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  • [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]reported on radio kent this morning that two interested parties now.

    It will be fricking weeks then !
  • Brunello - don't know how to copy your line as a quote, but in essence I think you could be correct. Just read on the OS he can play for Welling and our u 18's and reserves under the terms of the 'work experience' agreement. So to give him more 'emergency' experience seems likley.
  • Does anybody have any idea how long the club will remain solvent if we do not have the Takeover? I am presuming that without it we will go into admin?
    Could we last the season if the TO does not happen?
  • Whats happened since the last post I read 1195? Anything?
  • [cite]Posted By: Telnotinoz[/cite]Whats happened since the last post I read 1195? Anything?

    We've discovered Mambo has gone to Welling

    In case you didn't....
  • [cite]Posted By: 3blokes[/cite]Does anybody have any idea how long the club will remain solvent if we do not have the Takeover? I am presuming that without it we will go into admin?
    Could we last the season if the TO does not happen?

    We won't go into admin because most of the money is owed to directors and it would serve no purpose to devalue their own assets to repay themselves. otherwise to pay of an overdaft we can sell a couple of players. Administration = not an option...

    Dare I say it? - FACT!
  • [cite]Posted By: 3blokes[/cite]Does anybody have any idea how long the club will remain solvent if we do not have the Takeover? I am presuming that without it we will go into admin?
    Could we last the season if the TO does not happen?

    We could sell players to keep it solvent. So it depends on how much we could raise and how much we could bring the expendidture down by.
  • [cite]Posted By: SpicedAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: 3blokes[/cite]Does anybody have any idea how long the club will remain solvent if we do not have the Takeover? I am presuming that without it we will go into admin?
    Could we last the season if the TO does not happen?

    We won't go into admin because most of the money is owed to directors and it would serve no purpose to devalue their own assets to repay themselves. otherwise to pay of an overdaft we can sell a couple of players. Administration = not an option...

    Dare I say it? - FACT!

    not a FACT, if we keep spending more than we can bring in, eventually adminstration (if a sale can not be achieved) could be the only option. Having said that, it has been said many times that the current board will not let us fall into administration.
  • [cite]Posted By: No.1 in South London[/cite]not a FACT, if we keep spending more than we can bring in, eventually adminstration (if a sale can not be achieved) could be the only option. Having said that, it has been said many times that the current board will not let us fall into administration.

    I can only surmise that they can see a financial way through this if they don't strike a deal because otherwise they are just behaving like deck chair attendants on the Titanic!

    Of course the club could go into administration.
  • [cite]Posted By: No.1 in South London[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: 3blokes[/cite]Does anybody have any idea how long the club will remain solvent if we do not have the Takeover? I am presuming that without it we will go into admin?
    Could we last the season if the TO does not happen?

    We could sell players to keep it solvent. So it depends on how much we could raise and how much we could bring the expendidture down by.

    Without an injection of cash, this seems the likely outcome. Hope the takeover is close with just a few last i's to be dotted otherwise could see a few of our better players out the door by Tuesday, seems like it is close as I would have thought one or two would have gone already.
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  • edited August 2009
    Thanks for those answers.
    So if no TO and we do well this season and manage to get promoted ( still a big if but early signs suggest we will challenge this year) we will have a bigger debt but we will be a more attractive purchase in terms of our league status.
    But the debt can be reduced in the short term by selling off our better players.
    Sorry if this is all bleeding obvious but I am just trying to understand how vital the TO is to the club' immediate future and whether we can hold out if we are doing well in the league.
  • the directors have reached the bottoms of their pockets and the banks won't lend any more to us so if there's no takeover then we have to sell to survive (Jonjo and maybe Bailey). The fact that we have got this far without going down that route implies that a takeover is heavily odds on.
  • [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]the directors have reached the bottoms of their pockets and the banks won't lend any more to us so if there's no takeover then we have to sell to survive (Jonjo and maybe Bailey). The fact that we have got this far without going down that route implies that a takeover is heavily odds on.

    Agree - the sure sign it's off or severely dragging will be when one or more of our midfield are sold. I guess the only exception to this will be if a player does a Parker and is so determined to go that we have no choice.
  • Right thanks for that salad I feel like I'm back up to speed on it again.
  • The takeover shall be announced at 7pm today. Exactly as the little hand strikes the 7. :)
    My source is my extreme psychic abilities ;o
  • [cite]Posted By: nottsaddick[/cite]Agree - the sure sign it's off or severely dragging will be when one or more of our midfield are sold. I guess the only exception to this will be if a player does a Parker and is so determined to go that we have no choice.
    I can only see that happening if a Premier League club came in for Bailey (or one of the three that came down).
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: JakeCAFC_94[/cite]The takeover shall be announced at 7pm today. Exactly as the little hand strikes the 7. :)
    My source is my extreme psychic abilities ;o

  • [cite]Posted By: JakeCAFC_94[/cite]LOCKED ON.

    Fo' Sho.
  • so not DEFINITE then
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  • Right, I'm off down the Bookies..............
  • [cite]Posted By: JakeCAFC_94[/cite]LOCKED ON.

    Fix'd, Salad. Just for you ;)
  • alright, calm down :D
    as for my comment. guaranteed. 7pm this evening it shall be announced ;o
  • And if it doesn't happen, Jake?
  • [cite]Posted By: JakeCAFC_94[/cite]alright, calm down :D
    as for my comment. guaranteed. 7pm this evening it shall be announced ;o

    Typical, I will be out. They could have waited until I was around ;-(
  • it shall happen tomorrow.
    if it doesn't happen tomorrow it shall happen the day after tomorrow.
    if it doesn't happen the the day after tomorrow, it shall happen the day after the day after tomorrow.
    if it doesn't happen the day after the day after tomorrow, it shall happen the day after the day after the day after tomorrow.
  • I predict that at some point in the existence of Charlton Athletic Football Club, there was/is/will be a takeover negotiation/failed bid/completion at some point/points/never.
  • [cite]Posted By: PaddyP17[/cite]I predict that at some point in the existence of Charlton Athletic Football Club, there was/is/will be a takeover negotiation/failed bid/completion at some point/points/never.

  • The takeover has to happen one day, so why not today?
  • Listening to Parkinson yesterday,i get the impression the takeover is no closer now than it was when we first heard about it many moons ago.
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