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  • No idea
  • Now ONLY 12 days to address the deficiencies in our squad !
  • [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Something interesting I've just heard, and it might not mean a thing, but I live in East Sussex and my dad has heard from someone that Richard Murray has bought a house in Seaford.

    Not necessarily true and even if it is like I said might not mean anything at all, but thought it was interesting to hear.
    I think he's been living down that way for a while now. I believe the new woman in his life is from those parts. I met him in the delicatessen in East Dean, just along the road from Seaford, over a year ago now.
  • [cite]Posted By: Red_Pete[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]Something interesting I've just heard, and it might not mean a thing, but I live in East Sussex and my dad has heard from someone that Richard Murray has bought a house in Seaford.

    Not necessarily true and even if it is like I said might not mean anything at all, but thought it was interesting to hear.
    I think he's been living down that way for a while now. I believe the new woman in his life is from those parts. I met him in the delicatessen in East Dean, just along the road from Seaford, over a year ago now.

    Makes sense then, probably doesn't mean much at all then.
  • What time's the press conference on Thursday?
  • There is going to be a press conference this Thursday...............the hot rumour is is that it's Richard telling us he's bought a new house.
  • I'm wondering whether Pompey’s new deal could chime the death knell for our own takeover???

    Hope the fact David Dein is involved, allegedly, in Portsmouth’s new consortium has no negative implications on our own aspirations...

    Prague Addick mentioned that ‘football people’ were set buy us and here we see a ‘football person’ previously unattached suddenly, if he is part of the buying group, acquiring a Premier League club, out of the blue.

    The fact our deal has been further delayed over the past week by possible pull-outs from the consortium, if we are to believe LeaburnforEngland of course, then that makes this a tad more likely.

    It would be a right kick in the nuts if a cash-rich consortium has either walked away (again!) or has been significantly watered down to Murray/Chappell Mark Two by heads being turned elsewhere.

    We really need this deal to go through very soon and it would be nice if some of the rumours of major cash being injected actually come to fruition for once.

    I’m wondering if PV’s ‘in the balance’ hand motion last night was actually more significant than some might think.

    Might be a good time for Threadkiller to infer what he might have discovered last night and for Prague Addick to, diplomatically, reveal a little more of what he has heard if he can.

    This saga has dragged on for ages and I’m getting bad vibes.

    Hopefully an announcement in the morning involving ‘football people’ and billionaires will calm my frayed nerves. Hmm….
  • So are you saying you think someone has pulled out of the consortium to buy us to go and join one to buy Pompey.Bizarre!
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]So are you saying you think someone has pulled out of the consortium to buy us to go and join one to buy Pompey.Bizarre!

    I don't think Sailor is saying he 'knows' that's what's happened....... only that it's an interesting if somewhat sobering thought.
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]So are you saying you think someone has pulled out of the consortium to buy us to go and join one to buy Pompey.Bizarre!

    Maybe one person (Dein himself isn't rich in a footballing sense), maybe two, maybe none!

    I'd be more worried about who Dein might have tied up with in a consortium...

    Thing is, if our deal goes through and the group buying us have little combined financial leverage, and we may never know the facts, it's possible we could have lost a wallet or two on the way....

    But the Dein connection to Pompey, let alone us, is yet to be confirmed - but I believe Prague Addick got a slight inside line and it would be nice to know if Dein is/was one of our supposed 'footballing people'.

    I'm personally hoping it's a Sheikh in a tracksuit.... ;-)
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  • SSN has Storrie partnering the chap from Abu Dhabi in a T/O. I can't see Dein being happy as a junior member of a consortium, and I can't imagine Storrie surrendering any power if he's involved. So maybe Dein and Portsmouth was just a rumour -- which is admittedly more than Dein and Charlton has been until now.
  • or maybe we are just waiting for our current board of directors to realise that they are not going to get anymore out of the deal than is already on the table ? and that the buyers know they'll eventually have to take it. lots of maybe's in all our minds and so many people have different views and bits of info from various sources which may or may not have any substance.

    We'll all know soon enough I guess.
  • My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....
  • [cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....

