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You sure this Microphone is off? Andy Gray Sacked.



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    [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: WSS[/cite]

    I know it's only a spoof ...... but I felt really sad for her.

    no you never you wanted to be hanging out the back of her ala redknap
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    To resign within the hour apparently.
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    I agree with your comment NLA about Sian ( not about thinking of you when you said bed. Sadly I only think of a good nights kip when someone mentions it now).

    Something else will happen soon & it'll all be forgotten.
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    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]

    They take the michael outta some quality action

    Thats why knowone watches womens football...
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    Noticed that they advertise the first leg of our playoff game in 1998
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    Funny reading about how PC the fire brigade is. I guess my nephew and cousin (both white, both in their early twenties, both (as far as I know) straight, neither with any history of firefighters in their family, both having got jobs as firemen in the past three years) must have blacked up to get them then.

    It has ALWAYS been f***ing difficult getting in the fire brigade. My best mate's dad was a sub-officer at Norwood fire station for 28 years. He (my mate) is ridiculously strong, fit as a butcher's dog and very bright. He made two attempts to get in the fire brigade in the mid to late nineties and was turned down both times.

    Stop being all 'waaah waaah waaah' about it and try again. If you;re good enough, you'll get in.
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    [cite]Posted By: Robert[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]

    They take the michael outta some quality action

    Thats why knowone watches womens football...
    'No-one'. And women's football isn't quite as crap as that any more (though it's still pretty dire)
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    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]Funny reading about how PC the fire brigade is. I guess my nephew and cousin (both white, both in their early twenties, both (as far as I know) straight, neither with any history of firefighters in their family, both having got jobs as firemen in the past three years) must have blacked up to get them then.

    It has ALWAYS been f***ing difficult getting in the fire brigade. My best mate's dad was a sub-officer at Norwood fire station for 28 years. He (my mate) is ridiculously strong, fit as a butcher's dog and very bright. He made two attempts to get in the fire brigade in the mid to late nineties and was turned down both times.

    Stop being all 'waaah waaah waaah' about it and try again. If you;re good enough, you'll get in.

    It didn't use to be difficult to get into the Fire Brigade. If you had family already in the job that is. Which is one of the reasons it was hard for non-white people to get in.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]

    sexism is a figment of all womans imagination[/quote]

    As is punctuation.
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    [cite]Posted By: Uboat[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]

    sexism is a figment of all womans imagination

    As is punctuation.

    as is quoting
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: Uboat[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]

    sexism is a figment of all womans imagination[/quote]

    As is punctuation.[/quote]

    as is quoting[/quote]

    Come on - at least give it a try. You might learn to like it.
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    i type like i talk aload of bollox normally i use punctuation when i think before i type, that does not happen very often hence the jumbled up things that i write
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    you still need top learn how to quote check that the bbcode box has got a blue dot in it if not click it and volia
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    Positive discrimination is supposed to be illegal, yet is practised throughout the public sector (including where I work). You would have thought the halfwits that think it is a great idea would realise that it will only serve to create resentment and add further fuel to the argument that PC nonsense is turning our country into a basketcase where idiots make the rules.

    Seriously, if someone is getting a job as a fireman/woman/person when they cannot do the job, just because of their sex/ethnicity, then that is seriously f**ked up. We are not talking about a deskjob here, we are talking about people who have to be physically capable of saving lives.

    What is so hard to understand about giving the job to the best candidate regardless of their origins?

    As to what happens to Keys & Co? Who cares?
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]i type like i talk aload of bollox normally i use punctuation when i think before i type, that does not happen very often hence the jumbled up things that i write
    It does make it bloody hard to read though NLA.
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    problem is aliwibble i didnt do to good at school and i dont know where they are meant to go at times

    i dont mean to make it hard to read thats why i leave big gaps sometimes in between my rubbish
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    edited January 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]Funny reading about how PC the fire brigade is. I guess my nephew and cousin (both white, both in their early twenties, both (as far as I know) straight, neither with any history of firefighters in their family, both having got jobs as firemen in the past three years) must have blacked up to get them then.

    It has ALWAYS been f***ing difficult getting in the fire brigade. My best mate's dad was a sub-officer at Norwood fire station for 28 years. He (my mate) is ridiculously strong, fit as a butcher's dog and very bright. He made two attempts to get in the fire brigade in the mid to late nineties and was turned down both times.

    Stop being all 'waaah waaah waaah' about it and try again. If you;re good enough, you'll get in.

