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Labradors, German Shepherds & Dogs.....



  • hows Egypt you jammy feck, I thought you were joshing and having an imaginary one
  • Lovely mate, just like boys football dont live your dreams through your dog ;-)
  • lol my dreams never involve a show ring, never wanted to be in a circus,

    you missed a good game today mate , it was your sort of game very good technically , dale was amazing
  • Hi NLA
    If I was you double check that Manchester is a qualifier for Schnauzers as I do not think CC's are on offer for them, it will be classed as an open show, so please
    check before entering.

    I too thought DS was a class act today.
  • Last qualifier for crufts its being advertised as

    I was under the impression buba was the last cc oportunity but got the brochure yesterday and it said last qualifier for crufts
  • This is the first year that Manchester has been the last qualifier. This is mainly due to online entries which has shortened the process time. I have read the Crufts entry requirements and I stand corrected.
  • I always thought we only had up until buba but found out sat we have an extra chance
  • So its the night before my second competition and Lola is prepped and ready , she has had a little of the Rescue Remedy as she is a bit hyper at the mo with the Forth Coming season ,

    We are up in Barnsley for the Nthn Schnauzer and this time I am going just me and Lola , The wife has her Baby scan and although I really want to be there she has said I should go to the show

    So I hope I don't screw up and Lola acts as good as she did at Ring Craft

    fingers Crossed
  • Blimey, you must really love that dog, its bad enough going to Barnsley to see the Addicks.
  • I love my dog mog me and lola are a team , its quite funny because she a 1 man woman
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  • Good luck D, fingers crossed for you both. How did she travel?
  • going up at 4 am mate, it was over a hundred quid for me and the dog in a room, plus the fuel and entry I cant justify that spend, when I took her to wales she travelled fine, so I am gambling on her doing the same, the rescue remedy I hope will keep her calm, and on point for tomoz, I am to be there by 11 and make sure that I find a good doggy walking place on way, so that I can get her stretched out,

    I cant get her mucky though so no woods or parks,

    she knows something is happening as I gave her some nice diced steak, and she has being brushed, pulled and shaved today and looking buff
  • Please tell me you aint missing Leeds for a fuckin dogs show, shakes his head in disbelief
  • As Joe would say you aint proper.
  • priorities have change mate, Lola getting to Crufts is very important, and I want her to have as many CC's as I can, its an addictive thing to be involved in, I know its laughable but its a real buzz,

    I thought I would hate it but I don't,

    i have done my proper bit , now i am picking and choosing, in the past leeds like games would be a must but no longer i am ashamed to say
  • Keep your eyes open, you may spot a handler doing nothing that's prepared to handle Lola for you. It'll only cost a fiver or maybe a tenner.
  • T.C.E said:

    Keep your eyes open, you may spot a handler doing nothing that's prepared to handle Lola for you. It'll only cost a fiver or maybe a tenner.

    good shout mate never thought of that

  • What the fcuk are CC's
  • champion certificates, you need them for crufts and i am not sure how many you need for your dog to be classed a champion
  • Im with northstandsteve on this

    What has happened to you?!!??!!?

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  • I reckon he has started to take it up the arris.
  • not boozing at football that's happened to me
  • You best go support Watford mate.
  • edited November 2013
    CC's are awarded to best the Best Dog and the Best Bitch in a breed at Championship Shows you have to get 3 CC's under 3 different judges to become a champion. I have been involved in dog showing for over 30years mainly driving the other half up and down the country from Edinburgh to Exeter and all points in between missed two home games so far this season. Good Luck NLA. and Lola. (to qualify for Crufts you have to get 1st 2nd or 3rd in your class).
  • lol enfield town for me mate 5 min walk ,

    The problem I is am being so careful not to get caught, having 2 pints of cider and getting in my car, even though it should be under the limit, If I got caught and was not that's the knowledge gone life fukd, this keeps me focused
  • Never read this thread as I don't like dogs.

    Good luck nla. I hope you are well groomed and sporting a pretty bow
  • yer he's had his hair done, should go down well in the summer when he's prancing around in his shorts with his tattoo's on show.
  • This is also the bloke who can't stand dogs.
  • Couldn't stand dogs

    Shorts off and changed into my suit

    Shitting it and as nervous as hell your banter keeping me chilled

    She looks good but being this close to her first season she is really acting up and being a bit frisky with every dog

  • Good luck D.

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