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Semedo off to Greece ?



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    West Ham put Johnathon Spector in midfield - another defender who can't play football in midfield. Lokk what happened to them.

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    i've nothing against Semedo - seems a great lad, puts ina lot of effort and is a great destroyer - anybody who suggests he is a class player has spent too long with their head stuck in the ground. He cannot 'play' end of. He's passionate and hard and thats great but i'm a bit too old to start wetting myself or get deluded about it. He is a very poor player in a very poor team who were beaten by non league northwich victoria last year and outclassed by non league Luton this. I watch a lot of amateur football as well but i expect a bit of quality when i watch Charlton and the quicker we clear 95% of this lot out, the better 
    these are exactly my sentiments.
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    Bexley Dan That hole is getting so big you are going to need a JCB to to get out at this rate.
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    So is he off to Greece or not? Or am I missing the point of this thread?
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    Bexley Dan...are you Audley Harrison?

    Yes I can, yes I can..... you can't!!! And thats why we pay to watch.

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    I know what you mean Bexley Dan. 

    I would bet that i would be a better goalscorer than kishishev or rob elliot for instance if we both had the same fitness levels.

    I love Semedo but dont think he is a great midfield maestro....more of a battling terrier in front of the defence.

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    edited May 2011

    Why do posters keep mentioning his effort, dedication to the club, being a great bloke, gives 100% etc.? no one is questioning any of that as far as I can see and not too many if any, saying we should get rid. The jist of the negative comments is that he is neither equiped or natural in a central midfield position. Watching a different game to others ? no, just aware of the shortcomings the team has with Semedo constantly played in a midfield 4-4-2. Be nice to witness next season a central midfielder who is willing to get beyond the forwards and make some runs into the box, someone prepared to get on the end of crosses, be capable of shooting from range and able to apply pressure in and around the opposition box. 11 Semedos would not win too many football matches, but it would be good to see some of his characteristics displayed by the more able, skillful players as we would then have a winning formula, the attitude on its own is nowhere near enough. There is a place for Semedo in a League one winning side, but that place is not in the centre of midfield, as we will continue to experience the same frustrations should he end up there once again next season.

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    Bexley Dan That hole is getting so big you are going to need a JCB to to get out at this rate.
    that really is cutting edge humour dead - you've killed me with that.
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    And in another thread someone pointed out that the manager, players and board know about this site but don't pay it any attention.


    I can't think why when there are posters here who think they possess better footballing skills than a Portuguese U21 international and a professional with around 200 games under his belt.

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    Bexley Dan...are you Audley Harrison?

    Yes I can, yes I can.....

 you can't!!! And thats why we pay to watch.

    no - i pay to watch because i am a lifelong fan and go regardless of the quality - have a re think
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    edited May 2011


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    So is he off to Greece or not? Or am I missing the point of this thread?
    i doubt it - Greece is a bit low key - i've heard Barcelona may be in for him and racon once the champions league is in the bag. Apparently their midfield needs a bit of freshening up
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    And in another thread someone pointed out that the manager, players and board know about this site but don't pay it any attention.


    I can't think why when there are posters here who think they possess better footballing skills than a Portuguese U21 international and a professional with around 200 games under his belt.

    do you have posters of footballers on your wall? I can picture you on hands and knees -  i'm not worthy, i'm not worthy.
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    Bexley Dan Can I have a picture of you on my wall because obviously i'm not worthy and with you being such a qualirty CM in your prime.
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    And in another thread someone pointed out that the manager, players and board know about this site but don't pay it any attention.


    I can't think why when there are posters here who think they possess better footballing skills than a Portuguese U21 international and a professional with around 200 games under his belt.

    do you have posters of footballers on your wall? I can picture you on hands and knees -  i'm not worthy, i'm not worthy.

    Here you are - your golden opportunity to prove your footballing ability:

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    Bexley Dan Can I have a picture of you on my wall because obviously i'm not worthy and with you being such a qualirty CM in your prime.
    wouldn't have to be that good to be better than Semedo. By the way, why would you use a jcb to get out of a hole? Not only was that not funny, it also made no sense so i'd lay off the jokes if i were you.
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    can't be bothered to read it but yes, i'd love to showcase my talents against my sporting heroes. Do you have sporting heroes forest?
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    can't be bothered to read it but yes, i'd love to showcase my talents against my sporting heroes. Do you have sporting heroes forest?

    If you can be bothered to spend the time telling us how great a player you are I'm sure you can spend a few moments to click on a link.