    It didn't use to be difficult to get into the Fire Brigade. If you had family already in the job that is. Which is one of the reasons it was hard for non-white people to get in.
    Hmmm. Maybe there's something to all this 'PC nonsense' after all eh Henners? ;o)
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    He has resigned!
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    I find Keys' behaviour far worse than Gray's because of the violence of the language/imagery he used in his "banter" with Jamie Redkknapp about Louise. I wish Redknapp had punched his lights out. This kind of repulsive and dehumanising language ("smash", "hanging out the back of it") has consequences in the abusive behaviour of some impressionable and out-of-control young men towards women, and none of us should forget that. While Gray is an uneducated man with attitudes formed in his probably underprivileged youth, Keys is supposed to be a broadcasting professional with standards. Instead, he comes over as a creepy hanger-on, trying to impress the cool sporty kids, and I'd guess they despise him for it.

    Just heard that he's resigned. Should have been sacked.
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: gilbertfilbert[/cite]I find Keys' behaviour far worse than Gray's because of the violence of the language/imagery he used in his "banter" with Jamie Redkknapp about Louise. I wish Redknapp had punched his lights out. This kind of repulsive and dehumanising language ("smash", "hanging out the back of it") has consequences in the abusive behaviour of some impressionable and out-of-control young men towards women, and none of us should forget that. While Gray is an uneducated man with attitudes formed in his probably underprivileged youth, Keys is supposed to be a broadcasting professional with standards. Instead, he comes over as a creepy hanger-on, trying to impress the cool sporty kids, and I'd guess they despise him for it.

    Just heard that he's resigned. Should have been sacked.[/quote]

    'His probably underprivileged youth'

    What a patronising load of old crap that is, well done you.
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    As I said 2 hours ago :0)
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    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]you still need top learn how to quote check that the bbcode box has got a blue dot in it if not click it and volia
    Even more bewilderingly worded than usual, but I worked it out, so thanks for the advice.
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    gilbertfilbert - he wasn't talking about Louise it was about JR's ex also of the same name... as Keys implied that JR might often be one to "smash" those he desired to I wonder if there will be a little convo in the Redknapp household
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    What a dishevelled mess Keys looked earlier.
    looked like he hadn't had a shave for at least 3 hours!
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    edited January 2011
    Let's just hope sky and the other mainstream media are as quick to crack down on any other forms of political incorrectness in the public eye eg mysoginistic/racist and violent lyrics spouted by many hip hop/ grime stars. Make sure they are no longer on MTV or judging talent shows. Surely equal political correctness should apply and if any artist has ever been recorded using the N word, suggesting women are mere sex objects or glamourising drugs or violence then they should be sent to purgatory and dragged over the coals in the same way that the two middle aged out of touch footballer pundits have been.

    Nah thought not, yet surely youngsters would not see gray and keys as any more of a role model than alisha dixon, 50c etc.

    Im sure Simon cowell, Graham Norton or Allen Carr for example have made the odd un pc quip yet its deemed part of their quirkiness.

    As for the "violent" language you refer to and my mates have in the past talk laddishly in less flattering language about ladies sometimes but it has never ever caused any of us to act abusively to women and never will. If any of us did they would get pulled up on it big time and in a big way. Im never anything other than respectful to women....and mainly because they are women. In fact i will often refrain from arguing on here for example with a female poster or disagreeing as passionatley in real life with someone if they are a woman out of respect for the fact they are a women and ive been taught to give extra respect to sexist as that may be.

    They are only words at the end of the day and sticks and stones. Anyone who carries out actions, adopts an attitude or bases their whole worldview on a couple of outdated football blokes (or any celebrity for that matter) has got problems and would as soon be as influenced by a bloke selling magic beans in narnia as they would that pair.
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    [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]Let's just hope sky and the other mainstream media are as quick to crack down on any other forms of political incorrectness in the public eye eg mysoginistic/racist and violent lyrics spouted by many hip hop/ grime stars. Make sure they are no longer on MTV or judging talent shows. Surely equal political correctness should apply and if any artist has ever been recorded using the N word, suggesting women are mere sex objects or glamourising drugs or violence then they should be sent to purgatory and dragged over the coals in the same way that the two middle aged out of touch footballer pundits have been.

    Nah thought not, yet surely youngsters would not see gray and keys as any more of a role model than alisha dixon, 50c etc.

    Im sure Simon cowell, Graham Norton or Allen Carr for example have made the odd un pc quip yet its deemed part of their quirkiness.

