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Moany Moyes



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    Ferguson's worst signing.
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    It was never going to be a seamless transition whoever took over from Ferguson. I think the board and fans will stick with him whatever this season but his dealings in the summer will be under scrutiny and if Utd are not in the mix this time next year then he's in trouble.
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    I'm probably In the few here as I hope Moyes turns it around I was pleased that United choose someone who had worked there way through our leagues and done well and gave him a go.

    Fergie has timed it perfectly he knew evans, smalling, the brother full backs, cleverly and other younger players are not upto united level.

    add to the fact there best players Van persie, rio, vidic, gigs, fletcher, evra are nearing the end of there careers.

    He new moyes had a massive overhaul job on he's hands.

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    If Man Utd finish this season in the same position in the league they are at present I can see them sacking him tbh.

    I dunno how much playing in the Champions League is worth but it's obviously going to dwarf what they pay a manager. Financially they have to operate in the CL. Failure to do so just doesn't compute to them.
    As for giving him a massive transfer fund in the summer, well, I dunno if they'd risk that. His transfer dealings have been a mess so far....has his solitary signing been Fellani? And at a whopping £27 million!

    Fergie keeps expressing that the clubs owners need to give Moyes time but time costs LOTS of money these days....and i'm not so sure the people in charge of the purse strings will be willing to give it.
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    Moyes teams always startly badly and end well, based on exhaustive closed season training. Expect them to finish well above Everton this year. Football fans and pundits are incapable of taking a view beyond a couple of games.
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    Listening to phone ins at the moment is so funny. Their fans mostly act like 5 year olds where someone has taken their ball away. Jumping up and down, screaming, shouting at each other. And I thought Tottingham fans moaned a lot!
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    Redrobo said:

    Ferguson's worst signing.

    Nah, that's got to be Spector. Utterly useless.

    Didn't Sunderland play after WHU at the weekend? In which case the result shows up Big Sam's decision to rest his first team even more.

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    Fergie has timed it perfectly....

    Yes indeed. Only Curbs can match him for getting out at the right time.
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    I'm probably In the few here as I hope Moyes turns it around I was pleased that United choose someone who had worked there way through our leagues and done well and gave him a go.

    Tricky one really. I like Moyes but hate Man U! I agree with what Gordon Strachan said on itv the other night, for the sake of british managers reputation, they need Moyes to do well. It's rare for a british manager to get a top managerial job these days. If he f*cks it up, no club will be employing a brit again in a hurry.

    I agree with SHG, i think he'll be given til at least October/November to prove he can buy well in the summer and start next season with a bang. The problem he has of course is that his current top players all reportedly want to leave and will the proper top class players sign for them if they're not in the CL?
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    Man utd fans still singing his name when losing

    different gravy their support

    redman said:

    Listening to phone ins at the moment is so funny. Their fans mostly act like 5 year olds where someone has taken their ball away. Jumping up and down, screaming, shouting at each other. And I thought Tottingham fans moaned a lot!

    Big difference between the ones that phone up 5Live, who seem to represent the Surrey Armchair Fan brigade, and the ones who follow them away, who recognise that he's inherited a weak side, not been appropriately backed in the transfer market and haven't forgetten that Fergie was by no means an instant hit before bringing them over 2 decades of constant success.

    The mentality of many football supporters these days really bothers me. Can't imagine we'll ever see another Fergie, Wenger, Clough, or Curbishley for that matter, because any period of poor performance these days apparently means that the manager has lost the plot and needs to be sacked.
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    Redrobo said:

    Ferguson's worst signing.

    Didn't Sunderland play after WHU at the weekend? In which case the result shows up Big Sam's decision to rest his first team even more.

    In fairness to Sam he has a lot of injuries and West ham have a days less rest than City before tonights game. Sunderland played on sunday, but so did Man U.
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    Anything less than the title or at the very least a cup will be looked on as failure .. Moyes knew this when he took the job. He is not a shrinking violet or a naïve newcomer.
    I suspect that the United board was railroaded into appointing Moyes by Ferguson, his 'mentor' and fellow 'tough Glaswegian' .
    What has surprised me is Moyes's reaction to defeats, it's everybody and every situation's fault but his. He looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights ... the powerful media, who love a blood hunt, are not going to give him an easy ride, quite the reverse .. Ferguson made Moyses's bed, now he has to lie in it, how ever lumpy and uncomfortable it may get.

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    I have no love for United don't get me wrong I just don't buy into this country has no managers that can manage at the very top.

    Moyes still very much has the backing of the united support just spoke to a mate who went last night on a mini bus up from Kent (disgusting) and they are not naïve to believe it was going to be straight forward change over.

    he said in a strange way it has given every game an edge which in turn has raised he's enjoyment. (he might change he's tune if they win diddly squat this season)
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    The whole idea that Moyes "inherited a weak side" is a trifle hard to take since they won the League last April - that seems to suggest he was taking over rather a good team.

