got home much sooner, the harassed staff in the pharmacy could concentrate on dispensing drugs for in-patients and they wouldn't have to deal with tired, fed up people waiting for their prescription and complaining. It was a real kick in the goolies to be hit with another long and seemingly unnecessary wait just as you think you're on your way home.

    I love the NHS and the wonderful people who work within it but this just seems ludicrous to me.
    It's been like that ever since I can remember. I've waited there for both in laws & both parents over the years.
    It's always a 2 hour wait.
    It closes at 7pm from memory. 
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    Highly edited football action, usually with upbeat music playing, in which you see no continuous action - just nets bulging, tackles, scoreboards, fans celebrating, legs, close-ups etc
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    Pharmacies and shops pay very high rents to be in hospitals - I have negotiated them in the past. I suspect there might be an exclusivity clause in the lease to increase income to the pharmacy to justify the high rent. 
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    Highly edited porn action, usually with upbeat music playing, in which you see no continuous action - just nets bulging, tackles, scoreboards, fans celebrating, legs, close-ups etc

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    Highly edited football action, usually with upbeat music playing, in which you see no continuous action - just nets bulging, tackles, scoreboards, fans celebrating, legs, close-ups etc
    In a similar vein, when someone does a great tackle or plays a blinding pass in the build up to a goal but the broadcaster only replays the last, bog standard, pass to the goalscorer. Unless it's Messi, Ronaldo or Neymar in which case they will replay the whole half just to include it. 
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    Highly edited football action, usually with upbeat music playing, in which you see no continuous action - just nets bulging, tackles, scoreboards, fans celebrating, legs, close-ups etc
    The FA highlights of Wednesday’s game don’t show the penalty being awarded, just them
    taking the penalty and scoring!
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    Brazil going out on the lottery of penalties. Absolute the worst thing to happen for the worlds favourite ever team. 

    Not really 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😃😀😃😃😃😃😃😃
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    Being informed on a Friday that they’ll be working on their network over the weekend and that there’ll be no internet available, so I have no internet, no telephone and no TV.
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    Boiler conking out on the coldest day on a weekend when every bastard plumber is shut or not answering!
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    Being informed on a Friday that they’ll be working on their network over the weekend and that there’ll be no internet available, so I have no internet, no telephone and no TV.
    Make sure you stock up on Kleenex then mate.
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    Being informed on a Friday that they’ll be working on their network over the weekend and that there’ll be no internet available, so I have no internet, no telephone and no TV.
    Make sure you stock up on Kleenex then mate.
    But he said he had no internet…
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    edited December 2022

    I replied to a tweet asking what on an old car would youngsters not know today with the word “choke”. This has been deemed to breaking twitter rules as i wishing harm on someone.WTF when you see some of the shit on there.
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    Watching football in a Box Park type environment 
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    People prefixing the word ‘super’ to nearly everything… it’s super nice…. I’m super happy….it’s super tasty….. grrrrr
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    People prefixing the word ‘super’ to nearly everything… it’s super nice…. I’m super happy….it’s super tasty….. grrrrr
    Agree mate, it’s super annoying 
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    edited December 2022
    People prefixing the word ‘super’ to nearly everything… it’s super nice…. I’m super happy….it’s super tasty….. grrrrr
    Agree mate, it’s super annoying 
    A super-predictable post.  :)
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