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Charlton Takeover



  • Of course he's involved Large. The SLP is the mouthpiece of the club mate.
  • [cite]Posted By: stop shouting[/cite]Of course he's involved Large. The SLP is the mouthpiece of the club mate.

    they know less than we do.
  • LOL All so Fudging Positive -

    Fook me chillax brethren of Charltonia.

    Who cares if we get taken over? for people that dont mind you don't half go on!
    edited May 2009
    oh well lets wait and see...
  • what if Varney and his gang bought out Tango man....
  • [cite]Posted By: adamtheaddick[/cite]what if Varney and his gang bought out Tango man....
  • what would be the price on Varneys head...
  • If he did that then i'd take him out for i dunno £80 enough to buy a 3 course steak dinner afterwards for me and the missus!
  • [cite]Posted By: TelinOz[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DA9[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: queensland_addick[/cite]Lansdowne Investments, Lansdowne Mews? Billy Lansdowne?

    Do you know what, I thought of Lansdowne Mews and the spurious possible connections when I read it.

    Just off to buy some straws that need clutching at.

    Same here....

    Maybe Lansdowne is a newish company and is yet to file any accounts hence not being able to find it...or we dont have the full name of course

    There is a Lansdowne Investments Ltd but its a N Ireland registered company. Could therefore be another Lansdowne ... .... or an offshore company or a partnership????
  • edited May 2009
    Club confirms redundancies - OS

    Does this mean takeover news will be a lot closer...?
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  • *puts down phone to the South London Press*

    Well, it's all in place - I have the documents in hand to effect a takeover of Charlton Athletic.


    Fingers crossed for tonight, eh?
  • good luck mate ill be crossing for you! ;) haha :) and who remembers PV helping with the Zabell take over making everything went smooth? maybe he looked at the acounts and thats why he wants to buy the club now, maybe he looked further in than he had before and noticed IT IS POSSIBLE! ?
  • there were no issues with the due diligence in the Zabeel takeover; CAFC got a clean bill of health, the deal fell through from the Dubai end. But PV knows the books and, as AFKA says, seems to be helping lead the horses to water.
  • 310 posts saying absolutely f all !
  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]*puts down phone to the South London Press*

    Well, it's all in place - I have the documents in hand to effect a takeover of Charlton Athletic.


    Fingers crossed for tonight, eh?

    Your tickets a tad outta date!
  • Pah !
    £35million ?
  • Apparently a sticking point is the tea lady - who according to Pardew was responsible for our demise - her tea selections are still thought to be poor, with new investors likely to bag a replacement once the deal is done.
  • Well i won't be buying charlton then! Bloody lottery!
  • edited May 2009
    From a very reliable source today.. i'm not one for making up rumours..

    Tuesday afternoon is crunch talk day for the takeover. Watch this space.

    I've also been told that there is very very little chance of Jonjo being with us next year.. all depends on the takeover.
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]Well i won't be buying charlton then! Bloody lottery!
    Anyone know any Charlton fans holidaying in Spain this week?
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  • [cite]Posted By: tom_cafc[/cite]From a very reliable source today.. i'm not one for making up rumours..

    Tuesday afternoon is crunch talk day for the takeover. Watch this space.

    I've also been told that there is very very little chance of Jonjo being with us next year.. all depends on the takeover.

    all depends on offers from other clubs no one else
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: tom_cafc[/cite]From a very reliable source today.. i'm not one for making up rumours..

    Tuesday afternoon is crunch talk day for the takeover. Watch this space.

    I've also been told that there is very very little chance of Jonjo being with us next year.. all depends on the takeover.[/quote]

    You might not make up rumours Tom............... but does your 'reliable' source?
  • Jonjo is safe as far as i'm aware!
  • Im really not that excited about this takeover stuff.

    After settling with the existing Directors/Shareholders/bondholders (at whatever price they are prepared to sell at) how much new money is going to be available to develop the club from a new consortium? And what will they want in return? Fans Forum? Fans as shareholders?Reasonable season ticket prices? A dividend? Selling players at a profit? Community initiatives?

    As I understand it the current Board have no more money to invest but do have a strategy to sustain us in League 1/Champs. Quite honestly that would do me at the moment. More the devil you know.

    If there is a consortium out there that has significant money I dont see it looking at Charlton in League 1 unless the Directors are either willing to give it away or the new investors are willing to take a big risk on the potential upside. I cant see the former (well not all of them and why should they) and on the latter I would have thought there may be other more lucrative targets.

    So even if it does proceed I will want to see more detail of its composition and intentions before I get very excited.
  • surely about time for a fresh thread on this ... anyway, could be Lansdowne Partners, they seem to have had football interests in the past ....

    "The Observer, Sunday 1 March 2009
    Lansdowne Partners, one of Mayfair's largest and most successful hedge funds, has taken £100m in profits from short-selling shares in Barclays and has told its investors it now believes the British banking sector is undervalued.
    In earlier years, Lansdowne was better known for returns made on shrewd investments in companies such as Tesco and Manchester United but, like many hedge funds, it has recently come under fire from critics of short-selling.

    Also from Wikipedia:
    "In the early 2000s Arsenal sold a 9.9% stake to Granada Holdings Ltd, a subsidiary of ITV plc,[10] and a significant stake was also bought by hedge fund Lansdowne Partners."
  • if it is them then it explains why some directors may be holding out for as much as they can get as a return on their investment in the club before letting the deal go through.

    i understand where the peanutman is coming from but as long as varney is a key player and not just a negotiator / front man then I would be happy I think
  • New investment that provides an immediate injection of cash that will tide us over and secure our immediate future would of course be welcome but only a complete takeover of the club by people who could provide what our current board did for so many years i.e. a steady and secure financial platform and a short, medium and long term plan to take the club forward is what we need. Although why anyone would want to get financially involved in football is beyond me.
  • An interesting thought Salad. I am not sure if you have been ruminating on previous references to Lansdowne Investments but Lansdowne Partners would be a different kettle of fish altogether, and would represent a leap into major league stuff. They manage billions of pounds of investment funds from a significant rich list.
    If I remember rightly, they made a killing out of the Northern Rock debacle. There was also some talk of a possible IPO.
    As I say, an interesting thought.
  • [cite]Posted By: kentred2[/cite]i understand where the peanutman is coming from but as long as varney is a key player and not just a negotiator / front man then I would be happy I think

    Even if he was just a front man, do you really think he would introduce a group of people to the club that would do it harm, I don't. I also very much trust his judgment.

    If any of this is even true of course.
  • edited May 2009
    That's what I was thinking. If it's true and Varney is involved would be about more than just the short term I'm sure.
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