    As for the "violent" language you refer to and my mates have in the past talk laddishly in less flattering language about ladies sometimes but it has never ever caused any of us to act abusively to women and never will. If any of us did they would get pulled up on it big time and in a big way. Im never anything other than respectful to women....and mainly because they are women. In fact i will often refrain from arguing on here for example with a female poster or disagreeing as passionatley in real life with someone if they are a woman out of respect for the fact they are a women and ive been taught to give extra respect to sexist as that may be.

    They are only words at the end of the day and sticks and stones. Anyone who carries out actions, adopts an attitude or bases their whole worldview on a couple of outdated football blokes (or any celebrity for that matter) has got problems and would as soon be as influenced by a bloke selling magic beans in narnia as they would that pair.
    They'd be an idiot indeed if they were influenced by a bloke selling magic beans in Narnia. Everyone knows that Narnia is covered in snow - beans are never going to grow there. If you're going to divert this thread (even further) into fantasy-land, at least make sure you don't mix your milieus :o)
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    [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]Let's just hope sky and the other mainstream media are as quick to crack down on any other forms of political incorrectness in the public eye eg mysoginistic/racist and violent lyrics spouted by many hip hop/ grime stars. Make sure they are no longer on MTV or judging talent shows. Surely equal political correctness should apply and if any artist has ever been recorded using the N word, suggesting women are mere sex objects or glamourising drugs or violence then they should be sent to purgatory and dragged over the coals in the same way that the two middle aged out of touch footballer pundits have been.

    Yes they should. There are some very disturbing attitudes towards women in a lot of this stuff. Are we sure there's no connection between language and behaviour, when we consider the actual conduct of some of these "stars"?

    [cite]Posted By: RodneyCharltonTrotta[/cite]They are only words at the end of the day and sticks and stones. Anyone who carries out actions, adopts an attitude or bases their whole worldview on a couple of outdated football blokes (or any celebrity for that matter) has got problems and would as soon be as influenced by a bloke selling magic beans in narnia as they would that pair.

    Only words, but words expressing an attitude to people and actions. There's a lot of research on the connections between attitudes and actions, and all I can say is that the sort of attitude displayed by Keys worries me.

    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]
    'His probably underprivileged youth'

    What a patronising load of old crap that is, well done you.

    You're right. That was patronising. I withdraw that bit.
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    Ha ha fair point Leroy, i think ill need to reassess my latest money making venture after that glaring flaw!
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    [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]gilbertfilbert - he wasn't talking about Louise it was about JR's ex also of the same name... as Keys implied that JR might often be one to "smash" those he desired to I wonder if there will be a little convo in the Redknapp household

    Yup. Poor Jamie. I got the impression he wasn't comfortable with Keys' "banter".
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    See where you are coming from gilbert but disagree. Yes im sure research conducted on idiots incapable of individual thought may show links between sexist and racist attitudes being solely based on media exposure but just because I whack a snoop dog track on my ipod or listen to the prodigy doesnt mean im going to yearn to go go and sign up to my local branch of the Crips or Smack My Bitch up.

    Maybe some deluded Jeremy Kyle fodder would but then the majority of us have more intelligence, free will and general nous not to be so easily influenced.

    Pulling up Gray and Keys for their comments fair enough but the witch hunt that has ensued is out of proportion....and not in the same league as the Ron Atkinson incident (logically it could be argued it is but for me personally it isnt).

    And just because Rhianna or Christina Agueilera may writhe round on my tv screen in next to nothing doesnt mean that ill mentally put the middle aged dorris who serves me in tescos into that same light in my mind.

    This country needs to chill. We are one of the most tolerant, decent and respectful cultures in the world i imagine, for which we should be proud but not everyone shares the same view on everything or adopts a uniform attitude to life.

    These sorts of public floggings have ruined politics to the point that no politician will every give a straight answer that has any element of personally held opinion or principle and now it seems to be enveloping the whole of society.

    Of course if gray and keys discriminated about a women and a predujice meant they stopped a women doing something purely because of her sex then it would be bang to rights to hang draw and quarter them but to create the furore we have seen based on a few private laddish comments seems a bit OTT to me. They present football on sky to couch potato adults not teach primary school children in their formative years. The sort of people who will be influenced by their attitudes will be the same kind that treat Soccer Am as a football bible and frankly those that fall into that category are about as much threat to mis-shaping civilised society as Bungle, Zippy and George.

    He who has no sins and all that may cast the first stone etc.
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