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    yep - read it now - i'm going to give it some serious consideration - i refer you to my post on the other thread - are you not having a go forest - an opportunity to get close to the stars?
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    Bexley Dan, you said an audacious sweeping statement and got called out on it. Be a man and admit you're talking a load of old grapes. You think you're a better footballer than a proffessional who's played under 21 football internationally? Riiight... Some one's not a bit delusional
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    Bexley Dan, you said an audacious sweeping statement and got called out on it. Be a man and admit you're talking a load of old grapes. You think you're a better footballer than a proffessional who's played under 21 football internationally? Riiight... Some one's not a bit delusional
    Don't be silly that doesn't count, he only played U21 football as a defender so he has no natural ability he's only there cos he can run circuits and bench 100 kg
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    edited May 2011
    Bexley Dan, you said an audacious sweeping statement and got called out on it. Be a man and admit you're talking a load of old grapes. You think you're a better footballer than a proffessional who's played under 21 football internationally? Riiight... Some one's not a bit delusional
    do you know me? No, therefore you can only make assumptions so how can i possibly take any notice of what you say. Likewise for your leaburn. get back to worshiping your heroes. Would you disagree that there are thousands of players who never made the grade as a pro who would be better in central midfield than Phil Chapple? or is he this super being because he made it as a pro?
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    Fair play to you. You must be laughing your rocks off. Biggest wind up on here for ages.
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    Bexley Dan, you said an audacious sweeping statement and got called out on it. Be a man and admit you're talking a load of old grapes. You think you're a better footballer than a proffessional who's played under 21 football internationally? Riiight... Some one's not a bit delusional
    do you know me? No, therefore you can only make assumptions so how can i possibly take any notice of what you say. Likewise for your leaburn. get back to worshiping your heroes. Would you disagree that there are thousands of players who never made the grade as a pro who would be better in central midfield than Phil Chapple? or is he this super being because he made it as a pro?
    Phil Chapple is up there on a pedestal in my eyes.
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    @BexleyDan Fair play to you. You must be laughing your rocks off. Biggest wind up on here for ages.
    thanks - it has been a bit dull lately and i do like to press the Semedo button occassionally - Leroy and Off it were the first to bite because they area  bit touchy anyway but then you get all the peripheral lot, like the nobodies in the playground who jump in a nd try to givea  kick from the outskirts. Still, love you all really. Can't all be as talented as me.
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    Bexley Dan. I admire your determination. You believe you have made a valid point and are sticking to it. And in some respects you're correct. There is, at times, not a lot of difference in ability in those who 'make it' and those who don't. Often it is being in the right place at the right time to be spotted. For the record I played for a number of years alongside Anthony Barness and some other ex pros who played at a high level. I was a central midfielder myself. I was very good. But not nearly good enough, as it turns out, to make it as a professional despite what I thought at the time.

    Maybe if you asked myself and Jose to hit fifty passes from the same position in a closed skill environment then I might win on accuracy. Maybe, Or he might. But, ask me to add to that speed, strength, determination, skill and the ability to do all this and more in the matter of a split second and he'd beat me hands down. That's what makes one player stand out against another...being able to perform in an open environment with only a fraction of a second to make a decision,

    I also taught Kyel Reid. Class at the age of 11. And 12 and 13 and so on. A schoolboy international at all age levels. Now, struggling to make it at a 1st division club. But still has more talent in his little finger than any of us fans have in our whole bodies. More skill than Jose. But maybe not the 'whole package'...which is probably what has gone against him.

    I hope Jose stays. He is a 'Charlton' type player.,

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    thanks Sir John and although it was a bit of a wind up and the reaction to what i said was predictable, i too played alongside 4 players who made it as pro's - 3 made it at Charlton. There is not the gap that some on here believe although i am not daft enough to think it is easy playing at pro level. i still think Semedo does not have enough footballing ability to play central midfield and by the way, i played with far better players when younger than those who made it, including the england schoolboy captain at the age of 16. He didn't make it and is a vastly superior 'footballer' to Semedo. I use the term 'footballer' as in the ability to 'play' if you know what i mean   
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      played with Bexley Dan many years ago and he was MUSTARD and i agree that Semedo is holding us back in respect of attacking football.

    If we are to commit to big wages (our budget) we need to ensure they are spent on players that will improve our league position, Semedo in my opinion is a second string midfielder who can be brought on to protect a lead, he does not have the availability create the amount of opportunities to score goals we need,never mind score them.

    If we need to balance the books by offering reduced contracts to out of contract players to enable the changes to our squad that will ensure we are promoted then we must do this. In my opinion Semedo has limited ability and is not essential if we can get a better replacement.Lets move forward.

    Bexley Dan was the defence splitter!

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    I agree to an extent Bexley. When I look back to my school days we had quite a few who were on the books of pro clubs and several who went on to make a living out of the game.

    Invariably those that made it as pro's (albeit in the lower leagues) were not the best 'footballers' but those that were more athletic/ aggressive or even just happened to get the breaks or had the contacts that got them seen by scouts at the right time.

    I suspect (hope) that things are different now...

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    edited May 2011

    Bexley Dan I think your missing a very simple point here, you mention that the schoolboy captain was a vastly superior footballer as compared to Semedo. Thats a fair comment, but Jose doesnt maintain his starting position in our midfield,week in week out because he is a 'footballer', it is because of his pure passion and hunger to win the ball and bully opponents.

    I think you need to be comparing your 'mate' to Racon, but then again despite criticism of him (mostly acceptable criticism at times) he is probably the most technicially gifted player in our squad we have had since coming down from the Prem. Are you and your mate better than him and all?

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