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Rob Elliot (Signed for Newcastle for Undisclosed Fee)



  • I think this whole situation has turned into a bit of a mess tbh
  • Just copied this from The Northern Echo they know something that we and others dont yet??? This was on their latest update - timed at 11:18 today - and a piece about Pardews signings before the weekend game with The Black Cats-:

    Steve Harper will take his place on the bench tomorrow, despite the signing of Rob Elliot from Charlton Athletic.

    Or are they still just speculating.....

    Link below

  • All this demonstrates the wisdom of players doing transfer negotiations quickly and not in public for the sake of everyone's reputation. Why doesn't it surprise me that Pardew and his continually self promoting ego are involved.
  • I would asume Robbie hasn't gone until either the official Nucastle or Charlton sights confirm it.
  • I like robbie a lot because he's A Charlton supporter like the rest of us but I also think that he's maybe not as good as our other two keepers. He looks like he's going ( reluctantly) and I wish him all the best. Im not convinced he is a premiership footballer but I hope I proven wrong.
  • Comments on twitter, or rumors passed on by sources, are both quite rightly not taken as absolute truth.  You have misgivings of one Plaaayer, quite rightly most of us have misgivings of the exactness of your sources.  If you're to doubt one over the other, and then say what you're saying you won't present as the truth then.....  We don't know, rarely do we get to see a Jon Arne Riise pay slip.

    I'm sure there is some truth to Robbie's wage demands.  We are now a safely established league one side.  Players don't ask for wages commensurate to their productivity and output.  As an individual we'd all do the same, though some seem to think words on a blog prove their Charlton colours and code.

    The links betwen Slater, Jimenez and Ashley have been talked about before.  It may suit both clubs investment models.  Apart from financial rewards, joining Newcastle may be very risky to someone's career.  But equally with Harper and Krull ahead of him, he will get chances to replace them over and above any injuries they receive.
  • If Robbie goes we have 2 excellent keepers in reserve. It may then be time for some of us to decide who we prefer and pick holes in the other. I hope not as goalkeeper is a position where you can always find fault - watch last week's MOTD to see premiership keeper's mess up.
  • I'm amazed that because one person says that a Club insider told them that Robbie was after 8k pw then most believe that as being true and frankly I don't care who that poster was. Even if told that I'm sure the Club insider didn't want it made public or maybe they did and wanted to see if the person they told could be trusted, which they can't. I don't believe anything I'm told, I learnt that after Muzza told me and a hundred others that Parky was to be sacked and he wasn't.
    Oh yes he was .... just not when you expected ;-)
  • Some interesting developments regarding Rob Elliot coming your way in two shakes of a stick... (MW)
  • #cafc have rejected a bid of £100,000 for goalkeeper Rob Elliot from Premier League side Newcastle United (MW)
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  • £100K - Pardew's taking the piss!

    Times that by 5 & we'll talk
  • pardew is such a prat ... taking the piss ... always free-spending when it was our money
  • Sums the bloke up in one that he has had the indecency to speak public about the matter!Also proves he has no respect for his ex club whatsoever!
  • But despite promises from United officials that no details of the offer
    would be made public, Newcastle manager Alan Pardew subsequently spoke
    about the bid.

    What a nice guy.
  • feel this is a big development. The club has said that Newcastle have now confirmed that no further offer will be made.

    What will Elliot's views of this be? Fear that he may be resentful towards the club?


    Would love him to sign a new contract with the club and show his commitment to the cause! Feel he is a big part of this squad and shouldn't be needing to take a major pay cut!

    In Powelly we trust though...

  • "final and best offer" piss off pards, what an absolute knob. And then to make it public? Dickhead
  • I am at working reading this during my lunch hour...... what a mickey taking barsteward... that doesn't anywhere near his value
  • £100K - Pardew's taking the piss!

    Times that by 5 & we'll talk
    but he's probably looking at the situation that we have 3 keepers and will be looking at moving him on before the window shuts and the fact of it being the final yr of his contract....................

    As an outsider, i'd look at it as Charlton would be more desperate for the deal to go through, so why not take a chance and offer low?

    There's no way we'll get £500k for him. I'd guess at around £250k would be more realistic.
  • I can't see how Robbie would be peed off with anybody other than Newcastle. Why would he want to go somewhere that don't really rate him -would be a backwards step for him. I think he is intelligent enough to see that.
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  • The more we ask for the less they can offer in wages. This really will be a tester for Robbie coz why on earth would we want to potentially destabilise the team for £100k? Be more in our interests to keep him as long as he performs.
  • Con firms what we already knew about Pardew, the mans a complete c u next tuesday
  • They are quite clearly trying to unsettle him so he asks for a transfer and we then lose out on some money. I really like robbie elliot, he is a very good shot stopper and has saved us on numerous occasions. I hope he stays and continues his improvement as a goal keeper.
  • still can't believe he is actually employed as a premiership manager
  • As I said earlier this is turning into a right mess and not what we need right now. At the moment Powell is going to have to try and keep 3 keepers happy, and he's playing the one he gave the number 44 shirt too a few weeks ago...
  • It would take a lot to unsettle robbie i feel, him being a charlton fan and all.
  • still can't believe he is actually employed as a premiership manager

    Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be for much longer.
  • Typical Pardew - still trying to screw us!
  • still can't believe he is actually employed as a premiership manager

    Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be for much longer.
    He got given a 5 year contract meaning he'll get a nice payout. Mind boggles why they gave him 5 years....
  • I think it is more that they think they need a 3rd keeper and I'm sure they'll just look for another. I suspect that Pardew wasn't rying to be clever but forgot himself. This will be of no consequence to Newcastle and all the more reason why it would have been a massive personal mistake if Robbie went. If I was his agent I'd be telling him to stay put and have a good season. I'd then be working on a lucrative move next summer for him or for Charlton to meet my demands.
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