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Charlton Takeover



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    If there is anything in this takeover rumour I really hope it is concluded relatively quickly as the uncertainty it is creating regarding the Parkinson situation and therefore season ticket sales is very worrying.
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    Definitely, Parkinson situation needs to be sorted out soon as possible and from there the squad can start being re-built.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Imissthepeanutman[/cite]Im really not that excited about this takeover stuff.

    As I understand it the current Board have no more money to invest but do have a strategy to sustain us in League 1/Champs. Quite honestly that would do me at the moment. More the devil you know.

    I think the current directors want out, so we're not going to get very far with them in charge. And I've also heard that they are holding back the possible takeover by asking for more money than the current climate can justify. I just hope that a reasonable settlement can made and we can move on.
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    I often work with Landsdowne and doubt very much they would purchase a team, especially one in the first division.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Nadou[/cite]I think the current directors want out, so we're not going to get very far with them in charge. And I've also heard that they are holding back the possible takeover by asking for more money than the current climate can justify. I just hope that a reasonable settlement can made and we can move on.[/quote]

    Just where do you get such sensitive information?
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    edited May 2009
    Hard to believe that directors who want to realise their assets are seeking too much money and therefore jeopardising any deal. If Charlton don`t have a decent start to next season the value of the club will be even less than now. I would think that all parties have a pretty good idea of the true value of Charlton as it currently stands.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Nadou[/cite]I think the current directors want out, so we're not going to get very far with them in charge. And I've also heard that they are holding back the possible takeover by asking for more money than the current climate can justify. I just hope that a reasonable settlement can made and we can move on.[/quote]

    Cue lazy journo's who come on here headlining "Greedy Charlton board, put Charlton future in doubt" :-)
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    I reckon it hinges on how much the Directors who made loans expect to get back.

    If we assume that a Consortia have set a price they are prepared to pay then the higher proportion the Loanee Directors want back then the less will be available from a takeover value to determine the share price.

    There are at least 6 directors who will have invested significantly in shares (over £1m) but who did not participate in the loans. If the loans rank ahead of the share value its quite possible that their holdings can be considered worthless.

    So you can see a scenario where shareholder only directors get back less than say 10% of what they invested whereas a director who made a recent loan may get back 20% to 30% of their total investment. Of course that leaves timing of original investment out of the equation.

    Pure speculation but I can see how such a scenario may lead to some interesting conversations amongst Directors.
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    [cite]Posted By: Stu of HU16[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: kentred2[/cite]i understand where the peanutman is coming from but as long as varney is a key player and not just a negotiator / front man then I would be happy I think

    Even if he was just a front man, do you really think he would introduce a group of people to the club that would do it harm, I don't. I also very much trust his judgment.

    If any of this is even true of course.
    I totally agree with this 100%
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    Chizz posted this on the Eden Hazard thread thought it was more relevant here.


    Eden Hazard is one of a number of young players being targeted by a group of London-based football investors.

    The group, Lansdowne Investments, thought to be headed by former Charlton Athletic Chief Executive Peter Varney, has launched a fund to "acquire the services of and rights to footballers with significant potential". Lansdowne's spokesman explained: "we are looking to sign agreements with a number of footballers in the UK and abroad to give them the opportunity to widen their experience by playing for different clubs. As their experience and expertise grows, we will allow them to be acquired on a mpore permanent basis by talent-hungry, leading clubs, such as those who traditionally find themselves in the latter stages of the UEFA Champions League; FIFA World Cup and other tournaments".

    The investment portfolio is not limited to footballers, but may also include the risky world of football club investment as well. "We may look at the opportunity to become involved as equity holders of one or more football clubs. To that end we are in discussion with a number of clubs. We believe the mix of talent available to us could be used to benefit clubs currently outside the top echelons". When asked which clubs were involved, the spokesman declined to comment.

    Lansdowne was launched as a shell vehicle in 2008 by a number of football-experienced investors and is understood to have the backing and guidance of at least one former Premiership manager.

    Hazard's agent was not available for comment.
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    edited May 2009
    Means nothing to me now this...

    ... Ok I'm lying i really really want to know more!
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    Presumably there are rules on the amount of clubs they can be involved in. If they bought Charlton they would have to sell us if they wanted to aquire a controlling interest in another?
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    CommentAuthortom_cafc CommentTime2 days ago edited quote# 315
    From a very reliable source today.. i'm not one for making up rumours..

    Tuesday afternoon is crunch talk day for the takeover. Watch this space.

    I've also been told that there is very very little chance of Jonjo being with us next year.. all depends on the takeover.

    So today's the day........

    Any news anyone?
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    its another 7 minutes till Tues afternoon Swisdom ;) and then crunching is a long drawn out business.
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    today is the "big day" wonder if we will hear any news
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    Won't miss much with regular visits to Newsnow and Forever Charlton.
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    Cor this is exciting. What time is the crunching going to finish and the announcement is made? .........I dont think we should hold our breath for fear of going blue and dying.
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    12.23 and still no news.

    Why are the club lying to us?
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    The OS is down, think somethings brewing!
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    [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]The OS is down, think somethings brewing!

    press conference at 15.30 I heard.

    2/1 Takeover

    5/2 Administration

    4/1 Parky gone

    10/1 Parky gone and new manager introduced

    50/1 Palace to Ground share at the Valley next season

    100/1 local MP has bought the club on expenses and we're signing Kaka
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    Just heard that Jordan was seen entering the ground, does that mean that

    a) Simon Jordan is in talks about a takeover


    b) Richard Murray is the reason Peter and Jordan have broken up?
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    see which one paddy power refuses to take a bet on, and that might be a clue
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    c) She's going to be our new manager
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    [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]Richard Murray is the reason Peter and Jordan have broken up?
    What?? It can't be true! Peter Varney and Simon Jordan have split up?
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    not quite the pair of strikers we need though ;-)
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    Big news.......

    Nah.....just confirmed that the pre-season games at crawley and barnet have been confirmed
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    OS is up and running again and


    Friendlies against Barnet and Crawley and Shelvey is having a late fitness test..
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    Is Henrys comment about the 15.30 press conference true ?
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    [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Is Henrys comment about the 15.30 press conference true ?

This discussion has been closed.

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