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Rumours Rumours



  • Yer think Wednesday have done well, but as we are no longer rivals as such, I don't really care. Why OP still feels like he has give us a daily Wednesday update is beyond me.
  • Yer think Wednesday have done well, but as we are no longer rivals as such, I don't really care. Why OP still feels like he has give us a daily Wednesday update is beyond me.

    It's because he is still smarting from us tearing his team a new one last year. Good luck to them.

  • I never had a problem with Wednesday but hated the way Megson sets his teams up .

    Once they replaced him with Dave Jones who I like as a man as well as a manager and coupled with the Ched Evans debacle ,I was pleased they came up.
  • Well to be honest i have not been monitoring every detail of what wednesday have been doing, some of us focus on are own team mainly rather then signing up to another teams forum(very strange) it just seemed like for a team who must be losing as much as us each season and has not sold any of its star players, whilst signing or potentially signing up players on big money contracts, like a crazy business model especially as we all no your owner is not exactly mega rich from his past dealings.

    I will add if Charlton were seemingly doing the same id be saying nothing wrong as you want to believe the best about your club but from an outsiders perspective id say Wednesday are more likely to spend more seasons a division down again in the next 10 years then in the premier(even if you get promoted next year) if they keep the same owner and his way of doing business.

    I have nothing against Wednesday especially despite the way we were treated last season by your middle aged fans maybe i have taken more notice due to reading all the updates you feel the need to post on are forum or the fact your one of the teams who were promoted with us.
  • Richard J said:

    I never had a problem with Wednesday but hated the way Megson sets his teams up .

    Once they replaced him with Dave Jones who I like as a man as well as a manager and coupled with the Ched Evans debacle ,I was pleased they came up.

    agree, under Megson I didn't like them and when they got Jones, I didn't mind them but wanted them to lose because of the promotion battle. Now we're both in the Champ, we're not rivals at the moment. We will only become rivals again if we are both battling for something - ie, promotion or against relegation.
  • A new name from FR (I've googled him and he does exist ).

    05 Aug 2012 12:40:37
    Charlton to go for released Boro player Bart Ogbeche.
  • edited August 2012

    Not Huddersfield who got promoted then?

    Nope thought they were rubbish too.

  • Well to be honest i have not been monitoring every detail of what wednesday have been doing, some of us focus on are own team mainly rather then signing up to another teams forum(very strange) it just seemed like for a team who must be losing as much as us each season and has not sold any of its star players, whilst signing or potentially signing up players on big money contracts, like a crazy business model especially as we all no your owner is not exactly mega rich from his past dealings.

    I will add if Charlton were seemingly doing the same id be saying nothing wrong as you want to believe the best about your club but from an outsiders perspective id say Wednesday are more likely to spend more seasons a division down again in the next 10 years then in the premier(even if you get promoted next year) if they keep the same owner and his way of doing business.

    With all due respect mate, what a load of rubbish, L1 and the Championship are oceans apart, look at how bad Ched Evans did in this league and how prolific was he in L1?

    You need to strengthen in this league especially this year I would say as it's looking a very tough league, If you don't you will find it hard, we found that out the last time we got promoted.

    We've brought in players very wisely I'd say without paying big wages or spending millions, I doubt very much it would turn us into another Pompey or send us into administration as been suggested on here,

  • Well to be honest i have not been monitoring every detail of what wednesday have been doing, some of us focus on are own team mainly rather then signing up to another teams forum(very strange) it just seemed like for a team who must be losing as much as us each season and has not sold any of its star players, whilst signing or potentially signing up players on big money contracts, like a crazy business model especially as we all no your owner is not exactly mega rich from his past dealings.

    I will add if Charlton were seemingly doing the same id be saying nothing wrong as you want to believe the best about your club but from an outsiders perspective id say Wednesday are more likely to spend more seasons a division down again in the next 10 years then in the premier(even if you get promoted next year) if they keep the same owner and his way of doing business.

    With all due respect mate, what a load of rubbish, L1 and the Championship are oceans apart, look at how bad Ched Evans did in this league and how prolific was he in L1?

    You need to strengthen in this league especially this year I would say as it's looking a very tough league, If you don't you will find it hard, we found that out the last time we got promoted.

    We've brought in players very wisely I'd say without paying big wages or spending millions, I doubt very much it would turn us into another Pompey or send us into administration as been suggested on here,

    Good luck to your club but unless a management change at board level/owner or a good bit of luck i see a 10 point deduction in Wednesday's future which would be a shame as you have a good club even if some of your fans and your last manager let it down, the same could be said of us but it is common knowledge that nearly every club is losing money in this division especially us ex premier clubs, bringing in many new players and seemingly chucking money about( doesnt need to be transfer fee's) seems to be a dangerous game with more and more clubs failing at it, to use one example Semedo we know is on more money then any of are players, as we did not offer him a new contract when it expired as he was one of are highest earners and your club gave him a pay increase.

    In the end we are never gonna agree as i have already said id most likely be ignoring these worries if it was happening at Charlton, as i have enouth to think about with my work that i dont really wanna stress about my football club, so would want to think the best about are finances.
  • Well to be honest i have not been monitoring every detail of what wednesday have been doing, some of us focus on are own team mainly rather then signing up to another teams forum(very strange) it just seemed like for a team who must be losing as much as us each season and has not sold any of its star players, whilst signing or potentially signing up players on big money contracts, like a crazy business model especially as we all no your owner is not exactly mega rich from his past dealings.

    I will add if Charlton were seemingly doing the same id be saying nothing wrong as you want to believe the best about your club but from an outsiders perspective id say Wednesday are more likely to spend more seasons a division down again in the next 10 years then in the premier(even if you get promoted next year) if they keep the same owner and his way of doing business.

