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  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]According to Leeds fans 1 but admin tomorrow 11
    yep they know all!!!total idiots !!!
  • [cite]Posted By: Tavern[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]According to Leeds fans 1 but admin tomorrow 11
    yep they know all!!!total idiots !!!

    Admin on a bank holiday? Would we not try and stretch it out another 24 hours?

  • "The real news is Kidbrooke has moved !! BBC just showed the wheather map and Kidbrooke was on it which is weird but even more strange it was on wrong side of the river. Maybe they couldnt afford to do up the Ferrier so they moved it overnite without telling anyone ! "

    You sure it wasnt in the river? that would make sense.
  • Takeover? 4/10
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Bennyhill[/cite]"The real news is Kidbrooke has moved !! BBC just showed the wheather map and Kidbrooke was on it which is weird but even more strange it was on wrong side of the river. Maybe they couldnt afford to do up the Ferrier so they moved it overnite without telling anyone ! "

    You sure it wasnt in the river? that would make sense.
    LOL,the Ferrier was a big fan base for us!
    a lot of my mates from there and they have done ok!
  • 8 for me as far as the eventual takeover is concerned. 0 for it to happen in time to influence anything happening by the time the window closes. Know it's been said before but despite our perfect start, I am REALLY concerned that our squad is so thin at present that once the inevitable injuries kick in, we should still be looking at a mid table finish...or am I being just too pesssimistic?
  • [cite]Posted By: LondonSirClive[/cite]I am REALLY concerned that our squad is so thin at present that once the inevitable injuries kick in, we should still be looking at a mid table finish...or am I being just too pesssimistic?

    No I think you're being realistic and I hope if for some reason we can't even get decent players in on loan Parky isn't blamed. If we suddenly have to play 3/4 back up players we shouldn't be expecting to carry playing the way we have been or getting the results we have.
  • I hope that a loan or two will come in on monday or tuesday. Fairly obvious that no money will be spent now. Fingers crossed that any takeover on the cards happens and we can spend some in january. Can`t see either Llera or Dailly staying injury or suspension free till january. Deep doo doo if we lose them both at some point.
  • Yeah well....

    Its not good is it ... not takeover and no money...

    can we survive if we get promoted???

    or does thet mean we just become a selling club... like Ipswich was to us for so many years??

    I think it does you know...

    and then you have the juggling act of staying in the league whilst selling you best assets each year....

    the most important thing is a good manager....

    eeeeeeeerrrr this thread brings me down...
  • I think its about time Dave Rudd and this fans forum issued another message to the club to try to find out whats going on.
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  • [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]I think its about time Dave Rudd and this fans forum issued another message to the club to try to find out whats going on.

  • I'll be happy when 17.00 tomorrow comes and goes tomorrow, then for at least a week we will know where we are and what we have to play with and our real prospects for the season.
  • edited August 2009
    Just a thought but i wonder if one of the reasons forthe delay is that the new owners want to bring in their own manager, and Murray and co are neogotiating for Parkinson to stay as part of the deal??
  • [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]I think its about time Dave Rudd and this fans forum issued another message to the club to try to find out whats going on.

    I would have thought some sort of statement immediately after the window closes would be likely - by then we'll know who has been bought/sold so a comment as to where we are from a playing squad perspective seems appropriate. It would be very difficult for the club to make such a statement without making reference to what the state of play is on a potential takeover.

    No comment at all after the window closes, imo, would be unacceptable.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: nottsaddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]No comment at all after the window closes, imo, would be unacceptable.[/quote]

    A bit like the limited information we have had all summer.
  • [cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nottsaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]No comment at all after the window closes, imo, would be unacceptable.

    A bit like the limited information we have had all summer.

