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Rob Elliot (Signed for Newcastle for Undisclosed Fee)



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    edited August 2011
    Rothko said 'Which smacks me even more that Elliot is moving for money reasons'

    I don't have a problem with this at all Rob is one of us and always will be. He's a decent lad and like all pro footballers has no way of knowing whether his career could be cut short by serious injury. Therefore if he was my son I would say 'fill your boots lad and make your money whilst you can'.
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    if he is going in as number 3 then i'd suggest its looking more and more likely that he's been pushed rather than jumped as i wouldn't have thought that a number 3's money at a prem club would be better than a nr.1 at a league 1 club looking to go places 
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    Think Rob knows that this is his big chance of playing in the premiership. Starts seasons well but finishes really badly. If he lost his spot this year, he wouldn't get it back.
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    Then don't kiss the badge and plead on twitter that's he's the innocent party in this. 
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    What Deadred said.

    Hey, that rhymes.
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    Take it you all said that when Parker left then?
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    Take it you all said that when Parker left then?

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    If you like him or not as a player (he has been good imho this last 3 games) He is a good lad and seems well respected by lots of his peers.
    If any one of us had the change to improve ourselves work wise moving company to make more money then so be it, how many would turn that down.  Very few.  He is a supporter of our club as well, lets be happy for him (like i am) and wish him well and welcome him back to sit with us when he comes to watch his team. 
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    edited August 2011
    Why not kiss the badge? He's a Charlton fan and irrespective of twatter, only he and the management know the real truth. I happen to know one of his relatives and if I hear anything I'll let you know Rothko
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    Some strange views on here? People slaughtered Jenkinson for moving to a team in the Champions League saying he was a money grabber etc, but with Elliott it's ok to move to a club where he's going to be 3rd choice?

    I would guess that we got more money for Jenks than we will for Elliott as well.
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    Take it you all said that when Parker left then?


    Scott Parker raced up to Murrays office straight after the game against Wolves with muddy kit still on demanding to know about the Chelsea offer. That is disrespectful which Murray pointed out and nothing like the Elliot situation. 

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    As I said before, good bit of business by charlton, wish the lad well, but he won't be missed as we have two keepers of equal if not better standing to fight for the place already. Loads of people bleated when we sold Semedo, how foolish those people look now. As for Robbie wage demands hope he gets his £8k a week out of Pards was never gonna get that at Charlton.
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    Whether Robbie goes or stays, I'll wish him the best. He always played to the best of his ability IMO (however much ability you perceive him to have) and is one of very few in recent times to genuinely love the club. I hope whatever happens to him works out for him.
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    edited August 2011
    As it happens I had no problem with Parker going either, served us well albeit left under a bit of a cloud. He brought in £10m and he did what was right for him and his family at the time in terms of financial security.
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    Pardew, "I've put in a bid" or Powell, "we haven't had a bid"

    I know which one I'd trust....
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    As it happens I had no problem with Parker going either served us well albeit left under a bit of a cloud.He brought in £10m and he did what was right for him and his family at the time in terms of financial security.
    My only gripe with Parker was that he left mid-season. If that had happened in the following June I think he'd have left a hero.
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    edited August 2011
    If Parker didn't leave in Jan, he would have stayed for another couple of years, and properly broken into the England setup, as we would have been playing European football and would have started to attract big name signings. No matter what people say, I think him going to Chelsea was a step backwards

    On Elliot, I'm not his biggest fan, and feel him leaving is no big loss, but leaving us to be 3rd choice GK is a little weird, maybe they will loan him straight back out to a Championship side?
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    My only gripe with Parker was that he left mid-season. If that had happened in the following June I think he'd have left a hero.
    Yeah that's always been my feeling.
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    My only gripe with Parker was that he left mid-season. If that had happened in the following June I think he'd have left a hero.
    Yeah that's always been my feeling.
    Mine too - it was the timing and the nature of his leaving that upset people.
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    yeah powelly has put him in shop window by playing him behind a better defence! sad if he goes being he is one of us! but as other lifers have said hamer wasnt brought in to watch in the stands and powell said himself he didnt want to be cault out if robbie left! good luck robbie!
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    If Hamer is any good, and if Pardew is as profligate with money as he has always been, then this may be a good deal all round. I like Robbie, I reckon he has been good for us, and if he goes I wish him well.
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    The bottom line is that we don't need three full time keepers, if we can get some cash for a player who looks like walking on a free at the end of the season so much the better.

    If the move is on then I wish Robbie well, perhaps it'll be good for him as a person as well as professionally/financially, stepping out of a comfort zone is always difficult and can make or break you. I respect him for doing that.

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    Like all good keepers Rob has made a few mistakes but it is far outweighed by the amount of game saving stops he has made. Sorry to see him go. Maybe we have scored our first own goal of the season ????.
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    I'm entrusting CP knows best.   He's 100% so far this season - I'll trust his judgement.
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    The Parker/Elliott situations are totally incomparable.

    When Parker left we were 4th in the PL and had no money concerns whatsoever.

    With Elliott we are in L1 and - although things are better than they were - are still in financial dire straits and need to generate cash where we can.

    In addition, Parker was the absolutely irreplaceable lynchpin of the side whereas Elliot, with all due respect, is a decent keeper who can be replaced immediately with someone of comparable quality.

    Parker's departure - especially the manner and timing of it - was always bound to have a huge negative impact on the club and did indeed do so.

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    not so sure that we're in financial dire straits
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    If Hamer hadn't signed then I would have been worried that we would have been short but as it is we'll still be left with 2 very good keepers. I agree with Rothko about some of Robbie's handling of the situation but still wish him luck. Think CP and the club have handled this situation very well for all parties.
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    Is there ever a good way for an existing player who has ambitions to refuse to sign a new contract?

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    We've got to many keepers for a L1 team - it makes financial sense for someone to go.  That way me might be able to bring someone else in.  It's in all our interests that the club is well run.
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    If Hamer hadn't signed then I would have been worried that we would have been short but as it is we'll still be left with 2 very good keepers. I agree with Rothko about some of Robbie's handling of the situation but still wish him luck. Think CP and the club have handled this situation very well for all parties.
    but doesn't Rothko's view assume Elliot he has instigated the move whereas the opposite could be true?
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