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Lloyd Sam - (3 Goals, 3 Assists - WSS vs. NLA)



  • [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]What exactly is the point of this thread. He was mainly crap when he was in a red shirt. he's gone get over it.
    it's private bet between Wss and NLA if you don't like it sod off to another thread ;o)
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]What exactly is the point of this thread. He was mainly crap when he was in a red shirt. he's gone get over it.
    it's private bet between Wss and NLA if you don't like it sod off to another thread ;o)

    Then text each other ;-6
  • So a great start to his Leeds career, that should be no surprise he generally started seasons in the same sort of form for us and undoubtedly has the ability.

    But can he sustain it over the course of a season?
  • Starts off well, flatters to deceive, then runs out of puff and is just one big let down.

    I bet that description fits a few people on here.
  • Wasn't allowed to get in the box.... dear dear dear. What about Derby at home when he was getting in their box all match. Maybe if some of you lot stopped slagging off our players, you might notice the sheer ammount of work he had to do playing a tight game and covering his full back while messrs Ambrose, Bailey, Racon and Shelvey were all out of position. Add to that the sheer fact that our un-pacey asthmatic midfielders run all day from their own box to nowhere much and lose the ball before the oppos final third - hardly ever getting in the oppos box - and what the bloody hell was he supposed to do?

    It might have something to do with Leeds having a more physically competitive team that plays higher up the pitch than we have: until hopefully this season.
  • edited August 2010
    [cite]Posted By: ColinTat[/cite] run all day from their own box to nowhere much and lose the ball before the oppos final third - hardly ever getting in the oppos box

    Pretty much sums up Lloyd too, if you ask me, add lacking any composure when shaping to shoot and rarely delivering a quality cross.
    [cite]Posted By: ColinTat[/cite]It might have something to do with Leeds having a more physically competitive team that plays higher up the pitch than we have: until hopefully this season.

    You may have a point there; essentially he may play better in a better team. The jury is out
  • I agree on the cross bit in that he didn't cross enough when the opportunity arose, but he was excellent at hitting crosses on the break/breakdown; as he did do against Derby and leading up to Bailey's goal against Millwall. Unfortunately rarely did we counter attack near the final third but more often from just in front our of our own box. That night at Derby Darren Powell had one of the worst cd performance I've ever seen and Andy Gray, in the only match I saw him do it, dropped deep and picked up everything near him with Sam busting a gut to be his only outlet.

    When Sam was given the platform he could and would do that consistently. I can't deny it was alarming how his fitness went after 60 mins in the last half of the season, but he always worked damn hard to cover his full back even when he was puffing out. There's a wealth of difference between say him Ambrose and Racon, when the team loses possession. Sam was effective and worked damn hard for the team's shape when we didn't have ball. Most of our other players were not able to do this even when they tried.
  • Regarding the "not allowed in the box" - nonsense of course, but he did seem to play as wide on the right as was possible without actually being in the West/East stand. I presumed this was a tactic by Parky to stretch the defence out.
  • Makes sense when you have a lm who's a cm, and there's absolutely no width on the left for the majority of the season.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Bedsaddick[/cite]What exactly is the point of this thread. He was mainly crap when he was in a red shirt. he's gone get over it.
    it's private bet between Wss and NLA if you don't like it sod off to another thread ;o)

    Then text each other ;-6

    So why open the thread? Just so you can have a go at someone??
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  • early days i aint worried Lloyd will prove me right

    memo to self must go to leeds and give him hell
  • If you weren't worried you wouldn't need to go to Leeds ;-)
  • i know scoham seemed like a sensible bet when it was placed..

    dont tell wss though i dont want him too confident
  • JTJT
    edited August 2010
    Just scored against spanners!
  • Sam bottling it against Millwall I see.

    Least we can have a go at Parky for not getting more out of him...
  • he will be a massive hit this year... has looked qulaity since his move...
  • bang goes my money i reckon
  • edited August 2010
    Humble pie. Eat it!
  • how many games in? lets see come december,and lets judge how leeds are in league
  • just gone 2-1 up... leeds that is...
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  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]early days i aint worried Lloyd will prove me right

    memo to self must go to leeds and give him hell

    Blimey! You barely go to Charlton & you slam the players, now you are going all the way to Leeds to do the same to someone elses? Thats dedication for ya! ;-)
  • I know its early days lads but he was superb again today plus with Gradel and Snodgrass to come back in soon he's under pressure to perform to stay in the team, maybe he didn't have that at Charlton (if he did i apologise) and knew he was a cert on the team sheet every week but as i say his work rate and effort so far have been first class.
    Good luck for the season.
  • edited August 2010
    Good to hear from you, Oaky Cokey!

    Many people on here were prejudiced against Lloyd Sam, and always marked him down regardless of his actual performance in a match.

    I'm pleased that your judging Sam on his actual performance ..... and seeing for yourself that's he's a very decent player.
    And he scored against Millwall. Nobody on here can knock him for that!
  • Wagstaff 2-1
    Sam 3-1 pretty close ATM
  • edited August 2010
    Sam did have competition in 2007-2008, and in first 1/4 2008-9 under Pards. Pards could not but help bringing him in and we'd get a result and then dropping him after we lost. By 2008 he developed an incredibly good understanding with how he should protect his fb, and boy did he have to work super hard at times.

    All through this period we were atrocious without Andy Reid, and whilst Sam provided assists after Reid it's true to say no other creator/midfielder did. So if the guy laid on just under ten assists for both the last two seasons, he should be getting plenty for you. With Snodgrass and Bechhio, being physical or good at getting the link pass off this is where Sam's game is strongest. Sam giving and receiving at pace is his best offensive game, and in the champ it'll be devestating. Such a shame we rarely saw that platform for him in the champ.
  • [cite]Posted By: Stefco[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]early days i aint worried Lloyd will prove me right

    memo to self must go to leeds and give him hell

    Blimey! You barely go to Charlton & you slam the players, now you are going all the way to Leeds to do the same to someone elses? Thats dedication for ya! ;-)

    i go bloody loads i will have you know i dont do many aways butr i only missed 3 home games last year and i have been to both home games so far this season

    i only want to slam sam to save me money
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]Wagstaff 2-1
    Sam 3-1 pretty close ATM

    Was thinking this today, will be interesting over the whole season but think Wagstaff will outscore him come May
  • edited August 2010
    Wagstaff's a goalscorer, Sam never has been. I'll be surprised but pleased if Wagstaff gets more assists than Sam over the season (or as a more direct comparison, Sam's 10 assists last season in our team in this league).
  • Lloyd Sam is quality. We are following his progress with interest. Scored again today for Leeds. Good lad!
  • [cite]Posted By: stackitsteve[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]Wagstaff 2-1
    Sam 3-1 pretty close ATM

    Was thinking this today, will be interesting over the whole season but think Wagstaff will outscore him come May
    Sam is playing a league above though remember...
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