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Rumours Rumours - Transfer Window Summer 2013 (Alnwick In, Green loan out, Stewart loan in)



  • edited July 2013
    Tbh unless Budleigh wants to put the comment into context for us then its very hard to see what it means.
  • Tbh unless Budleigh wants to put the comment into context for us then its very hard to see what it means.

  • As in gone in the head?
    Five months gone?
  • Budleigh I really hope you are right but I fear you have been misinformed

    I didn't take it as good news - my interpretation was that this meant we were even more potless than before!

    how if he has gone he would've sold up

    Perhaps. Or might he have just decided not to cover any more bills then wait for the inevitable. I prefer the version where we have new owners, but like i said it was just my interpretation. Glass half empty i guess!

  • Jimenez has gone. He's at Muirfield I believe. A couple over par last I saw
  • Only way I can see this as having happened is if Cash has bought him out. Any other sale would take longer and we would have got wind of it. On the other hand if he has gone and Venebles knows about it then so would a great deal of others.
  • And exactly how would Venebles be one of the first to know about it anyway?
  • Venables part of a consortium in the process of buying the club?

  • Is he dead?
  • Not another RIP thread grumpy? ;-))
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  • The witch is dead?
  • edited July 2013
    Thanks. This is much more like a good rumours thread. Just need Airman Brown to wade in now

  • Assassinated by Yobbo Wise and the Cockney mafia?
  • London is the 5th largest French city in the world......

    It's why I moved out.

  • Yeah Sevenoaks to Maidstone. Dover and then France net?
  • SCP was non-comittal about Coulibali but stressed that he's had no football since 1 June. Thought he'd done well

    Said that had missed out last summer on some players who went to Hull. No names but Aluko and Quinn seem to fit the bill

  • edited July 2013

    I'm sorry but I see it as another poster who fancies playing a bit of a game and getting a bit of attention. Seems this thread plays into the hands of such people. Either tell the whole story eg, context, nature and basis of discussion and exactly what was said or say nothing. I'm pretty sure that if Id had such a chat with someone of Venables' status and he had divulged such an important piece of info I wouldn't be being so guarded in my comment in here, particularly knowing how jittery we all are at the moment.

    Can't believe i'm giving this the dignity of a reply, however. If your response is indicative of your judgment in general, then, I doubt you'll ever be in the position of exercising your personal 'jounalistic moral code'. I'm off to take the grandchildren swimming now, dare say be getting even more attention :)

    wtf ?? what sort of reply was that ?? I'm in the Sirjohnhumphrey camp on this one. Did TV just walk up to you in the street are tell you this bit of tittle tattle out of the blue or are we to believe that you are sitting around somewhere (on holiday perhaps) and have been deep in conversation with El-Tel over a few shandies.........

    just a bit of clarity about where, how etc would be nice.
  • SCP was non-comittal about Coulibali but stressed that he's had no football since 1 June. Thought he'd done well

    Said that had missed out last summer on some players who went to Hull. No names but Aluko and Quinn seem to fit the bill

    I remember SLP quoted those two players.
  • Not that I want to add credence to anything but wasn't/isn't TV mates with Wise? Also I am not sure a TV led consortium would be any better than TJ. Hasn't TV got a bit of previous?
  • The guy who did the valley tour today said Slater was the only person not at the club day today.
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  • Yeah Sevenoaks to Maidstone. Dover and then France net?

    Only if I get constipated.

  • edited July 2013
    Message for Golfie & Large :-

    If you think we are in the shite, Paul Ince has said that Blackpool still need 8 or 9 players.
  • edited July 2013
    Well, Budleigh seeing as Im not a journalist I probably won't ever be in the position of 'exercising my personal journalistic moral code'. My points remain that your original comment was pretty much irrelevant and hardly worth posting.

    You will be aware that there is a lot of worry and concern over the finances and ownership of the club. Many posters on here are keen to see the back of Jimenez. In fact your 'snippet' if true, is the biggest piece of Charlton news this summer. However, you choose to write something that you knew would generate interest and speculation.

    If you are a journalist then you could have stated this and then made your point backed by something more detailed and explicit.

    A large part of me feels you posted it so you could sit back and enjoy the fuss it caused.

    Now, have you any further detail to add to your original comment that would lend any credence to it?
  • So there you are further evidence that circa 90% of the FL are in the brown stuff. By the way the 90% is not proven but a post heavy liquid lunch wild generalisation!
  • Pretty sure he can't just 'go' and leave us in the shit if we are talking about leaving Charlton.
  • Millwall in for Frazer Richardson according to the Mail
  • Millwall in for Frazer Richardson according to the Mail

    He's been training with them for a few days now.
  • Would be good news, if true. And more interesting than the rest of this thread on Millwall.
  • Stewart, Coulibaly & Obika would be a successful summer for me :)
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