    1+1 = 437
  • [cite]Posted By: blackheathaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....

    1+1 = 437
    ahh now I get it... thanks BlackHeath hehe
  • its all b----cks does anyone know wots going on im sure someone on here does and they know who they are then for f--cks sake come out and say something or give us some indication cos it is becoming a joke.
  • Does any body realy know what is going on apart from the directors.

    As NDA have been signed.

    We have received hints here and there regarding the purchase of players dpending on the outcome.

    My feeling is the longer it goes on the more likely it is to take place.

    What do other people think
  • I do think something is happening and that the Club are doing a better job than many other clubs who 'nearly' or got takenover. They are being shrewd sorting out future signings before the announcement so we can get them in the cheap instead of tripling their prices
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....[/quote]

    biggest load of bollocks ever posted on here !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....[/quote]

    biggest load of bollocks ever posted on here !!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

    NSS surely at this point its a contender only?
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  • David Dein has Arsenal pumping through his veins.Can't see him being involved with us in any capacity.
  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....

    biggest load of bollocks ever posted on here !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Careful, you might have to eat those bollocks....
  • [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]David Dein has Arsenal pumping through his veins.Can't see him being involved with us in any capacity.

    If his involvement in buying out Gaydamark at Portsmouth is an actual fact then it look's like he's keeping it that way!!

    Guess if he does get a place on Pompey's board his blood is more purple than mere Arsenal red. ;-)
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: RedZed333[/cite]My money's still on PV as the main player and the delay is due the recent acquistion of the training facilities into the 'safe hands' of Murray et al....

    I reckon PV saw what a balls up RM was making of everything and got out while he could with every intention of returning to buy RM out as soon as possible...

    I also reckon RM set up the Zabeel deal to undermine PV's intentions and when PV found out about the proposed deal he deliberately helped to scuttle the deal by leaking 'sensitive' stuff to all and sundry....

    Now RM's up shiit creek without so much as a canoe, let alone a paddle, and so PV is about to strike while the iron's on the third dot....


    You will be.....[/quote]

    biggest load of bollocks ever posted on here !!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]
    Careful, you might have to eat those bollocks....[/quote]

    your take of the zabeel deal is so wide of the mark it beggars belief
  • May be we should start up a game of fantasy takeover....
  • who thinks that we will hear something this week or before the transfer deadline.

    i believe that a previous poster said if would be friday

    another thing why have we not heared from the board lately to say things are continuing unlike newcastle / pompy.

    does anybody want to have a guess to who the consortium is
  • could you imagine if Simon Muppet Jordan and Mike Fat Barsteward Ashley were to takeover the club..... worst nightmare
  • Sailor, and everybody

    Unfortunately i don't know anything more than I've posted, and not heard anything new since. And I'm now as frustrated as everybody else because I'd been given to understand that it would go through a couple of weeks ago.
    On the other hand I'm sure that if it had broken down, we'd have heard from the buyers about it. Big time.


    You're completely wrong. The Zabeel discussions were thanks to RM and PV working together. There were other Charlton people who were sidelined on a golf course, but not those two.
  • I coach a boys footy team and have just got back from training, talked to one of the dads tonight and he knows a director at Charlton and the deal has been signed today by all accounts and will be announced on Friday. He also said it isn't going to set the world alight re millions for transfers etc but is going to steady the ship,nothing more. Dont shoot the messenger!! I haven't been a member on here for long and am not one for bs, just posting what i was told, could all rubbish, guess we'll find out eventually!
  • edited August 2009
    We are where we are. We have the present set up, we have the current players, we have the current level of support and season ticket holders, we have Philip Parkinson as manager, we have three league wins under our belt and a game at the Valley on Saturday against Walsall.
    We have not been taken over, we must assume we won't be, and if we do get taken over we should deal with that situation then....there is getting to be less and less point wondering and speculating about it....personally I find it easier to assume it won't happen, and will try to make it feel like a (pleasant?) suprise if it happens.....for now...are there any injuries for saturday, and have Walsall got anybody we need to be wary of?
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