    With all due respect mate, what a load of rubbish, L1 and the Championship are oceans apart, look at how bad Ched Evans did in this league and how prolific was he in L1?

    You need to strengthen in this league especially this year I would say as it's looking a very tough league, If you don't you will find it hard, we found that out the last time we got promoted.

    We've brought in players very wisely I'd say without paying big wages or spending millions, I doubt very much it would turn us into another Pompey or send us into administration as been suggested on here,

    Good luck to your club but unless a management change at board level/owner or a good bit of luck i see a 10 point deduction in Wednesday's future which would be a shame as you have a good club even if some of your fans and your last manager let it down, the same could be said of us but it is common knowledge that nearly every club is losing money in this division especially us ex premier clubs, bringing in many new players and seemingly chucking money about( doesnt need to be transfer fee's) seems to be a dangerous game with more and more clubs failing at it, to use one example Semedo we know is on more money then any of are players, as we did not offer him a new contract when it expired as he was one of are highest earners and your club gave him a pay increase.

    In the end we are never gonna agree as i have already said id most likely be ignoring these worries if it was happening at Charlton, as i have enouth to think about with my work that i dont really wanna stress about my football club, so would want to think the best about are finances.
    But I really don't get where you're coming from on this one, we've not broke the bank on signings or wages and our debts have been cleared my Milan and the co op bank when Milan took over, be are now debt free.

    If we were doing business like Blackburn have then yeah, I could probably see where ya coming from but sorry there will be no 10 point deduction for us in the future mate, lol.

    Just because our wage structure might be bigger then yours it doesn't mean we're going into administration.
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  • edited August 2012
    Decided to remove this post as realised i was getting to that point where your having a meaningless argument about something that does not matter, with someone i expect does not come to the debate from a researched background about the discussion topic.

    One of the moments where you think to yourself, what am i doing with my time.

    Good Luck with your club OP.(apart from when playing us)

  • why are people arguing with OP, why do people still care about Wednesday. Don't get it all, lets just concentrate on Charlton, and more importantly, due to the name of this thread - any rumours
  • edited August 2012

    So your previous debt is not owed to anyone?

    I will just quckly add my views of Milan come from a close friend & work collegue who is a journalist, who did heavy research in to his past business dealings after the most recent trouble he found himself in.

    You will never find me basing my opinion on nothing, even if in the long run i am wrong, which i hope i am as i would not like to see any club have serious financial troubles like Pompey.

    If there is anything i hate it is people with opinions withought any real thought or looking in to the issue on matters, but this is football it does not matter compared to real world issues, just would hate for you to get the wrong idea about where my worries for your club come from.

    Best we end this, as we will never agree for the reasons i mentioned in my previous post.

    In order for Milan to take over Wednesday he had to pay off previous owed money to previous board members and the ex chairman Dave Allan, he did this, we also owed big money to the co op bank about 20M, the bank realistically knew Wednesday could never pay it off and agreed with Milan to half the debt if he took over, he paid slightly less then half and the debt was cleared.

    Milan took sole control over Wednesday so for what he knows and for what he has shelled out and if he gets us back into the premiership and decided to sell he will probably make a fortune, good bit of business on all sides mate.

    Your mate needs to do more homework if you ask me, no offence.

  • Enough on Wednesday now ta
  • Enough on Wednesday now ta

    Well it did get slightly quiet on here lol.
  • Dazzler made you co-admin VG?

    In turn do you take him raving?
  • edited August 2012
    I think people are getting riled because we've seen Huddersfield and Sheffield Wednesday beat us on quality and quantity in who they have brought in over the close season. Whether people believe they needed to significantly strengthen to catch up on us or not, the fact is they look just as well-equipped for the Championship as we do and when we were in a position of basically knowing we were up well before Easter and having worked so hard to assemble a good young hungry squad we have since rested on our laurels.
  • Take the humour to the joke thread chaps ta
  • I think people are getting riled because we've seen Huddersfield and Sheffield Wednesday beat us on quality and quantity in who they have brought in over the close season. Whether people believe they needed to significantly strengthen to catch up on us or not, the fact is they look just as well-equipped for the Championship as we do and when we were in a position of basically knowing we were up well before Easter and having worked so hard to assemble a good young hungry squad we have since rested on our laurels.

    Have we rested on our laurals though? Perhaps the intention was to buy four or five good quality players but the funds have not been there to do so. Not the same thing at all.

  • SHG by using that phrase I was trying to steer a diplomatic path away from pointing towards our financial concerns... I firmly believe your account but am aware that it's not everyone's cup of tea
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  • edited August 2012
    The power goes to their heads so quickly.
  • Anyone heard about Green to Swindon?
  • was rumoured a while ago. Was said that an offer of 300k was on the table. See Uwe Rosler is hopeful of signing Hayes this week.
  • DeeBee said:

    Anyone heard about Green to Swindon?

    Was rumoured on this thread ages ago for 300k/a swap deal with Ritchie I think.

    Well everything seems as boring as it was since I went on holiday. Roll on Orient.
  • 80 posts since I last looked an one new rumour! Please get this thread back to what it should be.
  • There are no rumours
  • Paul Hayes tweeting that he can't sleep as so much on his mind

    New wallpaper choices, Jessica or Rachel, Brentford or Swindon? Who knows?
  • Rachel , Jess, brentford, Swindon

    That order paul told me last night
  • 80 posts since I last looked an one new rumour! Please get this thread back to what it should be.

    I had 5 new posts with yours being one of them and its not a rumour.
This discussion has been closed.

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