    Is that because there's less to tell than the board want us to believe?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: nottsaddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Kap10[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: nottsaddick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: cafc1263[/cite]No comment at all after the window closes, imo, would be unacceptable.[/quote]

    A bit like the limited information we have had all summer.[/quote]

    Is that because there's less to tell than the board want us to believe?[/quote]

    Accepting the limited amount the board have been able to say,they have still mismanaged the information process throughout the summer and there is no reason to believe this won't continue after 17.00 tomorrow.
  • edited August 2009
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]15% over 300k i THINK but lets wait and see.

    Maybe the club sold the option already, who knows.

    If it's truly £12 mill, then £12,000,000 - £300,000 = £11,700,000
    £11,700,000 x 0.15 = £1,775,000 = GOOD.

    Can somebody PLEASE find out if this is true?
  • It 'could rise to £12M', so imagine we'd only get a cut of the initial fee. Still, every little helps, as they say...
  • Sounds like it might initally £8-9m, and I think Hull paid £350k for him, so more likely if we've still got the option, it'll be around £1m.
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  • How the hell is he worth £12m, man alive, but good money!
  • Les Berry would be worth £10 Million in today's market

    We sold the sell on 2 years ago for 20 x £10 Woolies vouchers :o(
  • Well if the Leon Mckenzie and Luke Holden rumours are true then it now seems we know exactly what shop window we are lookng in. Takeover can`t be close methinks !
  • Shooters hill guru luke holden is a really really good player
  • I got a feeling we are in serious s##t
  • [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]15% over 300k i THINK but lets wait and see.

    Maybe the club sold the option already, who knows.

    If it's truly £12 mill, then £12,000,000 - £300,000 = £11,700,000
    £11,700,000 x 0.15 = £1,775,000 = GOOD.

    Can somebody PLEASE find out if this is true?

    split 50/50 with Brentford so somewhere between 700/900k. And I was led to believe it was 20% so maybe a tad more. That's if we havn't already done a deal with Hull a while ago and sold the sell-on off, as it were.
  • Just listend to Parky on 5-live football league - he did'nt sound to confident about a take-over happening .
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Well if the Leon Mckenzie and Luke Holden rumours are true then it now seems we know exactly what shop window we are lookng in. Takeover can`t be close methinks !

    I have no idea whether the deal is close or not. (My personal view is that there is more than one bidder involved). I do think there is a fundamental misunderstanding here that somehow a takeover will immediately mean the club will spend a few million on strengthening the squad.

    Firstly if the new owners are serious businessman, they are not just going to shell out a load of dosh, willy-nilly.

    Secondly , we have a very strong team already for this Division, they are not going to want to sign loads of players and for big transfer fees. If a deal is imminent then they may approve of the kind of signings the club is making.

    Where we are now though is our current Boards plan, given no annoucement. Namely lets strengthen the squad in key areas - defence, left wing and attack with decent but modest signings commensurate with our third tier status. I think that they can afford to keep negotiating all the while there is an interested party/parties and that their fallback position is the sale of some key players. After all, players don't yet need to be sold given the club has some cash in the bank from STs and player sales.

    in summary, even if the Takeover was imminent, I don't think the new owners would come in and splash the cash immediately, so these new signings could well be with their blessing. Additionally I think the most likely scenario is that negotiations continue with possibly more than one group and the current Board have decided to buy some players now whilst they have some cash knowing that if, in the coming days, weeks, months, they can't reach a deal, they still have saleable player assets.
  • [cite]Posted By: tebbuttjack[/cite]Just listend to Parky on 5-live football league - he did'nt sound to confident about a take-over happening .

    What did he say then?

    Surely he has to be very circuspect about the Takeover prospects. The club is a PLC and any hint by the team Manager may have repercussions. There are presumably still non disclosure agreements in place and he may well be told to play down any discussion. As I mentioned above, I think that even if a T/O was imminent, it doesn't mean going out and signing "big name" players.
  • Thank the Lord for that, bingaddick.

    No more Jimmy Floyd Piggybanks, thank you very much. That sort of thing would be making the same mistakes all over again & REALLY shooting ourselves in the foot.
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