    Anyone can critique players but the United squad is surely better than being where they are now, they have some tremendous players with a great track record.
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    edited January 2014

    Redrobo said:

    Ferguson's worst signing.

    Didn't Sunderland play after WHU at the weekend? In which case the result shows up Big Sam's decision to rest his first team even more.

    In fairness to Sam he has a lot of injuries and West ham have a days less rest than City before tonights game. Sunderland played on sunday, but so did Man U.
    Fair point, I hadn't realised that. Big Sam still took the pee out of the supporters though.

    Back on thread, Moyes will come good if given time and I think those fans who have followed Man U over the years realise this and that Fergie played a blinder in quitting when he did. How that squad won the league is a mystery as it was clear this time last year if not earlier it needed major work on it tbh (although any side with a fit RVP in it will always have a chance I suppose).
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    "Football fans and pundits are incapable of taking a view beyond a couple of games". Thanks for enlightening me Mortimer, I guess I need not worry for MU of Moyes any longer.
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    dizzee said:

    In his interview he said that him and his team are starting to laugh at the refs.

    The way I see it is Moyes is laughing at the refs, whilst his team are laughing at Moyes who is laughing at the refs, whilst the world are laughing at the team laughing at him laughing at the ref, but the world is also laughing at Moyes laughing at the ref. the refs are also laughing at the team laughing at moyes who's laughing at the ref, whilst also laughing directly at moyes who is laughing at the ref.

    So I don't know why Moyes is laughing.

    Ugly man.

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    My biggest fear is that Chris Smalling is one of Englands world cup center backs. IF he didn't play for United he would be nowhere near the squad.
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    edited January 2014

    I'm probably In the few here as I hope Moyes turns it around I was pleased that United choose someone who had worked there way through our leagues and done well and gave him a go.

    Tricky one really. I like Moyes but hate Man U! I agree with what Gordon Strachan said on itv the other night, for the sake of british managers reputation, they need Moyes to do well. It's rare for a british manager to get a top managerial job these days. If he f*cks it up, no club will be employing a brit again in a hurry.

    I agreed with Strachan up to a point and then I thought no, I want to see some English managers get the top jobs.

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    Another nail in the coffin me thinks
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    United don't have a chance of getting the top four.

    Who will replace Moyes?
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    Another nail in the coffin me thinks

    When I saw the line up before the game I thought it was probably the worst side United have ever put out for a big game that I can remember. He's been unlucky with injuries, RVP and Rooney would be a big miss for 18 of the other teams in the Premier League but the most disappointing thing for him today will be that Chelsea really haven't been amazing but they're head and shoulders above United.
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    With Rooney + RVP leaving this summer (I'd imagine without top 4). United will be in a lot of trouble.
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    cafcdan18 said:

    United don't have a chance of getting the top four.

    Who will replace Moyes?

    Martinez (lol) Everton fans got a right result.
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    edited January 2014
    Still don't think he'll be sacked yet. A lot will depend on what he does in the transfer market in the next couple of weeks, but they're missing their only two weapons so hardly surprising they are losing repeatedly.

    If Powell deserves time because he has no strikers and hasn't been allowed to buy any so does Moyes.
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    I think Moyes will be allowed until about November to start to get things back on track.
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    Still don't think he'll be sacked yet. A lot will depend on what he does in the transfer market in the next couple of weeks, but they're missing their only two weapons so hardly AirPrint they are losing repeatedly.

    If Powell deserves time because he has no strikers and hasn't been allowed to buy any so does Moyes.

    If United finish top six then I think he'll get a stay of execution, one more summer transfer window and then until January 2015 to see how he gets on.

    The big temptation for United is that there's a World Cup coming up, after which there will be quite a few big names available and the temptation to make a move for one of them might be too much.
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    He had money last summer, there was the strange case of Ander Herrrea, but he came up with Baines and Marouane Fellaini £27.5million. Yes 27.5 million LOL.
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    He had money last summer, there was the strange case of Ander Herrrea, but he came up with Baines and Marouane Fellaini £27.5million. Yes 27.5 million LOL.

    I think those signings were out of desperation. The blame for Uniteds summer transfer window debacle probably isn't entirely down to Moyes and but if it happens again this summer there'll be no excuses. Looking at them now you'd say they need to have an entire new defence, I literally don't think a single one of their defenders is good enough for a starting place in a Premier League Championship winning team.
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    Read somewhere a week ago that since moyes took over because of the poor results that uniteds value had plummeted by. 300m at the end if the day money talks and if they fail to make the champions league it will drop further dead man walking in my eyes, they are not even competitive
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